Principal Clause                                                         While-clause

                The Past Indefinite                                                    The Past Indefinite or

                                                                                                        The Past Continuous

He continued his work while

she had breakfast.                                                                Он продолжал работу, в то

                                                                                             время как она завтракала.

She sat still as a statue while

he was playing the prelude.                                                   Она сидела неподвижно, как

                                                                                             статуя, пока он играл прелюдию.           


Ex. I. Read the sentences with while-clauses. State the meaning of while and the time relations of the actions:

1. I sat in the comfortable kitchen, while she heated the water on the shining range and we talked as she moved to and fro. 2. The Senior Lieutenant had been holding forth on the merits of the girl he was engaged to, and the ladies were purring approval, while the men yawned. 3. That night while his mother wasn't looking, he slipped his toy-bear under the pillow. 4. "We can't get along in the store without you, Enid, while Gordon is away," old Day said. 5. Mrs. Clowes pressed her handkerchief to her mouth with one hand while with the other she was fanning the face of Mr. Cowlishaw with her bonnet. 6. The next day a reporter and photographer arrived at our house while I was off selling my oil burners, and Betsy did the honours. 7. Satisfied with the stage of the project, the chief engineer left the construction site while his assistants were still dismantling the mechanisms. 8. During those long minutes, while Less was trying to discover what was happening there, Jules did his best to keep awake. 9. The photographs were brought while they were talking.


2.2.  К тому времени, когда переводится на английский язык bythetimethat (а не: bythetimewhen). That, однако, часто опускается:


I shall have finished the letter by the                                     

time (that) you come back.                                    Я уже окончу письмо к тому вре-

                                                                               мени, когда вы вернетесь.                                                    

2.3. Наречие тогда, которое в русском языке иногда предшествует союзу когда, на английский язык не переводится:

Этослучилосьтогда, когдаон                                This happened when he was in

был в Москве.                                                              Moscow.


Яэтосделаютогда, когдаявер-                               I shall do it when I return.



Ex. I. Translate into English.

1. Я смогу пойти домой только тогда, когда я закончу эту работу. 2. Я не смогу вам дать определенного ответа до тех пор, пока не получу от них письма. 3. Он сидел в саду до тех пор, пока не стало совсем темно, и он не мог больше читать. 4. Я уверен, что мы уже придем к соглашению к тому времени, когда вы вернетесь. 5. Я расскажу ему об этом, как только он придет. 6. Становилось прохладнее по мере того, как мы подходили к морю. 7. Все будет готово к тому времени, когда вы придете. 8. Он упал, когда он сходил с трамвая. 9. Он пришел ко мне, когда я обедал. 10. Я пришел, когда они упаковывали свои вещи. 11. Он писал что-то, когда я вошел в комнату.


Ex. II. Translate into Russian.

1. As I climbed again up the back way to the house, I heard the laughter and the chatter of the men as they went home from work. 2. He caught a taxi on the corner. "London airport," he told the driver. As the taxi moved away, the phone in his flat began to ring. 3. He began to speak clearly and precisely. As he spoke, some of the phrases drifted through the window and were heard by the boys. 4. It was two hours later, as he was shaving on a borrowed electric razor, that the girl phoned back. 5. The plane from London glided into the airport as the dusk deepened into night. Near the tail of the plane a blond Englishman lay back in his seat near the window and gazed out at the lights as they flashed past the sinking aircraft. 6. As dusk was falling the tourists entered a little town in the Alps. 7. George at once placed another call with his sister. As he put the phone (receiver) down, it rang again. 8. They talked rugby for a while as they walked slowly on the terrace. 9. All along the road the trees had been illuminated. It was charming and we were exclaiming in wonder as we rode along.


В сложных предложениях с придаточным времени вводимым союзом beforeдействие в главном и придаточном предложениях относятся к прошедшему времени.

Principal clause                            Before-clause

                  The Past Indefinite                                    The Past Indefinite

                   The Past Perfect                                        The Past Indefinite

                   The Past Indefinite                                     The Past Perfect

He appointed the date for our

meeting long before he came to

thecity.                                                                           Он назначил день нашей встречи

                                                                                        задолго до того, как приехал в


They had not gone four miles

before they saw it was going

torain.                                                                              Они не прошли и четырех миль,                           

                                                                                           как увидели, что будет дождь.


Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 451; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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