Table 3. 21: The Factors of ExamPhobia thatHinders Learners’ Achievements

Graph 3.21: The Factors of Exam Phobia that Hinders Learners’ Achievements

Two participation, who making up 50%, opted for “Parents” and “Exam questions” while one participant, i.e. (25%) opted for “Teachers” and “Exam questions”. 25% of participants opted for all options which are “Parents”, “Teachers”, “Peers competition” and “Exam questions”. This reveals that all these factors may cause examination phobia or hinder learners’ achievements, and also indicates that examphobic students may be affected by one of these factors or more.

Item 03: In your opinion, how can exam phobia be managed among learners?

Teachers answers about the above question are as follows:

1) Teacher 01: “Teacher relation with their students and parents support both help students to overcome exam phobia”,

2) Teacher 02: “Through psychological support and training on how to handle difficult situation of exam and bad condition or lack of preparation”,

3) Teacher 03: “Teachers should prepare their students psychologically”.

4) Teacher 04: “Unconditionally, no psychologists at university it’s the case in modern country. Teacher’s role can be premarital”.

Item 04:Would you please suggest any tips, practices or ideas on how to reduce exam phobia among learners?

Teachers answered as follows:

1) “teachers: long experience psychological procedures

a. “family: support, tolerant attitude”

b. “peers: they may play a positive role (real friend)”

2) “Using previous years exam as a class work or homework”

a. “Asking students about their difficulties learning and know to overcome them”

b. “Using real life situations of successful careers as a model to follow”

3) “Practice before the exam; a lot of teachers should follow this way and prepare sessions for revision to encourage them”

4) Fourth teacher doesn’t answer this question.

The teachers’ questionnaire was delivered to eight (06) teachers, but only (04) replied our teachers were very helpful as they accepted to fill in all our questionnaires. Their kindness

helps and encourages us to get more reliable data.


The analysis of student’s interview and questionnaire, as well teachers’ questionnaire allowed us to draw up the following points; the findings reveal that the majority of EFL learners agreed that exam phobia effect their performance. They get low grades when they are extremely anxious, and this is because of many reasons such as: poor preparation, difficulties in exam questions, luck of concentration, fear of punishment from parents and annoyance from teachers on poor performance. Also, we can say that most of first year students in Biskra university are not motivated, they miss-self-confidence, because of this pressure of their parents and lack of help from family or friends etc. Thus, we can assume that if students have low level of anxiety, high level of motivation and self-confidence they will not suffer from exam phobia, then their outcome will not be affected negatively. However, the obtained results from the teachers’ questionnaire revealed that they are aware of the impact of exam phobia on their students’ performance by confirming the role of some suggesting factors in increasing exam phobia among learners. As they also provided us with some recommended advice for phobic learners, which may help them to solve this problem and achieve better results especially during the evaluation situations.   

Pedagogical Implications

What we have discussed of the findings, and from what we have concluded about the negative influence of exam phobia on learners’ results, we appeal to take the following suggestions seriously. And that, in an attempt to assist students, cope with their psychological problem, and even to make progression in their level of achievements:

Implications for Students

Ø Students should avoid negative self-talk and think positively about their future performance.

Ø Use different relaxation strategies (such as a deep breath, and being calm during the exam), this will help to control that fear.

Ø Develop good study skills and habits (such as use strategies of memorization and summarization of your lessons, preparation in advance) and avoid any bad habits (such as study for hours without break, eating drugs, etc.)

Ø During the exam, stay focused; concentrate on your tasks, and do not make others stresses effect on your performance.

Ø After the exam do not compare your exam answers with other students as it will increase anxiety and cause low self-confidence.

Ø Students’ performance is strongly linked with the time, so student should be well organized and responsible to manage their revision appropriately.  

Implications for Teachers

Ø The necessary of teachers to raise students' self-image about their abilities, by encouraging them even if they failed or made mistakes.

Ø Teachers should create a comfortable exam environment, such as managing the setting, adapting a good climate in the classroom, and avoid any loud sounds or other distraction. 

Ø We address teachers to order the test items from the easiest to the difficult one, to be clear enough to be answered, and to vanish their exam phobia.

Ø It would be helpful for students to reduce their exam phobia, by:

· Teach exam taking skills.

· Familiarize students with exam length, format, and types of questions.

· Questions should be relevant to the course content.

· Review before the exam.

Recommendations for Parents

Ø The parents should talk with their children and encourage them to do best.

Ø Never compare your child with other children, which will develop low self-esteem and low confidence.

Ø Do not judge their level.

Ø Do not scold their performance after the exam but give them the emotional support that they need. 

Ø Provide them with necessary circumstances to revise taking into account their health and food.




Appendix One

Students’ Interview

Title of the interview: an explanatory study about exam phobia.

Purpose of the interview: the interview questions are designed to investigate the influence of exam phobia among EFL learners’ achievement.

University of Mohamed Khider Biskra: English department

Name of the researcher: Lebbal Meriem

This survey is going to be use for the elaboration of my research study. Please kindly reply to the following questions:

Item 01. According to your experience, when the level of anxiety increased among learners during exam? Before, during, after the exam (and why)?

Item 02.Precisely, what makes you overstressed during exam, is it the examination hall, questions content, time limited, course load, teachers, parents, grades?

Item 03.How often do you think of failure, have you experienced this before? How often?

Item 04. Is there any other factors that annoy you during exams whether from teachers or students which could you distribute you to concentrate?

Item 05.In your opinion, what are the main factors that may be cause examination phobia?

Item 06.Do you think the way of testing and detailed study (detailed questions) can cause exam phobia among students?

Item 07. Do the sitting mismanagement of examination hall affects your performance?

Appendix Two

Students’ Questionnaire

Dear students,

It is a pleasure for me if you answer the following questions. These questions are about knowing to what extent Exam Phobia Affects the Level of Students’ Outcomes. The case of First Year English Field students at Biskra University. So, would you please check the box ( ) that corresponds to your situation and attitudes about exams. I welcome your feedback and your answers will be kept confidential. Thank you for your participation, your help is greatly appreciated.                                           

                                                                                                 Miss Lebbal Meriem

Дата добавления: 2018-08-06; просмотров: 245; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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