Translate words given in brachets. Thanslate these sentences.

Milk product by this (корова) is of high quality. 2. Farm breeding sheep produce (баранина) and (шерсть). 3. Both milk and meat are produced by (мясо-молочными коровами). 4. Poultry supply us with meat, eggs, (пух) and (перо). 5. (Тягловый скот) and horses are still widely used as (тягловые животные) in India, China and some other parts of the world. 6. We don’t (разводить) this breed of (домашней птицы). It produces little feather. 7. This farm breeds (овец) producing much (шерсти).

Translate the sentences, state the functions of «one» and «that».

1. One should provide farm animals with proper feeds 2. We know that farm animals are important sources of food for people. 3. Products that are produced by farm animals are highly nutritious. 4. The problem of supplying the population with meat is the one that must be solved in the near future. 5. Concentrates, that is, the feeds high in protein and energy are good for hogs. 6. Hay made from alfalfa is higher in nutrients than that made from grasses. 7. That is why farmers grow this crop widely. One can raise dual-purpose cattle producing both milk and meat. 8. Temperature is one of the most important factors affecting crop growth.


Answer the questions.

1. Why are domestic animals so important for man? 2. What raw materials do domestic animals supply industry with? 3. What are the four types of cattle? 4. What are sheep raised for? 5. Why is hog-breeding the most economic way of producing meat? 6. What sources of producing human food do you know?

Lesson 3. The Cow

Word List A

1. abomasum - сычуг – четвертый отдел преджелудка животных
2. calf (pl. calves) - теленок
calving - отел, роды у коровы
3. colostrum - молозиво
4. compartment - отдел (желудка), перегородка
5. consist in - заключаться, состоять.
6. gestation = pregnancy - период беременности, стельность (коровы)
7. laxative - слабительный
8. mature - зрелый (скот), созревать, доводить до зрелости
9. milk - молоко, доить
10. omasum - книжка – третий отдел преджелудка животных
11. quality - качество, сорт
milkling quality - молочное качество, удойность
12. quantity = amount - количество
13. reticulum - сетка – второй отдел преджелудка животных
14. rumen - рубец – первый отдел преджелудка животных
15. skin - кожа, шкура
16. supply - запас, снабжение; снабжать; питать
17. tо feed (fed) - кормить


Read and translate the text.


The cow belongs to the class of ruminants. Its value as a domestic animal consists in her ability to consume and digest large quantities of roughage and to convert it into milk and meat for human food.

The cow's stomach, which is a compound one, has four distinct compartments; rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum. The stomachs of mature cows vary in capacity from 25 to 60 gallons (150 to 300 pounds) depending on the size of the animal.

To produce a large supply of rich milk, cows must be not only well fed but also be of good milking qualities. The cows that are producing milk require a much larger quantity of water than is necessary for growing animals.

The period of gestation in cows is about 40 weeks.

The lactation period is the period of milking after each calf and it usually lasts for about ten months.

The first milk after calving is called colostrum, and it has a necessary laxative action on the calf's stomach.

Dairy cows are milked three times a day and watered twice a day.

In summer the consumption of water by cattle is greater on account of the greater evaporation from the skin.

2. Answer the following questions:

1. What class of animals does the cow belong to? 2. What farm animals chew the cud? 3. Why is the cow a valuable animal? 4. How many compartments are there in the cow’s stomach? 5. Are enzymes secreted in the first compartment? 6. How long does a period of gestation in the cow last? 7. How long does the lactation period last? 8. In what season do the cattle consume more water?


3. Give the plural of the following words:

capacity, quantity, ability, dairy, supply, quality.


4. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions:

1. It depends ... the size ... the animal. 2. A great quantity ... water is necessary ... growing animals. 3. The cow belongs ... the class ... ruminants. 4. The stomachs ... mature animals vary ... capacity ... 25 ... 60 gallons. 5. The lactation period lasts ... ten months.

