Ex.6. Watch the video again and complete the extracts.

1.Human resources management is the ____________ within an organization that _________ on the ______________of the management of and providing direction for the _______ that work in the organization.

2.Human resources managers generally have a __________, some experience as a ____________, excellent __________ and extreme _________of _____________.

3.You can, as an __________, feel _________ taking your ________ and concerns to a human resources manager. Human resources management is about ________________and relating to employees as _____________, understanding their __________ __________ and career _____. It’s also about creating a positive work ____________, somewhere that’s ___________ and ___________.

4.Human resources managers will ________ areas that _____ from lack of ________ in certain areas, and provide remedies and _________. They might offer workshops and _______ that employees can _______ to _______that situation.

5.Finally, it’s about empowering the __________, meeting _______ _____ and managing _____effectively. Human resources management – or HRM as you will sometimes see it – is not just a _______ _______, but an ________ and _______ academic theory.

Ex.7. Work in groups of two. One of you is going to apply for the position of an HR manager and wants to know what he is going to be in charge of. Give him a detailed HR manager job description (должностные обязанности).

Ex.8. Search the Internet to find job descriptions for other managers and economists. What are the qualifications for the job you have chosen? Do you meet the necessary requirements for the job? Share with the group what you have found. You can go to http://www.job-interview.net.


Ex.9. What is a job interview? Have you ever been interviewed? What job were you applying for? Were there many applicants for the position? What questions were you asked? Did you get the job?


Hiring employees is one of the main functions of an HR manager. HR managers begin the process of finding employees by looking through cover letters and resumes. During the interview, HR managers ask questions to try to understand an applicant’s personality, and how the applicant would react in certain situations. There are different types of interviews: phone interviews, face-to-face, group, panel, stress, informational, behavioral.

Phone interviews are merely screening interviews meant to eliminate poorly qualified candidates so that only a few are left for personal interviews.

A face-to-face interview will help employer to determine if you are a reliable source and if you will fit in with the company.

A group interview is usually designed to uncover the leadership potential of prospective managers and employees who will be dealing with the public that’s why it includes several candidates that are questioned at once. It is generally used to see how the jobseeker interacts with others.

A panel or board interview consists of two or three interviewers. They are usually members of the organization, who have an interest in who would be hired.

A stress interview is the worst part for someone who is looking for a job. Its main purpose is to stress the interviewee and see how he/she reacts.

An informational interview is usually set up when the jobseeker wants to find out more about a particular career path, position or company. The interviewer is not the one who directs the questions, but he gives chance to speak and make questions to the interviewees. The jobseeker may ask for particular things he/she wouldn’t ask in a normal job interview (salary, benefits, vacations, etc.).

A behavioral interview asks a jobseeker about facts or incidents from their past that could be relevant to the job they want to achieve. People who use this type of interview assume that the best way to see the future behavior of a person is analyzing his behavior in the past.

For more information about interviews go to http://www.jobinterviewquestions.org

Дата добавления: 2016-01-03; просмотров: 14; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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