Item 10: In exam, as a student, how often fear of examination make you forget the answer of some question?

Options Frequency Percentage
Always 07 28 %
Usually 03 12 %
Sometimes 13  52 %
Never 02  08 %
Total 25 100%

Table 3.10: Students’Fear when Forgetting the Answer of Questions in the Exam

The problem of forgetting the answer of some questions during an exam response, 13% view that, they are “sometimes” found themselves unable to remember some knowledge and recalling a necessary information due to the nervousness and fear of examination. Then, the least number of students about 07 % said that; “always” happen to them. However, 03 % of them see that “usually” experienced this situation. In the other hand, 02 % of them see that they never happened to them in the exam. We conclude with the fact that the majority of student experience this problem either slightly or hardly, as they could not pay their full attention to specific task and start to think about the other tasks which they have not completed yet. So, that fear interferes with the working memory and creates problem in proper coding, processing and retrieval of information during examination.

Item 11: I am afraid from examination because exam pressure reduces my efficiency.

Options Frequency Percentage
Always 07 28 %
Usually 05 20 %
Sometimes 09  36 %
Never 04 16 %
Total 25 100%

Table 3.11: Students’ Fearfrom Examination Because of Exam Pressure

The figure above shows the divisive issue of students about the effect of exam pressure in cuts down their efficiency during the examination. There are close levels of the answers for instance, 36% of students were answered by “sometimes”. While about 28% of students are “always” experience that. This is due to the fact that, they become extremely anxious and the level of exam pressure in his highest. Consequently, they will not perform well according to their knowledge. However, 20 % of them see that “usually” experienced this situation. A mere of 16% of students answered negatively with “never” happened that. So, it was clear that students’ efficiency was affected by pressure of examination. In sense that there is a negative association between students who get fearful during exam situation and their results.



Item 12: I have fear of punishment that will be imposed by my parents

Options Frequency Percentage
Always 08 32%
Usually 05 20 %
Sometimes 09  36%
Never 03 12 %
Total 25 100%

Table 3.12: Student’s Fear of Punishment by their Parents

The results above represent the view of students about whether the fear of examination have relation with their parents’ expectation and punishment, the majority of students’ responses are between “sometimes” and “always” who feel so frightened from their parents’ reaction about their final results during examinations. Because when there is discrepancy between parental demands and child performance it creates pressure among students which develop fear in student’s mind if they will not do good than parents will be punish them. Besides, 07% of them claimed that, they “usually” happened to them. However, 05% hem said “never”. Thus, it is considered that” the fear of the of punishment that will be imposed by parents “is also the factor of examination phobia that is present in students.

Item 13:As students, how often do you have fear that your teachers would annoyed when you get low grades.

Options Frequency Percentage
Always 06 24%
Usually 08 32%
Sometimes 10  40%
Never 04 16 %
Total 25 100%

Table 3.13: Students’ Fear of Teachers’ Negative Feedback

The student’s answers reveal that, they are 32% “usually” feel worried about their teachers’ opinions and how the teachers will think of them if they get low grades. While others said that, 40% “sometimes” happened to them, and 16% said “always” they experience it. In contrary, 16% of students who never felt that. We can realize that the teachers are one of the major factors that causes phobia among learners.

Item 14: In the exam, how often tough competition among class fellows cause fear of examination failure.

Options Frequency Percentage
Always 10 40%
Usually 5 20%
Sometimes 6 24%
Never 4 16%
Total 25 100%

Table 3.14: Students’Competition among Classmates and Fear of Exam Failure

The results above show that, there are significant differences between students answers toward the factor “competition among learners”. Therefore, 40% of the respondents claimed that, they “always” think in the other students are performing much better than they do during exams which develop fear of examination failure among them. Because students want to get higher grades than their fellows. For instance, students feel worried if they cannot get a secure result that will not able them to get admission in well reputed institution and guaranteed better job in future. Then, 5% of them said they “usually” face this fear in the examination. In the other hand, 6% of respondents answered with “sometimes”. Whereas, 16% said that, they never face this problem, because maybe they have a high self-confident or this competition motivate them to achieve better results.


Teachers’ Questionnaire

The teachers’ questionnaire has been conducted with four teachers in order to get information about their students who suffer from this problem during examination. This questionnaire it is meant to be a supportive tool for this study in the way to confirm for us the existence of this new phenomenon, as well to provide some suggestions to help their students in solving this problem. 

Дата добавления: 2018-08-06; просмотров: 252; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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