Be bold, be bold (будь смелой). 21 страница

Early in the morning (рано утром) Jack furnished his master with a fresh supply of gold and silver (Джек снабдил своего хозяина свежими запасами золота и серебра), and then sent him three miles forward on his journey (и затем послал его на три мили вперед), at which time (к которому времени) the prince was pretty well out of the smell of the giant (принц был очень хорошо = совершенно вне нюха великана). Jack then returned (Джек тогда вернулся), and let the giant out of the vault (и выпустил великана из подвала), who asked (который спросил) what he should give him (что он должен дать ему) for keeping the castle from destruction (за сохранение замка от разрушения). ‘Why (ну: «почему»),’ quoth Jack (молвил Джек), ‘I want nothing but the old coat and cap (я не хочу ничего, кроме старой куртки и колпака), together with the old rusty sword (вместе со старым ржавым мечом; rust — ржавчина) and slippers (и комнатными туфлями) which are at your bed’s head (которые есть у изголовья твоей кровати).’ Quoth the giant (великан молвил): ‘You know not what you ask (ты не знаешь, что ты просишь); they are the most precious things I have (это самые драгоценные вещи, которые у меня есть). The coat will keep you invisible (куртка будет хранить = сделает тебя невидимым), the cap will tell you all you want to know (колпак расскажет тебе все, что ты хочешь знать), the sword cuts asunder whatever you strike (меч рубит на части, что бы ты ни ударил), and the shoes are of extraordinary swiftness (а башмаки суть необычайной быстроты). But you have been very serviceable to me (но ты был очень услужлив ко мне = сослужил мне хорошую службу), therefore take them with all my heart (поэтому возьми их со всем моим сердцем = мне не жалко).’ Jack thanked his uncle (Джек поблагодарил своего дядю), and then went off with them (и затем ушел прочь с ними). He soon overtook his master (он скоро нагнал своего хозяина) and they quickly arrived at the house of the lady the prince sought (и они быстро прибыли к дому дамы, которую искал принц; to seek — искать, разыскивать), who, finding the prince to be a suitor (которая, обнаружив, что принц — /ее/ ухажер), prepared a splendid banquet for him (приготовила превосходный пир для него). After the repast was concluded (после того как трапеза была завершена), she told him (она сказала ему) she had a task for him (что у нее есть для него задание). She wiped his mouth with a handkerchief (она вытерла его рот платком), saying (сказав): ‘You must show me that handkerchief tomorrow morning (ты должен показать мне этот платок завтра утром), or else you will lose your head (или иначе ты потеряешь твою голову).’ With that (с этим = на этом) she put it in her bosom (она положила его на свою грудь = за корсаж). The prince went to bed in great sorrow (принц пошел в постель в великой печали), but Jack’s cap of knowledge (но Джеков колпак знания) informed him (сообщил ему) how it was to be obtained (как он /платок/ должен был быть получен = как завладеть платком). In the middle of the night (в середине ночи) she called upon her familiar spirit (она призвала своего знакомого духа) to carry her to Lucifer (чтобы отнести ее к Люциферу). But Jack put on his coat of darkness (но Джек надел свою куртку темноты) and his shoes of swiftness (и свои башмаки быстроты), and was there as soon as she was (и был там так же скоро, как она). When she entered the place of the demon (когда она вошла в жилище демона), she gave the handkerchief to him (она дала платок ему), and he laid it upon a shelf (и он положил его на полку), whence Jack took it (откуда Джек взял его) and brought it to his master (и принес его к своему хозяину), who showed it to the lady next day (который показал его даме на следующий день), and so saved his life (и так спас свою жизнь). On that day (в тот день), she gave the prince a kiss (она дала принцу поцелуй) and told him (и сказала ему) he must show her the lips tomorrow morning (что он должен показать ей губы завтра утром) that she kissed last night (которые она целовала прошлой: «последней» ночью), or lose his head (или потерять свою голову).


thousand [`Tauzənd], repast [rı`pa:st], handkerchief [`hæŋkətSi:f]


Jack answered: ‘None but your poor cousin Jack.’

Quoth he: ‘What news with my poor cousin Jack?’

He replied: ‘Dear uncle, heavy news, God wot!’

‘Prithee,’ quoth the giant, ‘what heavy news can come to me? I am a giant with three heads, and besides thou knowest I can fight five hundred men in armour, and make them fly like chaff before the wind.’

‘Oh, but,’ quoth Jack, ‘here’s the king’s son a-coming with a thousand men in armour to kill you and destroy all that you have!’

