Ex.5. Discuss the following issues with your partner.


What products have you bought recently? Do you remember about marketing mix? Which of the four Ps (product, price, place, promotion) influenced your decision to buy the product? Did you buy the product because you really needed it and it met all your requirements? Did you buy it because the price was low? Did you buy it because the shop was on your way home? Did you buy it because you remembered the slogan you had heard hundreds of times?

Why do you usually buy? What influences your choice?

Share with the group what you have learnt about your partner’s buying behavior.


Ex.6. Before watching Video 7 study the following word-combinations:

demographic – группа населения

background – основные сведения о человеке

adult – взрослый человек

to market smth to smb – предлагать, рекламировать

to afford – позволить себе

gender – половая идентичность

widowed – вдова, вдовец

divorced - разведен

income level – уровень дохода

luxury item – предмет роскоши

appealing - привлекательный

Ex.7. Watch Video 7 (“How To Determine Your Target Audience”). Write down what aspects should be taken into account when you try to determine your target audience. Together with your group make up a list of key things one should remember while determining the target demographic.

Imagine that you are a marketing expert. Give a talk about how to determine one’s target audience.

Дата добавления: 2016-01-03; просмотров: 24; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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