Law of preparation of scientific staff reserve.

The technology of preparation of reserves for scientific staff should have a systematic continuous character, providing the entering of the youth the science in as possible as early age. Currently it is believed that the scheme close to ideal one is a system « school-higher institution-research institution ». At this it is meant any schools, any higher institutions and any research institutions. On the west the fundamental science is mainly focused in universities, with which, as a rule, colleges are neighboring and renewing them. Such a system does not have a deficiency in young work interested in scientific results.

In the scientific literature this question is not enough still investigated, but intuitively it is seemed that the centers of gravity of the fundamental scientific research in our country are gradually moved to higher institutions. Moreover, currently the great number of higher institutions transform into universities. Thus, the optimal scheme of organization of science in the modern conditions with account of the world tendencies would be a displacement of the centre of gravity of the fundamental research to universities with simultaneous organization of the territorially close colleges and lyceums.

Дата добавления: 2016-01-03; просмотров: 17; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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