Word List B

1. access - доступ (к воде, сену)
2. dry period - сухостойный период
3. forage - фураж, корм
4. heavy yielder - высокоудойная корова
5. herbage - травы, травяной покров
8. in-са1f сow - стельная корова
9. liberal feeding = high feeding - обильное кормление
10. maintenance - поддержание (физиологического состояния животного)
6. milking cow = milker cow - дойная корова
11. milk production - молочная продуктивность; производство молока; удой
12. nourish - питать, кормить
7. silage - силос
13. way - путь, способ
by way of - через, ради, с целью
by the way - кстати
14. womb - матка – детородный мышечный полый орган

5. Translate into Russian:

1. Cows have a remarkable ability to store calcium, phosphorus and other minerals in their skeletons, and the dry period gives them the opportunity to accumulate these reserves of minerals as well as of vitamins. 2. The cow is capable of utilizing a large quantity of coarse fodder and of converting huge amounts of pasture herbage and green forage crops into milk 3. The milking cow must have wa­ter at least twice daily, and the heavy yielder must have access to it more frequently. 4. While cows are on pasture or consume a considerable quantity of silage or green fo­rage, the diet is complete for milk production. 5. In-calf cows require some extra food to nourish the calf in the womb. 6. Cows in poor condition may require much more food for the last couple of months of pregnancy in order to raise their condition for the following lactation. 7. High-yielding cows give more milk if milked 3 times than when milked twice per day. 8. A milking cow requires food for the double purpose of body maintenance and milk produc­tion. 9. The dairy cow, like other ruminants, is capable of synthesizing in her body her requirements by way of vita­min C, as well as the B1 and the B complex group of vita­mins. 10. Cows which are giving a high yield of milk re­quire liberal protein feeding.

6. Translate into English:

1. Коровы могут переваривать большое количество грубых кормов. 2. Молочных коров следует доить три раза в день. 3. Период лактации у коров продолжается около 10 месяцев. 4. Коровы этой породы дают молоко высокой жирности. 5. Молозиво стимулирует нормальную деятельность кишечного тракта. 6. Летом скот пьет больше воды, чем зимой. Поэтому летом необходимо обеспечивать обильный запас воды для скота. 7. Желудочный сок вырабатывается в четвертом отделе желудка жвачных. 8. У свиньи и лошади простые желудки.


Lesson 4. The Pig

Word List A

1. anemia - анемия, малокровие
2. breed - порода; разводить, выводить
breeding - разведение; выкармливание, размножение, селекция
3. colour - цвет, окраска, масть
4. condition - условия, состояние, кондиция
5. confinement - ограждение, содержание в помещении
6. cross - скрещивание (пород), гибридизация; скрещивать
7. farrow - опорос, опороситься
farrowing - опорос
8. fat - жир, жирный
to fatten - откармливать
9. fibre - волокно, фибра
fibrous - фиброзный, волокнистый
10. litter - помет , выводок
11. to thrive = develop - быстро расти, развиваться
12. parturition - роды
13. pure - чистый, породистый
14. sow - свинья, свиноматка
15. sty - свинарник, загон для свиней

Read and translate the text.


As we already know, the pig is an omnivorous animal with a simple stomach.

There are a number of pure breeds of pigs, including Black breeds, White breeds, and the Tamworths which have a golden-red colour. Crosses commonly show the mixed colours of the pure breeds.

Pigs thrive in the open air under summer conditions, and they can during warm weather, convert their food in­to meat as economically out-of-doors as in the sty.

A pregnant pig is called a sow which usually produces from 6 to 12 at a litter. The act of parturition is called farrowing. On the approach of farrowing a sow should be in good condition but not fat. Close confinement prior to farrowing is harmful. Sows suckling litters require somewhat more water. Their rations should be supplied with micro and macro elements otherwise anemia will result.

One should remember that the teeth of the pig do not provide conditions for very fine grinding. That's why they do not digest the fibre of feeds well.

