Law of increase of repeated discoveries.

With the globalization of science development the number of repeated discoveries also increases which were made in different countries independently. In connection with the powerful flow of information and deceleration of support hardware for scientific work the more repeated discoveries are made. Whether this regularity has exponential character or it is global or local and temporary – the near future will show.

Law of increase of period of education for science occupation.

The periods of education for professional scientists in all countries increase. The strategic analysis on different countries reveals the tendency of growth of duration of education by science occupation. This is a disturbing tendency, since the human lifetime increases not so fast. This regularity requires a careful sociological scientific study, since it has very practical and economic character, not saying about that in young years the most part of scientific works and discoveries are made and it is not reasonably to spend the years only for education. Though, introduction of the bachelor and master course, postgraduate study and after it – the doctoral study, is a clear confirmation of the mentioned regularity.

Дата добавления: 2016-01-03; просмотров: 19; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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