Find in the text English equivalents of the Russian sentences.

1. Эпителиальная ткань имеет форму клеточной оболочки. 2. Морфологически эпителии класси-фицируются по форме и расположению клеток. 3. Согласно расположению клетки существуют простые и многослойные эпителии. 4. Соединительная ткань подразделяется на опорную и трофическую ткани. 5. Различают три вида мышечной ткани: скелетную, гладкую и сердечную. 6. Гладкие мышцы не так обильно снабжаются кровеносными сосудами, как скелетные и сердечные.

Make up sentences

1. Carbohydrates are the major source of energy a) by cell division.
2. The cytoplasm may contain inconstant inclusions b) the cells are arranged in one layer.
3. At the beginning of cell division the nuclear substance c) the elements needed for the building of cell substance.
4. Multiplication occurs normally d) which is essential for the vital processes in the cell.
5. Protein molecules are composed e) concentrates into numerous granules.
6. The food utilized by bacteria must contain f) of the structural units know as amino acids.


Write down the summary of the text, using the following questions

1. What major groups of tissues do you know? 2. How are epithelia classified morphologically? 3. What are the connective tissues subdivided? 4. What is the difference between epithelial and connective tissues? 5. What kinds of muscles do you know? 6. According to what does the shape of smooth muscle vary? 7. What is the function of nerve tissue?

Lesson 3. Bacteria

Word List А

1. abundant - обильный, богатый, иметься в изобилии
2. anthrax - сибирская язва
3. by means - посредством
4. decay - гниение, разложение (гнить)
5. degree - степень, градус
6. destroy - уничтожать
7. expose - подвергать воздействию (солнца, ветра)
8. extremely - чрезвычайно
9. fission - размножение путем деления клеток
10. germ - микроб, зародыш
11. host - “хозяин” – организм, питающий паразитов
12. inhibit - задерживать (рост), тормозить, препятствовать
13. particular - особый, особенный, определенный
14. rapid - быстрый, скорый
15. render - оказывать помощь, создавать (условия)
16. rot - гниение, гнить, портиться
17. slightly - слегка, немного

Read and translate the text.


Micro-organism is a name applied to the smallest living things. They are invisible to the naked eye, and can be seen only tinder the microscope. Micro-organisms include a very large number of species: bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.

Bacteria are abundant everywhere: in the air, soil and water. They are single-celled plants varying in form; and this fact furnishes one of the means of identification.. When the individual is spherical, it is termed a coccus; when it is slightly longer than broad – bacterium; and still long­er – a bacillus, and when it as slightly curved upon itself a comma. The name “bacterium” is, however used in a general sense about any of those forms.

There are two methods or reproduction of bacteria. The commoner method is reproduction by fission. Certain species reproduce themselves by means of spores formed inside the bacterium. Spores are much more difficult to destroy by unfavourable conditions than the bacteria which produce them.

Reproduction is extremely rapid: a single individual can give rise to 16 million during 24 hours.

Different bacteria have a different temperature at which the grow fastest, and this is generally between 86° and 95°. As the temperature is gradually raised, the organisms first slow down, them become inhibited, and are finally de­stroyed. Freezing inhibits, but it does not kill the germs as heat does.

Bacteria vary in the kind of food which they require. Some species get their food from a living plant or animal, and are termed parasites. Forms which feed upon dead rotting matter are termed saprophytes.

Parasitic bacteria are the cause or numerous infectious diseases, such as anthrax, typhoid, etc. A particular kind of bacterium is required to produce a particular kind of disease. Many parasitic forms can live as saprophytes when no living host is available.

Saprophytic bacteria also play on important part. It is due to the action of these bacteria that organic substan­ces exposed to ordinary atmospheric influences begin to decay.

Therefore in order to prevent decay we must render the conditions of life unfavourable to the growth of bacteria that cause the damage.

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