2. Answer the following questions:

1. How many breeds of pigs do you know? 2. What do crosses commonly show? 3. What is a pregnant pig cal­led? 4. Has the pig a compound stomach? 5. Can pigs con­vert their food into meat both out of doors and in the sty? 6. What is harmful for a pregnant sow? 7. What should the rations of sows suckling litters be supplied with? 8. Do the teeth of the pig provide conditions for very fine grind­ing?

3. Form the verbs from the following words and tran­slate them:

requirement, namely, consumption, products, provision, grinding.

Word List В

1. beef - говядина
2. carcass - туша, скелет
dressed carcass - мясная туша после разделки
3. dam - матка, самка
4. edible flesh - съедобное, годное в пищу мясо
5. excel - превосходить
6. goitre - зоб (заболевание), расширение щитовидной железы
7. ingredient - ингредиент
8. mutton - баранина
9. molasses - меласса, патока
10. pork - свинина
11. treackle - патока
12. wean - отлучать, отнимать (от матки)
weaning - отъем, отбивка
weaned pig - поросенок-отъемыш


4. Translate into Russian:

1. Pigs excel all other farm animals in the economy with which they convert feed into edible flesh. 2. Beef and mutton furnish a higher percentage of protein, on the ave­rage, than does pork. 3. Because of the small proportion of bone in the dressed carcass of swine, the percentage of the carcass that is edible is decidedly higher than in the case of cattle or sheep. 4. When pigs are on good pasture, a considerable amount of protein is provided by the green forage they eat. 5. Swine, like all other classes of stock, should always be supplied with plenty of water. 6. Wheat in a ground form is an excellent ingredient of a pig diet. 7. Though swine require less salt than cattle, horses, or sheep, they should be supplied with it regularly. 8. After weaning the little pig requires a considerable amount of protein and of minerals for growth. 9. Goitre in new-born pigs and other farm animals is due to a lack of iodine in the feed and water consumed by the dams during pregnan­cy. 10. Molasses or treacle makes a useful and suitable part of the pig ration.

5. Translate into English:

1. Свинья – быстро растущее животное. 2. Срок пло­доношения (беременности) у свиней 3 месяца, 3 недели и 3 дня. 3. Рационы свиней состоят в основном из зерна и других концентратов. 4. Свиньи также потребляют отходы молочных и других продуктов. 5. При низких тем­пературах у поросят развивается анемия. 6. Витамины А и D имеют большое значение в кормлении свиней.

Lesson 5. The Sheep

Word List А

1. coat - шерстный покров, слой
2. ewe - овца, овцематка
3. female - самка, женский
4. fertility - плодовитость
5. fleece - руно, овечья шерсть
6. genus (pl. genera) - род, класс
7. horn - рог
horned - рогатый
8. lamb - ягненок; ягниться
lambing - окот, ягнение
9. lamb crop - приплод (выход) ягнят
10. lip - губа
cleft lip - заячья (расщепленная) губа
11. loss - потеря, убыток
12. lose (lost) - терять, лишаться
13. male - самец, мужской
14. polled - комолый
15. ram - баран
16. sheep - овца
long-wooled - длинношерстная
short-wooled - короткошерстная
wool - шерстная
mutton - мясная
in-lamb = pregnant - суягная
pure-bred - чистопородная
17. udder - вымя
18. vigorous - сильный, энергичный


Read and translate the text.


Sheep belong to the Genus Ovis, and are generally grouped into: Longwools, Shortwools, and Mountain sheep which have horns. Inside each group there are many well-defined breeds, and an endless variety of crosses bet­ween the different pure breeds.

Sheep are kept for the production of mutton and wool.

The stomach of the sheep is three times larger than that of the pig.

As the sheep and goats have a cleft upper lip, they have to graze very close to the ground.

A male sheep is called a ram on whose fertility largely depends the lamb crop of the year.

An in-iamb sheep is called a ewe and a new born – a lamb. The period of gestation in sheep lasts 21 weeks.

As a rule, ewes should be healthy and vigorous, with deep, wide bodies, good teeth, healthy udders, and high-quality, dense fleeces.

Pregnant ewes should always have access to clean wa­ter.

