Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную форму.

1) Openyourbook, please. 2) Look at the blackboard, please. 3) Please close the door. 4) Please put that cup on this table. 5) Read Note One at home, please. 6) Copy out this text, please.


Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями.

1) We’restudents. This is … classroom. The door in … classroom is white. 2) I’m at home now. …room is small, but it’s light and clean. These are … sisters. …names are Mary and Ann. 3) Open … books, please. 4) Sit down, Peter. …mark is “good”. 5) Is she a teacher? Are these boys and girls … pupils? 6) This man is an engineer. …name’sPetrov.


Раскройте скобки, выбрав нужную форму глагола, подчеркните подлежащее и сказуемое.

1) It (be) a fine day today. There (be) some clouds in the sky, but the sun (shine). 2) Mr. Jones (be) with his family. They (walk) over the bridge. 3) There (be) some boats on the river. Mr. Jones and his wife (look) at them. 4) Sally (look) at a big ship. The ship (go) under the bridge. 5) Tim (look) at an airplane. The airplane (fly) over the river.. 6) The River Thames flows / is flowing through London. 7) Sarah has got an exam soon, so she is working / works very hard at the moment. 8) We go / are going skiing in the French Alps every year. 9) I read / am reading one of Agatha Christie’s books at the moment. 10) Some modern cars run / are running on unleaded petrol.



Прочитайте текст, ознакомьтесь с его содержанием, используя комментарии к тексту.


Every business needs a website these days. We offer a few tips on how to make your website easy for customers to use.

A good website has to be easy to navigate. If visitors can’t find what they want quickly, they can leave and go to a competitor’s website with just a few clicks of the mouse.

Your homepage should not look too puzzled. Your company’s name, logo, location and a clear description of your product or services is usually enough. It can be a good idea to collect a few comments from satisfied customers. The main reason for keeping the home page simple is that this means it will load quickly.

Research has shown that customers are four times more likely to buy a product online if the site is in their own language.

Once your website is completed, it is listed on the major search engines such as GOOGLE. This can significantly expand your market.

Finally, make sure your website is kept up to date.



offer customer quickly competitor puzzled logo clear description satisfied customer research language complete search engine significantly expand up to date предлагать клиент, покупатель быстро конкурент запутанный товарный знак понятное описание довольный покупатель поиск, исследование язык соперничать поисковая система существенно расширяться современный


2. Составьте и запишите все возможные виды вопросов к следующему предложению; общий, специальный – What, When, Why, Where…; разделительный, альтернативный;

Every business needs a website these days.


1) ….. the pencils in the box? Yes, they … . 2) Put the chair near the wall. Where … it? 3) … the chair near the table or near the desk? It…near the desk. 4) The chair and the table … in the room. 5) Put the pieces of paper under the book. Where … they? 6) Where … the matches? They … in the box. 7) … the books on the floor? No, they … not. 8)… the window open or shut? It …open. 9) Where … the picture?



1) There’s a nice park in our city. 2) There are five chairs in the room. 3) There are some English text-books on my table. 4) There are a lot of mistakes in your exercise-book. 5) There were three mistakes in my dictation. 6) There’s a new cinema near my house. 7) Mary teaches herchildren to play the piano.


5. ЗаполнитепропускиличнымиместоимениямиI, he, she, it, we, you, they.Например, John is a student. He is not a teacher.

1) The pencil is in the box. …is not on the desk. 2) The windows are not open…. are shut. 3)Ann is here…. is not there. 4) What colourare the desks? …are brown. 5) Put the match under the box. Where is …? 6) Put the pieces of paper on the table. Where are… ? 7) The boy is in the classroom. Where is … ? 8) Where are the pencils? …are in the box. 9) What are you? …am a student. 10) Where are … ?…are in the classroom.



1) Look outside! It’s snowing / it snows! 2) It’s snowing / it snows quite often in Britain. 3) I’m going / I go to bed now. Goodnight. 4) “Where’s Simon?” – “He is cooking/ he cooks the dinner”. 5) There’s something wrong with Lenny’s car at the moment, so she goes / is going to work by bus this week. 6) The River Thames flows / is flowing through London. 7) Sarah has got an exam soon, so she is working / works very hard at the moment. 8) We go / are going skiing in the French Alps every year. 9) I read / am reading one of Agatha Christie’s books at the moment. 10) Some modern cars run / are running on unleaded petrol.



Дата добавления: 2018-05-12; просмотров: 541; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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