Choice of journal and manuscript submission. Peer-review.

3. There is a question before the author – which journal the article to send to. Obviously, that firstly, a choice of journal is defined by thematic of work. For beginning one can think about journals in which the articles on the thematic are published. Science direct ( Elsevier Scopus ( Thomson ( Nowadays the manuscripts of articles are submitted in electronic form via websites of journals. Usually a manuscript is divided on several parts: title page and author list, abstract, paper body, pictures and tables, captions to pictures and tables. In addition, it is usually written the cover letter in any form and a consent for transfer of copyright to the journal in a form suggested by the journal (copyright transfer form). When a manuscript of an article goes to the editor, then the editor makes some preliminary decisions. If the thematic, obviously, does not correspond, then the author immediately gets a message with refusal in publication of the manuscript by the reason of nonconformance to the journal thematic. A peer-review – is a procedure of critical consideration of manuscripts of scientific articles before the publication by scientists-specialists in the same field. The objective of the peer-review is to make sure and in the necessary cases make the author following standards, accepted in the specific field or science in a whole. The peer-review is used by publishers for selection and estimation of manuscripts. The activity similar to the peer-review procedure is found in the “Ethics of Doctor”, written by Ishak bin Ali al-Ravi (854-931) from Rakha, Sirium. His work, as the more later other Arabian medical documents, says that a doctor, which comes to patient, is always to make notes about the state of the patient every time he visits him. When the patient recovered or died, the notes of the clinician doctor were looked through by the local medical council, consisting of other doctors, which made review of the notes of the doctor in order to decide if his actions corresponded to the standards accepted in the treatment or not. If their opinions were negative, then the clinician doctor could face with court action from the patient, whose treatment did not correspond to the norms accepted.The procedure of the peer-review of manuscripts before the publication was firstly applied in 1731 at a preparation to publication of the «Medical Essays and Observations» by Henri Oldenburg, who was also the founder of the first scientific journal«Philosophical Transactions». The modern system of peer-review is evolved from this process of the 18th century. However the peer-review became the generally accepted practice only from the middle of the 20th century.



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