Healthy lambs can withstand bad weather, provided the coat dries immediately after birth. If, because of very wet severe weather, the coat does not dry, losses even among the strong lambs may occur.

The consumption of colostrum or first milk is as im­portant to the lamb as it is to the calf.

(to be continued)

2. Answer the following questions:

1. What genus do sheep belong to? 2. Are mountain sheep hornless? 3. What are sheep kept for? 4. Why do sheep and goats graze very close to the ground? 5. How many weeks does a period of gestation in sheep last? 6. In what part of the Soviet Union is sheep breeding widely spread? 7. When may losses among the strong Iambs oc­cur? 8. Under what conditions can healthy lambs withstand bad weather?


3. Complete the sentences:

1. Mountain sheep have ... . 2. The goats and sheep have a cleft ... ... . 3. A male sheep is called a ... . 4. The period of gestation in sheep lasts ... ... . 5. Ewes should have ... ... .


Word List B

1. awkward gait - неуклюжая походка
2. deficiency - недостаток, отсутствие, дефицит
deficient - недостаточный, недостающий
3. disease - болезнь
4. diseased condition - болезненное состояние
5. drenching - вливание лекарства
drench - доза лекарства; вливать лекарство
6. immunity - иммунитет
7. iodine - йод
8. out-door(s) - под открытым небом, воздухом
9. solution - раствор
soluble - растворимый
solubility - растворимость
10. swayback - энзоотическая атаксия (новорожденных ягнят)
11. trough - кормушка, корыто, желоб


4. Translate into Russian:

1. The milk supplied to the lamb during the first few days of life is very rich in vitamin A and those anti-bodies which provide immunity against infection to disease. 2. Co­balt deficiency in the herbage is a very serious limiting factor to sheep production. 3. Another mineral deficiency which causes a diseased condition in sheep is copper. 4. In copper deficiency, the lambs develop an awkward gait known as swayback because of improper functioning of the nervous system. 5. Iodine deficiency of pasture herbage causes the birth of goitrous and weak lambs, a condition which can be prevented by drenching the pregnant sheep with an iodine solution, or by feeding iodine with the meals. 6. A mineral which is frequently available in insuf­ficient quantity to sheep is common salt, of which sheep are very fond. 7. The fact that sheep are generally out­doors and exposed to sunlight much of the time, even in winter, protects them against any deficiency of vitamin D. Also, hay and other good dry roughage supplies this vitamin. 8. Even in the South sheep should be protected from winter rains. 9. It is not necessary to warm water for sheep in winter, but ice should be kept out of the troughs. 10. Plenty of fresh water should always be furnished sheep, under all ordinary circumstances.


5. Translate into English:

1. Существует большое количество пород овец. 2. Шерстный покров у овец – превосходная защита от холода. 3. Овцематка должна иметь хорошие зубы и здо­ровое вымя. 4. Когда овец кормят сочными кормами, та­кими как силос или корнеплоды, они пьют меньше воды. 5. Пшеницу и рожь следует давать овцам постепенно. 6. Молозиво также важно для ягнят, как и для телят. 7. Обычно ягнята начинают поедать концентраты в двухнедельном возрасте.

Lesson 6. The Sheep

Word List А

1. amino acid - аминокислота
2. covering - покров, оболочка
3. cystine - один из видов аминокислот
4. breeches - круп
5. dip - купать (овец)
6. dilute - разбавлять, разводить; разбавленный
7. foul - зловонный, вонючий
8. grease - жир (шерсти)
9. grade - качество, сорт
10. infest - нападать, наводнять, заражать (о паразитах)
infestation - инвазия, заражение паразитами
insect infestation - заражение насекомыми
worm infestation - заражение гельминтами
11. maggot - личинка
12. rub off - выводить
13. pest - вредитель, паразит
14. poison (arsenical, carbolic) - яд; отравлять
15. shear (shorn) = clip - стричь, стрижка
16. shearing = clipping - стрижка, настриг
17. shorn - стриженный
18. tick - клещ
19. to be allied to - быть тесно связанным с, иметь общие черты с
20. unshorn - нестриженый

Read and translate the text.

