Be bold, be bold (будь смелой). 29 страница


address [ə`dres], saucy [`so:sı], concealment [kən`si:lmənt]


The king was so charmed with his address that he ordered a little chair to be made, in order that Tom might sit upon his table, and also a palace of gold, a span high, with a door an inch wide, to live in. He also gave him a coach, drawn by six small mice.

The queen was so enraged at the honours conferred on Sir Thomas that she resolved to ruin him, and told the king that the little knight had been saucy to her.

The king sent for Tom in great haste, but being fully aware of the danger of royal anger, he crept into an empty snail-shell, where he lay for a long time until he was almost starved with hunger; but at last he ventured to peep out, and seeing a fine large butterfly on the ground, near the place of his concealment, he got close to it and jumping astride on it, was carried up into the air. The butterfly flew with him from tree to tree and from field to field, and at last returned to the court, where the king and nobility all strove to catch him; but at last poor Tom fell from his seat into a watering-pot, in which he was almost drowned.


When the queen saw him (когда королева увидела его), she was in a rage (она была в ярости), and said he should be beheaded (и сказала, что он должен быть обезглавлен); and he was put into a mouse trap (и он был посажен в мышеловку) until the time of his execution (до времени его казни).

However, a cat, observing something alive in the trap (однако кот, увидев что-то живое в ловушке), patted it about (трогал/бил ее лапой; to pat — похлопывать; поглаживать; шлепать) till the wires broke (пока проволока не сломалась; to break — ломать/ся/), and set Thomas at liberty (и выпустил Томаса на свободу).

The king received Tom again into favour (король принял Тома снова в милость), which he did not live to enjoy (чем ему так и не довелось насладиться), for a large spider one day attacked him (ибо большой паук однажды напал на него); and although he drew his sword and fought well (и, хотя он вытащил свой меч и сражался хорошо), yet the spider’s poisonous breath at last overcame him (все же паучье ядовитое дыхание наконец сломило его; poison — яд).

He fell dead on the ground where he stood (он упал мертвый на землю, где он стоял),
And the spider suck’d every drop of his blood (и паук высосал каждую каплю его крови).

King Arthur and his whole court (король Артур и его весь двор) were so sorry (были так огорчены) at the loss of their little favourite (потерей их маленького любимца) that they went into mourning (что они впали в скорбь/плач, траур) and raised a fine white marble monument (и воздвигли прекрасный белый мраморный памятник) over his grave with the following epitaph (над его могилой со следующей эпитафией):

Here lies Tom Thumb, King Arthur’s knight (здесь лежит Том-палец, рыцарь короля Артура),
Who died by a spider’s cruel bite (который умер от паучьего жестокого укуса).
He was well known in Arthur’s court (он был хорошо известен при Артурове дворе),
Where he afforded gallant sport (где он предлагал = показывал доблестные развлечения = свое мастерство);
He rode a tilt and tournament (он ездил в бою на копьях и турнире; to ride — ездить верхом; tilt — наклон, наклонное положение; нападение всадника с копьем наперевес),
And on a mouse a-hunting went (и верхом на мыши на охоту ходил).
Alive he filled the court with mirth (живой = при жизни он наполнял двор весельем);
His death to sorrow soon gave birth (его смерть грусти скоро дала рождение).
Wipe, wipe your eyes, and shake your head (вытрите, вытрите ваши глаза и покачайте вашей головой)
And cry, — Alas! Tom Thumb is dead (и плачьте — увы, Том-палец мертв)!


behead [bı`hed], poisonous [`poızənəs], monument [`monjumənt]


When the queen saw him, she was in a rage, and said he should be beheaded; and he was put into a mouse trap until the time of his execution.

However, a cat, observing something alive in the trap, patted it about till the wires broke, and set Thomas at liberty.

The king received Tom again into favour, which he did not live to enjoy, for a large spider one day attacked him; and although he drew his sword and fought well, yet the spider’s poisonous breath at last overcame him.

He fell dead on the ground where he stood,
And the spider suck’d every drop of his blood.

King Arthur and his whole court were so sorry at the loss of their little favourite that they went into mourning and raised a fine white marble monument over his grave with the following epitaph:

Here lies Tom Thumb, King Arthur’s knight,
Who died by a spider’s cruel bite.
He was well known in Arthur’s court,
Where he afforded gallant sport;
He rode a tilt and tournament,
And on a mouse a-hunting went.
Alive he filled the court with mirth;
His death to sorrow soon gave birth.
Wipe, wipe your eyes, and shake your head
And cry, — Alas! Tom Thumb is dead!


Mr Fox (Господин Лис)


LADY MARY was young (леди Мэри была молода), and Lady Mary was fair (и леди Мэри была прекрасна). She had two brothers (у нее было два брата), and more lovers than she could count (и больше ухажеров, чем она могла сосчитать). But of them all (но из них всех), the bravest and most gallant was a Mr Fox (самый храбрый и самый галантный был некий господин Лис), whom she met (которого она встретила) when she was down at her father’s country house (когда она была за городом: «внизу» в деревенском доме ее отца). No one knew who Mr Fox was (никто не знал, кто был господин Лис); but he was certainly brave (но он был определенно храбр), and surely rich (и точно богат), and of all her lovers (и из всех ее поклонников) Lady Mary cared for him alone (леди Мэри ценила его одного). At last it was agreed upon between them (наконец было решено: «соглашено» между ними) that they should be married (что они должны пожениться: «быть женаты»). Lady Mary asked Mr Fox where they should live (леди Мэри спросила господина Лиса, где они будут жить), and he described to her his castle (и он описал ей свой замок), and where it was (и где он был); but, strange to say (но, странно сказать), did not ask her or her brothers (не пригласил: «не попросил» ее или ее братьев) to come and see it (прийти и увидеть его /замок/).

So one day (так что однажды), near the wedding day (незадолго до свадебного дня), when her brothers were out (когда ее братья были не дома: «снаружи»), and Mr Fox was away for a day or two on business (и господин Лис был в отъезде: «был прочь» на один день или два по делу), as he said (как он сказал), Lady Mary set out for Mr Fox’s castle (леди Мэри направилась к замку господина Фокса). And after many searchings (и после многих поисков), she came at last to it (она пришла, наконец, к нему), and a fine strong house it was (и отличный крепкий: «сильный» дом это был = и какой же хорошо укрепленный был этот дом), with high walls and a deep moat (с высокими стенами и глубоким рвом). And when she came up to the gateway (и когда она подошла к воротам) she saw written on it (она увидела написанным на них = что на них было написано):

Be bold, be bold (будь смелой).

But as the gate was open (но так как ворота были открыты), she went through it (она прошла сквозь них), and found no one there (и не нашла там никого). So she went up to the doorway (так что она подошла ко входу в дом), and over it she found written (и над ним она нашла написанным):

Дата добавления: 2018-05-02; просмотров: 186; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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