Be bold, be bold, but not too bold.

Still she went on, till she came into the hall, and went up the broad stairs till she came to a door in the gallery, over which was written:

Be bold, be bold, but not too bold,
Lest that your heart’s blood should run cold.

But Lady Mary was a brave one, she was, and she opened the door, and what do you think she saw? Why, bodies and skeletons of beautiful young ladies all stained with blood. So Lady Mary thought it was high time to get out of that horrid place, and she closed the door, went through the gallery, and was just going down the stairs, and out of the hall, when who should she see through the window but Mr Fox dragging a beautiful young lady along from the gateway to the door. Lady Mary rushed downstairs, and hid herself behind a cask, just in time, as Mr Fox came in with the poor young lady, who seemed to have fainted. Just as he got near Lady Mary, Mr Fox saw a diamond ring glittering on the finger of the young lady he was dragging, and he tried to pull it off. But it was tightly fixed, and would not come off, so Mr Fox cursed and swore, and drew his sword, raised it, and brought it down upon the hand of the poor lady. The sword cut off the hand, which jumped up into the air, and fell of all places in the world into Lady Mary’s lap. Mr Fox looked about a bit, but did not think of looking behind the cask, so at last he went on dragging the young lady up the stairs into the Bloody Chamber.


As soon as she heard him pass through the gallery (как только она услышала, как он проходит через галерею), Lady Mary crept out of the door (леди Мэри выбралась из двери; to creep — ползти; красться), down through the gateway (вниз через ворота), and ran home as fast as she could (и побежала домой так быстро, как она могла).

Now (ну: «теперь») it happened (случилось) that the very next day (что прямо на следующий день) the marriage contract of Lady Mary and Mr Fox was to be signed (брачный контракт леди Мэри и господина Лиса должен был быть подписан), and there was a splendid breakfast before that (и был /устроен/ великолепный завтрак перед этим). And when Mr Fox was seated at table opposite Lady Mary (и когда господин Лис сидел у стола напротив леди Мэри), he looked at her (он взглянул на нее). ‘How pale you are this morning, my dear (как вы бледны этим утром, моя дорогая).’

‘Yes (да),’ said she (сказала она), ‘I had a bad night’s rest last night (я плохо спала прошлой ночью: «я имела плохой ночной отдых последней ночью»). I had horrible dreams (я видела ужасные сны).’

‘Dreams go by contraries (сны могут предвещать и хорошее и плохое: «сны идут по противоположностям»),’ said Mr Fox (сказал господин Лис); ‘but tell us your dream (но расскажите нам ваш сон), and your sweet voice will make the time pass (и ваш милый голос заставит время пройти) till the happy hour comes (пока счастливый час не придет).’

‘I dreamed (мне снилось),’ said Lady Mary, ‘that I went yestermorn (что я пошла вчера утром; архаич. вместо yesterday morning) to your castle (к вашему замку), and I found it in the woods (и я нашла его в лесах), with high walls (с высокими стенами), and a deep moat (и глубоким рвом), and over the gateway was written (и над воротами было написано):

Be bold, be bold (будь смелой).’

‘But it is not so (но это не так), nor it was not so (и это не было так),’ said Mr Fox (сказал господин Лис).

‘And when I came to the doorway (и когда я пришла ко входу), over it was written (над ним было написано):

Be bold, be bold, but not too bold (будь смелой, но не слишком смелой).’

‘It is not so (это не так), nor it was not so (и это не было так),’ said Mr Fox.

‘And then I went upstairs (и затем я пошла вверх по лестнице), and came to a gallery (и пришла к галерее), at the end of which was a door (в конце которой была дверь), on which was written (на которой было написано):

Be bold, be bold (будь смелой), but not too bold (но не слишком смелой),
Lest that your heart’s blood should run cold (чтобы твоего сердца кровь не бежала холодной).’

‘It is not so (это не так), nor it was not so (и это не было так),’ said Mr Fox.


contract [`kontrəkt], opposite [`opəzıt], contrary [`kontrərı]


As soon as she heard him pass through the gallery, Lady Mary crept out of the door, down through the gateway, and ran home as fast as she could.

Now it happened that the very next day the marriage contract of Lady Mary and Mr Fox was to be signed, and there was a splendid breakfast before that. And when Mr Fox was seated at table opposite Lady Mary, he looked at her. ‘How pale you are this morning, my dear.’

‘Yes,’ said she, ‘I had a bad night’s rest last night. I had horrible dreams.’

‘Dreams go by contraries,’ said Mr Fox; ‘but tell us your dream, and your sweet voice will make the time pass till the happy hour comes.’

‘I dreamed,’ said Lady Mary, ‘that I went yestermorn to your castle, and I found it in the woods, with high walls, and a deep moat, and over the gateway was written:

Be bold, be bold.’

‘But it is not so, nor it was not so,’ said Mr Fox.

‘And when I came to the doorway, over it was written:

Дата добавления: 2018-05-02; просмотров: 195; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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