THE SHEEP (Continued)

Wool Production. Because of the covering of wool sheep can withstand cold temperatures better than cattle. On the one hand wool protects the sheep against bitter cold, but on the other hand owing to the wool, they become infested by ticks and other parasites which they cannot rub off. Due to that they should be dipped periodically in dilute preparations of arsenical or carbolic poisons in order to destroy the pests.

The wool hair is allied to the proteins, and like them has about 16 per cent of nitrogen. In some foreign breeds, up to 20 per cent of the whole nitrogen of the sheep may be present in its wool-Pure wool free from grease is a protein substance con­taining the particular amino acid cystine in much higher proportion than do other animal and vegetable proteins. Although the quality of the wool is chiefly a matter of breed and climate, the finest grades of wool are produced in districts of very low rainfall.

It should be borne in mind that shortage of food either limits wool production or reduces its quality.

Sheep are usually shorn between the middle of April and the middle of May, when the weather has become settled and there have been a few days too warm for the comfort of unshorn sheep.

If shearing is delayed too long, the wool become dead and lifeless, the sheep suffer from the heat and are troub­led with maggots about the breeches, due to the foul wool. Sheep should not be shorn when the fleeces are wet or even damp.

2. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the bodies of sheep and goats covered with? 2. Due to what can sheep withstand cold weather? 3. Do the sheep become infested by ticks and other para­sites owing to the wool? 4. In what districts are the finest grades of wool produced? 5. When arc sheep usually shorn? 6. How does shortage of food influence wool production? 7. What does the quality of wool depend on? 8. What does pure wool contain?


3. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions:

1. Sheep can withstand cold temperatures because ... the covering ... wool. 2. The wool hair is allied ... the proteins. 3. Owing ... the wool the sheep become infes­ted ... ticks. 4. ... summer the sheep suffer … . heat. 5. Sheep are usually shorn ... the middle ... April and the middle ... May.

Word List B

1. check - останавливать(ся); проверять. контролировать
2. drought - засуха
3. graze - пастьба; пасти(сь), держать на подножном корме; трава, пригодная для пастьбы
to graze off - стравливать
grazed - поедаемый, стравливаемый
grazer - животное на подножном корме, пасущееся животное, нагульный скот
grazing - выпас, пастьба, кормление скота на подножном корму, пастбище, выпас
4. intake - поглощение, потребление, всасывание
5. nutrition - кормление, питание
nutritional - пищевой
nutritious - питательный, пищевой
nutrient - питательное вещество
nutritive - питательное вещество, питательный, пищевой
6. sulphur - сера
7. to confuse - приводить в замешательство; смешивать, спутывать
confusion - путаница, смущение, беспорядок
8. unthriftiness - хилость, плохое состояние
unthrifty - хилый, болезненный, чахлый, плохо развивающийся
9. weight - вес, груз
weigh - взвешивать, весить
10.wool - шерсть
fine quality wool - тонкая шерсть
first-class wool - отборная шерсть
fleece wool - рунная шерсть
fall wool - шерсть осенней стрижки
merino wool - мериносовая шерсть
long wool - длинноволокнистая шерсть
low wool - шерсть низкого качества


4. Translate into Russian:

1. Unthriftiness in sheep due to parasitic infestation may be confused with unthriftiness arising from mineral deficiency of the pasture herbage. 2. Iodine deficiency in the diet seriously reduces the weight of wool produced. 3. Full nutrition is essential for full growth of wool. 4. The woolen manufacture requires wool of fine quality, i. e. wool of which the fibres have a small diameter. 5. Sheep are so well protected from cold by their fleeces that they do not need warm shelter. 6. It is known that sheep grazing on a copper deficient area produce low quality wool. 7. A sudden and serious reduction in food intake, such as may occur in a severe drought, checks wool growth. 8. It is of interest to note that where the climate is mild in sum­mer, sheep may remain healthy when not shorn for a long time. 9. Wool is very rich in cystine, the chief sulphur-con­taining amino acid. 10. It should be kept in mind that tu­berculosis in sheep is very rare.