‘Oh, cousin Jack,’ said the giant, ‘this is heavy news indeed! I will immediately run and hide myself, and thou shalt lock, bolt, and bar me in, and keep the keys until the prince is gone.’ Having secured the giant, Jack fetched his master, when they made themselves heartily merry whilst the poor giant lay trembling in a vault under the ground.

Early in the morning Jack furnished his master with a fresh supply of gold and silver, and then sent him three miles forward on his journey, at which time the prince was pretty well out of the smell of the giant. Jack then returned, and let the giant out of the vault, who asked what he should give him for keeping the castle from destruction. ‘Why,’ quoth Jack, ‘I want nothing but the old coat and cap, together with the old rusty sword and slippers which are at your bed’s head.’ Quoth the giant: ‘You know not what you ask; they are the most precious things I have. The coat will keep you invisible, the cap will tell you all you want to know, the sword cuts asunder whatever you strike, and the shoes are of extraordinary swiftness. But you have been very serviceable to me, therefore take them with all my heart.’ Jack thanked his uncle, and then went off with them. He soon overtook his master and they quickly arrived at the house of the lady the prince sought, who, finding the prince to be a suitor, prepared a splendid banquet for him. After the repast was concluded, she told him she had a task for him. She wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, saying: ‘You must show me that handkerchief tomorrow morning, or else you will lose your head.’ With that she put it in her bosom. The prince went to bed in great sorrow, but Jack’s cap of knowledge informed him how it was to be obtained. In the middle of the night she called upon her familiar spirit to carry her to Lucifer. But Jack put on his coat of darkness and his shoes of swiftness, and was there as soon as she was. When she entered the place of the demon, she gave the handkerchief to him, and he laid it upon a shelf, whence Jack took it and brought it to his master, who showed it to the lady next day, and so saved his life. On that day, she gave the prince a kiss and told him he must show her the lips tomorrow morning that she kissed last night, or lose his head.


‘Ah!’ he replied (он ответил), ‘if you kiss none but mine (если ты не поцелуешь: «целуешь» ничью /голову/, кроме моей), I will (я покажу).’

‘That is neither here nor there (это ни здесь, ни там),’ said she; ‘if you do not (если ты не покажешь), death’s your portion (смерть твой удел)!’

At midnight (в полночь) she went as before (она пошла как раньше), and was angry with the demon (и была сердита на демона) for letting the handkerchief go (за позволение платку исчезнуть: «уйти»). ‘But now (но теперь),’ quoth she, ‘I will be too hard for the king’s son (я буду слишком трудна для сына короля), for I will kiss thee (ибо я поцелую тебя), and he is to show me thy lips (а он должен показать мне твои губы).’ Which she did (что она и сделала), and Jack (а Джек), when she was not standing by (когда она не стояла рядом), cut off Lucifer’s head (отрезал прочь голову Люцифера) and brought it under his invisible coat (и принес ее под своей невидимой курткой) to his master (к своему хозяину), who the next morning (который следующим утром) pulled it out by the horns (вытянул ее наружу за рога) before the lady (перед дамой). This broke the enchantment (это разрушило: «сломало» чары) and the evil spirit left her (и злой дух покинул ее), and she appeared in all her beauty (и она показалась во всей своей красоте). They were married the next morning (они поженились/их поженили следующим утром), and soon after (и вскоре после) went to the Court of King Arthur (пошли ко двору короля Артура), where Jack for his many exploits (где Джек за свои многие подвиги), was made one of the Knights of the Round Table (был сделан одним из рыцарей Круглого Стола).


portion [`po: Sən], Lucifer [`lu:sıfə], enchantment [ın`tSa:ntmənt]


‘Ah!’ he replied, ‘if you kiss none but mine, I will.’

‘That is neither here nor there,’ said she; ‘if you do not, death’s your portion!’

At midnight she went as before, and was angry with the demon for letting the handkerchief go. ‘But now,’ quoth she, ‘I will be too hard for the king’s son, for I will kiss thee, and he is to show me thy lips.’ Which she did, and Jack, when she was not standing by, cut off Lucifer’s head and brought it under his invisible coat to his master, who the next morning pulled it out by the horns before the lady. This broke the enchantment and the evil spirit left her, and she appeared in all her beauty. They were married the next morning, and soon after went to the Court of King Arthur, where Jack for his many exploits, was made one of the Knights of the Round Table.


