Complete the text with the words in the box

a) watertight, reserve of buoyancy, b) seaworthy, port of destination, c) watertight subdivision, damage, d) sail, high seas, e) draught, load draught , f) leakages, be ensured, g) strength, freeboard, h) main structure, to float, i) propelling, machinery steering gear, j) losses of buoyancy, a sufficiency of freeboard


When a designer begins to construct a ship he must keep in mind many characteristics necessary for any ship when at sea. The ship must (7) … safely in rough weather in …. and even when damaged.

A ship is (8) … when it is fit to carry the cargo in good condition and deliver it at the …. This is a simple definition and the term “seaworthiness” includes the main elements of ship design and ship operation in (9) …, stability, …, machinery, steering gear etc.

If it is assumed that the (10) … is in good order and the …, equipment, etc. are entirely satisfactory, then the important elements are: Strength, Freeboard and Stability.

The (11) … volume of a ship above the waterline is called the …. The actual reserve at any moment depends upon the (12) …, but is generally used only in reference to the ….

Reserved buoyancy is not provided specifically to compensate for any (13) … that may occur: its use of the general working of the ship is to provide … to make the vessel seaworthy.

In passenger ships (14) … is provided so that a ship may be able to withstand serious … to the (15) … with resulting loss of buoyancy and continue … with certain prescribed extents of damage. But (16) … caused by extensive damage cannot by … reserve of buoyancy.

Translate from English into Russian

17. The progress in technology and science helped the shipbuilding development.

18. The construction of ships is an extremely complex and enterprises of the country take part in it.

19. All ships must have sleeping accommodations for their crews, a system of lighting and ventilation.

20. To provide the safe navigation and human life at sea ships are also fitted with radio.

21. Today’s tendency in the shipbuilding is to re-orientate the catcher and processor into one single unit able to fish where it is necessary, process that according to the decision of the ship owning company.

22. The cargo is stored in the up-to-date warehouses, transit sheds, refrigerators, grain elevators and other storage facilities.

23. The engines can be remotely controlled either from the vain remote control station or from the bridge wings.

Translate from Russian into English

24. Кораблестроение – тесно связано с развитием промышленности и экономики страны.

25. Различные суда, буровые установки, понтонные краны строятся на судоверфях нашей области.

26. Судоверфи подразделяются на верфи, строящие морские и речные суда.

27. Специальные трюмы сделаны для хранения скоропортящихся продуктов, таких как мясо, рыба, фрукты.

28. Эхолот(an echo-sounder) необходим для измерения морских глубин.

29. Контейнеровоз спроектирован для перевозки контейнеров стандартных размеров

30. Самый распространенный тип пассажирского судна – паром.

Итоговый тест для студентов

Образовательной программы (7)


           Adjustable and variable resistors. An adjustable resistor is usu­ally of the (1) … type with a metal collar which … along the resistance wire to vary the value of the … placed in the circuit. In order to change the resistance, the contact band must be loosened and moved to the desired position and then tight­ened so that it will not slip. In this way the resistor becomes, for all practical purposes, a fixed resistor during operation.

           A variable resistor is arranged so that it may be changed in value at any time by the operator of the electronic circuit. This change is usually accompanied by (2) … a small adjustment … or by turning a … adjustment. Variable resistors are commonly known as rheostats or potentiometers.

It must be pointed out that the use of a resistor of any type must be very carefully considered. The capacity of a fixed resistor, rheostat or potentiometer must be such that it can handle the cur­rent (3) … the circuit without damage computing the current by means of ….

           Inductors. The purpose of an inductor, or inductance (4) …, is to … inductance into a circuit. The effect of an inductance is to oppose any change in the existing current flow in a circuit. The opposition to current flow in an a. c. circuit by an inductor is called inductive reactance and is measured in ohms.

Inductors are made in many shapes and designs. An inductor used in extremely high-frequency circuits may consist of only one turn or even less than one turn of wire. On the other hand, an inductor used as a (5) … coil in a low-frequency circuit or in a filter circuit … many turns of wire and also be wound on an iron … to increase the inductance.

           Inductors are often used in radio in connection with capacitors to provide tuned circuits. These tuned circuits are most valuable in radio and television for filtering out (6) … and passing the desired frequencies.

1. a) wire-wond, must be moved, inductance

b) wire-wound, may be moved, resistance

c) fire-wound, may be replaced, capacitance

d) bare wire, must be moved, insulations


2. a) rolling, incurvature, hammerlock    

b) rolling, nob, fix

c) rotating, key, hammer   

d) rotating, knob, screw


3. a) through, Ohm`s law            

b) over, Newton`s law

c) between, Faraday’s law          

d) among, Pascal`s law


4. a) coil, insert   

b) cole, inject

c) bobbin, inset    

d) winding, put in


5. a) chalk, must contain, heart

b) chok, may consist, cord

c) choke, may contain, core   

d) choke, may contains, core

6. a) desired frequencies          

b) unwanted frequencys

c) unwanted frequencies      

d) wanted frequencies


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