Ex.16. Decide whether each statement is true or false.

1. A great leader always gives his team a detailed plan of what they should do.

2. A great leader always helps his team to overcome obstacles.

3. A great leader always encourages his team if they meet the deadline.

4. The demands of the team are always very high.

Ex.17. What kind of leader can you become? This questionnaire will help you to determine your leadership style.

How do you lead? (from www.Leadership-Expert.co.uk)

    Strongly Disagree Moderately Disagree Neutral Moderately Agree Strongly Agree
  It is often necessary to make decisions without consulting others due to time pressures upon the task at hand.          
  Teams operate best within a clear and structured framework of procedures.          
  The best decision will be the one with the largest consensus.          
  People will come up with the best working methods when given minimal instruction.          
  People repeatedly come to me for advice and support, and I generously give it.          
  People have learnt to not question my judgement, as I rarely back down when I am truly passionate about something.          
  If everyone is forced to perform the same task in the same way. The efficiencies gained outweigh the costs.          
  I receive employee approval before making absolutely any changes to their working conditions or role, even if just for a day.          
  I have learnt that people will never fail to positively surprise you if you leave them alone.          
  I consult a variety of people when making decisions, but they tend to agree with my original idea anyway.          
  Half of people are intrinsically hard working, but the other half need to be pushed into completing work to a high enough standard.          
  Over time, we can continue to build upon and add to our systems and ways of doing things, which will make life easier.          
  People constantly challenge my ideas and strategies because they know they are welcome when they do so.          
  I can say with 100% conviction that I do not micromanage.          
  People see me as a leader, not a manager.          
  Leadership is about making the right decisions, at the right time, and ensuring the workforce follow through with that decision with effectiveness.          
  Cost savings can be made if everybody does exactly what they’re told, and don’t try to over-engineer solutions.          
  I try to delegate as many tasks as possible in their complete entirety.          
  I let people get back to me when they decide to, rather than getting in touch myself.          
  I feel responsible for my employees, and I look after them accordingly.          

Enter your points for each question against the question numbers below, and total up each column to paint a picture of which leadership styles your behavior matches most closely. Most managers tend to lean towards Style A. However leaders in reality can exhibit several different styles at once to help lead their businesses or organizations to success! Look at the results to discover which styles you possess!

question result question result question result question result question result
total   total   total   total   total  
  Style A   Style B   Style C   Style D   Style E



Style A = Autocratic Leadership Style

Style B = Bureaucratic Leadership Style

Style C = Democratic Leadership Style

Style D = Laissez Faire Leadership Style

Style E = Paternalistic Leadership Style


Ex.18. Search the Internet to find information about the world’s top business leaders. Choose one of them and make a presentation about his/her career and leadership style.

U N I T 4


Дата добавления: 2016-01-03; просмотров: 19; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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