Jack soon went searching for giants (Джек скоро отправился искать великанов) again (снова), but he had not ridden far (но он не уехал далеко; to ride — ехать верхом, скакать), when he saw a cave (когда он увидел пещеру), near the entrance of which (рядом со входом в которую) he beheld a giant (он увидел великана) sitting upon a block of timber (сидящего на куче дров), with a knotted iron club by his side (с суковатой железной дубиной у его бока). His goggle eyes were like flames of fire (его выпуклые глаза были, как языки пламени: «пламя огня»), his countenance grim and ugly (его лицо было мрачным и уродливым), and his cheeks like a couple of large flitches of bacon (а его щеки, как пара больших ломтей бекона; flitch — сыро-копченная свинина), while the bristles of his beard (в то время как щетинки его бороды) resembled rods of iron wire (напоминали пруты из железной проволоки), and the locks that hung down (а локоны, которые свисали вниз) upon his brawny shoulders (на его мускулистые плечи) were like curled snakes (были как закрутившиеся змеи) or hissing adders (или шипящие гадюки). Jack alighted from his horse (Джек спрыгнул со своей лошади), and, putting on the coat of darkness (и, надев куртку темноты), went up close to the giant (подошел близко к великану), and said softly (и сказал тихо): ‘Oh! are you there (о, ты здесь)? It will not be long (это не будет долго = не много времени пройдет) before I take you fast by the beard (прежде чем я возьму тебя крепко за бороду).’ The giant all this while could not see him (великан все это время не мог видеть его), on account of his invisible coat (из-за: «за счет» его невидимой куртки), so that Jack (так что Джек), coming up close to the monster (подойдя близко к чудищу), struck a blow (нанес удар; to strike — ударять) with his sword at his head (своим мечом по его голове), but, missing his aim (но упустив свою цель), he cut off the nose instead (он отрубил нос вместо того). At this (на этом), the giant roared like claps of thunder (великан взревел, как удары грома), and began to lay about him (и начал молотить вокруг себя) with his iron club (своей железной дубиной) like one stark mad (как кто-то совершенно безумный). But Jack, running behind (но Джек, забежав сзади), drove his sword up to the hilt in the giant’s head (всадил своей меч по рукоять в голову великана; to drive — гнать) so that it fell down dead (так что тот упал замертво). This done (сделав это: «это сделано»), Jack cut off the giant’s head (Джек отрубил голову великана), and sent it (и послал ее), with his brother’s also (с головой его /великана/ брата также), to King Arthur (к королю Артуру), by a waggoner (возчиком) he hired for that purpose (которого он нанял для этой цели).


resemble [rı`zembl], account [ə`kaunt], invisible [ın`vızıbl]


Jack soon went searching for giants again, but he had not ridden far, when he saw a cave, near the entrance of which he beheld a giant sitting upon a block of timber, with a knotted iron club by his side. His goggle eyes were like flames of fire, his countenance grim and ugly, and his cheeks like a couple of large flitches of bacon, while the bristles of his beard resembled rods of iron wire, and the locks that hung down upon his brawny shoulders were like curled snakes or hissing adders. Jack alighted from his horse, and, putting on the coat of darkness, went up close to the giant, and said softly: ‘Oh! are you there? It will not be long before I take you fast by the beard.’ The giant all this while could not see him, on account of his invisible coat, so that Jack, coming up close to the monster, struck a blow with his sword at his head, but, missing his aim, he cut off the nose instead. At this, the giant roared like claps of thunder, and began to lay about him with his iron club like one stark mad. But Jack, running behind, drove his sword up to the hilt in the giant’s head so that it fell down dead. This done, Jack cut off the giant’s head, and sent it, with his brother’s also, to King Arthur, by a waggoner he hired for that purpose.


Jack now resolved to enter the giant’s cave (Джек теперь решил войти в пещеру великана) in search of his treasure (в поисках его сокровища), and, passing along through a great many windings and turnings (и, пройдя через многие повороты и закоулки), he came at length to a large room (он пришел наконец к большой комнате) paved with freestone (вымощенной песчаником), at the upper end of which was a boiling caldron (в верхнем конце которой был кипящий котел), and on the right hand a large table (и по правую руку большой стол), at which the giant used to dine (у которого великан имел обыкновение обедать). Then he came to a window (затем он подошел к окну), barred with iron (зарешеченному железом), through which he looked (через которое он поглядел) and beheld a vast number of miserable captives (и увидел большое: «обширное» число несчастных пленников), who, seeing him (которые, увидев его), cried out (закричали «наружу»): ‘Alas (увы)! Young man (молодой человек), art thou come to be one amongst us (пришел ли ты, чтобы быть одним среди нас): in this miserable den (в этом скорбном логове)?’

