Ex.18. Here is a sample resume. Read and analyze it.

Jodi Shannon
317 Jefferson St.
Amherst, MA 01004
(512) 555-0917

Seeking position as Department Store Manager.

Qualifications summary
- Four years of experience in retail merchandising, specializing in men's wear.
- Experience creating financial plans and meeting budgets.
- Created promotional concepts.
- Purchased and maintained inventory for a $12M company
- Experience creating radio and print advertisements.

Employment History
Jones Department Store 2005 - Present
Buyer, New England Region
Supervised a sales staff of 22 associates.
Responsible for purchasing men's wear sold in the men's department of all company stores
in New England, with years sales exceeding $2M.
Drafted budgets, solved problems for individual stores, and developed new merchandising concepts.
Analyzed sales, planned key promotional events, and wrote quarterly reports.

J.C. Goodwin Department Store 2001 - 2005
Manager, Men's Department
Responsible for all aspects of Men's Department management.
Recruited and trained new employees.
Responsible for loss, prevention, inventory control, and merchandising.

B.A., Marketing 2001
Boston University, Boston, MA

Available upon request.


Ex.19. Search the Internet for more samples in various fields of business (you can go to http://www.freeresumesamples.org.) Write your own resume (it can be fictitious) applying for a position in a company. Try to use free resume builders at the site.


Дата добавления: 2016-01-03; просмотров: 11; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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