5. Translate into English:

1. Овца является ценным животным. Она дает чело­веку мясо и шерсть. 2. Пастбище – основной ра-цион овец. 3. Овец обычно стригут в середине мая. 4. На­стриг шерсти с овец горных районов очень большой. 5. Много красивых вещей изготовляется из шерсти. 6. Эта шерсть отличного качества.

Lesson 7. The Poultry

Word List А

1. caecum - слепая кишка
2. chicken - цыпленок
3. contract - сжимать(ся), сокращать(ся)
contraction - сжатие, стягивание
4. cock - петух
5. crop - зоб
6. dilate - расширять(ся)
dilated - расширенный
7. duck - утка
8. faeces - кал, фекалии
9. fluid - жидкость, жидкий
10. fowl = poultry - домашняя птица, курица
polt - цыпленок, индюшонок
11. gizzard - мускульный (второй) желудок у птиц
12. gland - железа, лимфатический узел
intestinal gland - кишечная железа
gastric gland - железа желудка
lymph(atic) gland - лимфатический узел
13. goose (pl. geeze) - гусь
gosling - гусенок
14. gullet - пищевод
tissue fluid - тканевая жидкость
spinal fluid - спиномозговая жидкость
peritoneal f1uid - жидкость брюшной полости
15. hen - курица
16. intestine - кишка, кишечник
17. juice - сок
appetite juice - желудочный сок, выделяемый при виде пищи
digestive juice - желудочный сок, выделяемый при виде пищи
gastric juice - желудочный сок, выделяемый при виде пищи
stomach juice - желудочный сок, выделяемый при виде пищи
18. liver - печень
19. macerate - размачивать, вымачивать
large intestine - толстая кишка
small intestine - тонкая кишка
20. secrete - секретировать, выделять
secretive - секретирующий
secretory - секреторный, выделительный
secretion - секреция, выделение; секрет, продукт секреции
gastric secret ion - желудочная секреция, желудочный сок
sаlivary sесrеtiоn - выделение слюнных желез
endocrine secretion - эндокринная (внутренняя) секреция
internal secretion - эндокринная (внутренняя) секреция
21. soften - смачивать(ся), размягчать
soft - мягкий, нежный
softening - размягчение, смягчение
22. squeeze - сжимать, выжимать, выдавливать; сжатие
23. pancreas - поджелудочная железа, панкриас
pancreatic - поджелудочный
24. thick = stout - толстый
thin - тонкий
25. turkey - индейка
26. wall - стенка


Read and translate the text.


Poultry are kept for flesh and eggs. They include hens with chickens, turkeys with polls, cocks, ducks with duck­lings and geese with goslings.

The breeds of poultry are numerous.

Digestion in the Fowl. As there are no teeth in the month of the fowl, the food is swallowed whole and passes into the crop, which is a dilated portion of the gullet. It remains there for a short interval during which the fluids of the crop exert a softe­ning influence and some digestion of starch.

The food then enters the stomach, which secretes di­gestive juices on to it, and, without much delay in this compartment, it is passed on to the gizzard which is a ve­ry thick-walled organ. It squeezes the contents into a very fine state of subdivision by the rhythmic contraction movement. The macerated food material, together with the sto­mach juices, pass into the small intestine where digestive juices – from the liver, pancreas and intestinal glands – are poured on it, and digestion proceeds rapidly.

A curious feature of the large intestine is the division of the caecum into two parts, each of which is a long blind tube.

As in other animals, absorption of the digested food goes on in the small and large intestine, and the faeces are evacuated at intervals. The heart of the fowl beats quick­er and respiration is more rapid.

The fowl is able to digest its food and absorb the food nutrients much more rapidly than other farm stock.

