Author rights in the system of international scientific publications.

Author rights of scientific publications’ authors are defended by the Laws about author right. The objects of author right – are creations of science, literature and art independently on achievements and assignment of the creations, and the way they are expressed. The subjects of author right, that is persons possessing the unique rights for creation, are, first of all, the authors of the creation. Author rights of scientific publications’ authors are defended by the Laws about author right. Strictly speaking, the copyright is a sign ©, which is placed in the output data of the issue as the pointer for right of the owner, protective sign.Non-property rights are often unalienable that is they cannot be passed to another persons and they act unlimitedly. A creation, defended by the copyright, and it’s any part cannot be used without permission of the owner that is the owner of the copyright. It is not always that the owner of the copyright is the author of the creation. Copyright – is a right of ownership and disposition of the creation. After the release of the creation in public, the ideas, methods, principles, discoveries and etc. represented in it can be used and developed by other authors, but the creator of the work remains to be the author. For example, the novel about the Second World War can be defended by copyright, but the idea of writing of new novels on this thematic cannot be defended by the copyright. Breaking of non-property author rights is called plagiarism. Most often the plagiarism is expressed in a publication of the alien creation or alien ideas under your name, and also in borrowing of the fragments of alien creations without pointing out of the borrowing source.

38. Bibliometric (scientometric) indicators in the system of international scientific publications: index of scientific citation and impact-factor.

Nobody knows exactly, how many scientific-technical journals there are in the world. According to some estimates – about fifty thousand, to another – even more than hundred thousand. It is more difficult to count how many articles are published every year in the scientific journals, probably here we are talking about millions. Both articles and journals differ not only by thematic and language of publication, but also by the impact on the science development. In 1960 Eugene Garfield, the founder of the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI), for the first time introduced the Index of Scientific Citation (number of citations) for literature on exact and natural sciences (Science citation index) in the same-name journal and suggested to use it as the indicator of Impact of the scientific publication. In 1975 Eugene Garfield as an appendix to the "Science Citation Index" began to publish a new journal " Journal Citation Reports ", in which there was suggested to estimate the Impact of the Scientific Journals by indicator, which is calculated on the following formula: IF = A / B,where A – is a number of references in publications of the year on the articles published in the journal for the previous two years, B – is a total number of articles published in the journal for the previous two years.

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