About the history of scientific publications.

Long before the time when articles in scientific journals became the mean of communication among scientists, the results of research were stated in scientific books, called treatises (from Latin «tractatus» – subjected to consideration).Beyond all doubt that exactly books, not journals, accompanied the beginning of scientific revolution. The direct predecessor of the scientific journals in the 17th century were learned letters, which the scientists exchanged. The most famous are Galilean letters about sunspots and planets’ orbits, which were lately published as a collection, that is a book. Galilean’s letters were not personal messages to friends or colleagues, but they were essays, describing results of experiments and observations, and intended for a wide public interested in it. Men and scientists contribute to effective and fast dissemination of such scientific notes; they rewrite and then distribute these messages to researchers and friends. There were about 20 pages in the first issues of the journal, circulation is 1200 copies. To 1677 there were Newton, Boyle, Hooke, Leeuwenhoek, Huygens, Leibnitz, Galileo among the publications’ authors of the journal. The requirements to the style of scientific publications were already formulated then – without overstatement, verbosity, metaphors and allegories, almost mathematical dry style. The journal «Philosophical Transactions» is an authoritative scientific journals nowadays.

Дата добавления: 2016-01-03; просмотров: 72; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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