2. Answer the following questions:

1. What are poultry kept for? 2. Are there teeth in the fowl’s mouth? 3. What is a curious feature of the large intestine of the fowl? 4. Is the fowl able to digest its food more rapidly than other farm stock? 5. Where does absorp­tion of the digested food go on? 6. How does the heart of the fowl beat?


3. Fill in the blanks with the required words:

1. The heart of the fowl beats ... and respiration is more ... . 2. The fowl is ... to digest its food slowly. 3. The gizzard is a very ... organ. 4. The fluids of the crop exert ... influence on the food. 5. There are ... breeds of poultry.

Word List B

1. canal - канал, проход
alimentary canal - пищеварительный тракт
2. cloaca - клоака, клоакальная полость
3. esophagus - пищевод
4. gravel - мочевой песок, гравий
5. grit - камешки (в желудке у птицы)
6. junction - соединение
7. originate - происходить, порождать, производить
origination - начало, происхождение
origin - происхождение, источник
8. pharynx - глотка, зев
9. pocket - полость, мешок
10. proventriculus - преджелудок, железистый желудок (у птиц)
11. sac - мешок, мешочек


4. Translate info Russian:

1. The digestive organs of the fowl differ considerably, both structurally and physiologically, from those of mam­mals. 2. The alimentary canal of the fowl is anatomically divided into: mouth, pharynx, upper esophagus, crop, lower esophagus, proventriculus, gizzard, small intestine, large intestine and cloaca. 3. The crop, a sac-shaped organ, is si­milar in general structure to the esophagus. 4. The stout-walled gizzard exerts a very powerful squeezing influence on the food. 5. In the tiny pockets around tile inner wail of the gizzard, particles of grit and gravel are usually found 6. The small intestine of the fowl is similar in structure to that of other animals. 7. The two caeca, which originate at the junction of the large and small intestines, are well developed in the fowl. 8. The lime requirements of the poultry are very high. 9. A characteristic feature of ducks and geese is a very rapid rate of growth in early life.  10. Turkeys like plenty of space and freedom.


5. Translate into English:

1. Существуют многочисленные породы птиц. 2. Так как у птиц нет зубов, пища проглатывается целиком. 3. Зоб – расширенный отдел пищевода у птиц. 4. Зоб служит, главным образом, резервуаром для корма перед его поступлением в желудок. 5. Всасывание переварен­ной пищи происходит в толстом и тонком кишечнике. 6. Хотя слюнные железы находятся во рту у домашней птицы, слюна не содержит никаких пищеварительных ферментов. 7. Желчный сок домашней птицы отличается по своему химическому составу от желчного сока мле­копитающих. 8. Грубое волокно плохо переваривается домашней птицей.


Птица держана для плоти и яиц. Они включают курам с цыплятами, индейками с опросом, петухами, утками с утятами и гусями с гусятами.

Породы птицы многочисленные.

Пищеварение в Домашняя птице. Как нет зубов в течение месяца домашняя птицы, пища глотнута целым и пройдена в посев, который является расширенной частью пищевода. Остается там для короткого интервала в течение которого жидкости посева оказывают влияние смягчения и некоторого пищеварения крахмала.

Пища затем вводит желудок, какие пищеварительные соки секретов на этому, и, без значительно задержки в этом отделении, она пройдена на в gizzard который является очень толстым-обнесенным стеной органом. Это сжимает содержание в то же тонкое состояние разбиения перемещением сжатия rhythmic. macerated Продовольственный материал, вместе с желудочными соками, проходом в тонкую кишку где пищеварительные соки - из печени, поджелудочная железа и intestinal железы - лились на это, и выручки пищеварения быстро.

Любопытная характеристика толстой кишки является делением caecum в две части, который - длинная слепая трубка.

Как в других животных, поглощение усвоенной пищи продолжает в небольшую и толстую кишку, и испражнения эвакуируются с промежутками. Сердце домашняя птицы бьет quicker и дыхание более быстрое.

Домашняя птица способная усвоить свою пищу и поглотить продовольственным питательным веществам более быстро чем другую сельскохозяйственную акцию.

Part 2. Domestic Animals

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