Ex. III. Replace the sentences with a statement expressing preference using “would rather”

1. I want to go to the movies, but I have to study. 2. I’d like to go to Washington, but I have to work. 3. She wants to eat in a restaurant, but she doesn’t have any money. 4. He wants to rent a compact car, but they only have luxury cars. 5. They want to rent the two-bedroom apartment, but it’s too expensive. 6. I want to sleep, but I have to work. 7. I wish I could have dessert, but I’m on a diet. 8. He’d like to go to lunch, but he has a meeting. 9. I wish I could talk to you, but I have an appointment. 10. She wants to stay at the hotel, but they don’t have a room. 11. They want to take a limo, but they don’t have enough money. 12. I wish I could go to Georgia, but I have to visit my aunt in Tennessee. 13. He’d like to have dinner, but he doesn’t have enough time.


Ex. IV. Answer these questions using I’d prefer or I’d rather. Use the words in brackets for your answers.

Model: Shall we walk? (prefer/go by car) – I’d prefer to go by car.

1. Shall we play tennis? (prefer/go for a swim).

2. Shall we watch television? (rather/read a book).

3. Shall we leave now? (rather/ wait for a few minutes)

4. Shall we go to a restaurant? (prefer/ eat at home)

5. Shall we decide now? (rather/think about it for a while)


Ex. V. Use “I’d rather you”. You say you’ll do something but really you wantyour friend to do it.

Model: I’ll cook the dinner if you really want me to but I’d rather you cooked it.

1. I’ll phone Tom if you really want me to but I’d rather ….

2. I’ll do the washing-up if you really want me to but ….

3. I’ll go to the bank if you really want me to but …

4. I’ll tell Ann what happened if you really want me to but …

Ex. VI. Read each situation and write a sentence with had better.

Model: You’re going out for a walk with Tom. You think you should take an umbrella      

                 because it might rain. What do you say to Tom? – We’d better take an umbrella.


                 Tom doesn’t look very well. You don’t think he should go to work today. What do

                 you say to Tom? – You’d better not go to work today.

1. Ann suddenly begins to feel ill. You think she should sit down. What do you say to her? ……………………………………….

2. You and Tom are going to the theatre. You’ve just missed the bus. You think you should take a taxi. What do you say to Tom? …………………………………………

3. Ann wants to play the piano late at night. You know that she’ll wake up the people next door. What do you say to Ann?……………………………………………………………….

4. You and Ann are going to a restaurant for a meal. You think you should reserve a table because the restaurant might be crowded. What do you say to Ann?…………………………………………………………

5. Tom has just cut himself. You think he should out a plaster on the cut. What do you say to him? ……………………………………………………………

6. You are going to take your car on holiday. You think you should have it serviced before you go. What do you say (to yourself)? ………………………………………………….


Ex. VII. Translate the following sentences:

I. Я, пожалуй, пойду на станцию, не дожидаясь Виктора. До отхода поезда осталось всего 15 минут. 2. Вы бы лучше обратились к зубному врачу немедленно, пока нет осложнений. 3. Я плохо себя чувствую сегодня. Я бы остался дома. Поезжай без меня. 4. Ему бы лучше позвонить им сейчас же, а то будет поздно. 5. «Вы не будете возражать, если я закурю здесь?» — «Вы бы лучше покурили в коридоре». 6. Я, пожалуй, подожду следующего автобуса. Этот автобус переполнен. 7. Мне лучше уйти, если вы собираетесь разговаривать со мной таким образом. 8. Нам лучше не говорить на эту тему, иначе мы поссоримся. 9. Профессор Фокс, руководитель лаборатории, был известным физиком, лауреатом Нобелевской премии. 10. Вам лучше спросить об этом товарища Петрова. Он был председателем комиссии, которая занималась этим вопросом. 11. «Разрешите вам представить — доктор Ларин, руководитель нашей делегации». — «Очень приятно. Познакомьтесь с моими коллегами. Мистер Смит, председатель общества дружбы. Миссис Харнер, секретарь подготовительного комитета». 12. «Как ты думаешь, кто будет председателем собрания?» — «Не имею понятия. Я знаю только, что доклад сделает директор нашего предприятия».


Ex. VIII. Respond to the following statements, questions or requests using had better of would rather. Give two variants wherever possible. Add a sentence or two to make the situation clear:


        Model: a) Will you come to the cinema with me tonight?

I 'd better stay at home. I've got a lot of work to do for tomorrow or I'd        

                          rather stay at home. I'm in the middle of a very interesting book.

                     b) I want to go to the South in July this summer. You'd better not. You  

                          have a weak heart and the summer is going to be very hot this year.


1. Why don't you answer the telephone? 2. Shall I call for you at your work and we'll go to the theatre together? 3. I think I shall ask him to translate this article for me. 4. Do you want me to tell your father about our plans? 5. I wonder if I should take the children to the seaside in July. 6. We are planning to drive to Leningrad this weekend. 7. Would you like to come to the football match with me? 8. Do you think he is a good dentist? Would you recommend him? 9. I'm running a temperature. Can you give me something for it, Mary?




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