‘Ay (да; архаич.),’ quoth Jack, ‘but pray tell me (но молю, скажите мне) what is the meaning of your captivity (в чем смысл = причина вашего плена)?’

‘We are kept here (нас держат здесь),’ said one (сказал один), ‘till such time (до того времени) as the giants have a wish to feast (когда великаны имеют желание попировать), and then the fattest among us is slaughtered (и тогда самый жирный среди нас убивается)! And many are the times (и много раз уже) they have dined upon murdered men (они обедали убитыми людьми)!’

‘Say you so (скажи ты так = надо же),’ quoth Jack, and straightway unlocked the gate and let them free (и тут же отпер ворота и отпустил их на свободу: «выпустил их свободными»), who all rejoiced like condemned men (которые все возрадовались, как приговоренные люди) at sight of a pardon (при виде помилования). Then searching the giant’s coffer (тогда найдя: «ища» сундук великана), he shared the gold and silver (он разделил золото и серебро) equally amongst them (поровну среди них) and took them to a neigbouring castle (и отвел их к соседнему замку), where they all feasted (где они все пировали) and made merry over their deliverance (и веселились по поводу своего освобождения).


winding [`waındıŋ], captive [`kæptıv], ay [aı]


Jack now resolved to enter the giant’s cave in search of his treasure, and, passing along through a great many windings and turnings, he came at length to a large room paved with freestone, at the upper end of which was a boiling caldron, and on the right hand a large table, at which the giant used to dine. Then he came to a window, barred with iron, through which he looked and beheld a vast number of miserable captives, who, seeing him, cried out: ‘Alas! Young man, art thou come to be one amongst us: in this miserable den?’

‘Ay,’ quoth Jack, ‘but pray tell me what is the meaning of your captivity?’

‘We are kept here,’ said one, ‘till such time as the giants have a wish to feast, and then the fattest among us is slaughtered! And many are the times they have dined upon murdered men!’

‘Say you so,’ quoth Jack, and straightway unlocked the gate and let them free, who all rejoiced like condemned men at sight of a pardon. Then searching the giant’s coffer, he shared the gold and silver equally amongst them and took them to a neigbouring castle, where they all feasted and made merry over their deliverance.


But in the midst of all this mirth (но в середине всего этого веселья) a messenger brought news (посланник принес вести) that one Thunderdell (что некий Тандерделл), a giant with two heads (великан с двумя головами), having heard of the death of his kinsmen (услышав о смерти своих родичей), had come from the northern dales (пришел из северных долов) to be revenged on Jack (чтобы отомстить Джеку), and was within a mile of the castle (и был в миле от замка), the country people flying before him like chaff (деревенские люди /при этом/ летели перед ним, как солома = спасались бегством). But Jack was not a bit daunted (но Джек был ничуть: «ни кусочка» не обескуражен; to daunt — обуздывать, укрощать; подчинять, покорять; устрашать, приводить в уныние, отпугивать), and said (и сказал): ‘Let him come (пусть он придет: «позволим ему прийти»)! I have a tool to pick his teeth (у меня есть инструмент, чтобы вырвать его зубы); and you, ladies and gentlemen (а вы, дамы и господа), walk out into the garden (выйдите наружу в сад), and you shall witness (и будете свидетелями) this giant Thunderdell’s death and destruction (смерти и уничтожения этого великана Тандерделла).’

The castle was situated in the midst of a small island (замок был расположен в центре маленького острова) surrounded by a moat thirty feet deep and twenty feet wide (окруженного рвом тридцати футов глубины и двадцати футов ширины), over which lay a drawbridge (через который лежал подъемный мост). So Jack employed men (и вот Джек нанял мужчин) to cut through this bridge (прорезать = распилить этот мост) on both sides (с: «на» двух сторон), nearly to the middle (почти: «близко» к середине); and then (а затем), dressing himself in his invisible coat (одевшись в свою невидимую куртку), he marched against the giant (он зашагал против великана) with his sword of sharpness (со своим мечом остроты). Although the giant could not see Jack (хотя великан не мог видеть Джека), he smelt his approach (он почуял его приближение), and cried out in these words (и воскликнул такими словами):

‘Fee, fi, fo, fum!
I smell the blood of an Englishman (я чую кровь англичанина)!
Be he alive or be he dead (будь он жив или будь он мертв),
I’ll grind his bones to make me bread (я смелю его кости, чтобы сделать мне хлеб)!’

‘Say’st thou so (если ты так говоришь),’ said Jack; ‘then thou art a monstrous miller indeed (тогда ты и в самом деле чудовищный мельник).’

Дата добавления: 2018-05-02; просмотров: 229; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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