Khanate of Abulkhair

Khanate of Shaibanid Abulkhair was founded on the territory of Kazakhstan in 20-s of XV c. Disintegration of Ak-Horde and feuds of Jushides was a result of separation of Abulkhair’s Khanate. Strives of Jushides finished by death of Barak, khan of Ak-Horde. In 1428 Abulkhair – son of Davlat-sheikh – Oglan was declared a khan. Abulkhair created independent state and ruled 40 years (1428-1468).

Territory of Abulkhair Khanate stretch from Jaik on the West to Balkhash on the East, from the lower part of Syrdarya and Aral Sea on the South to the Tobol and Irtysh on the North. The ethnical structure of Khanate was very complicated: Kypchaks, Naimans, Mangyts, Karluks, Kangles, Uisuns, Uigurs and others.

Subsequently, on the territory of Abulkhair khanate was formed Middle Zhuz of Kazakh people. In the end of XIV – and in the first half of XV c. they were known as an “Uzbeks” and khanate of Abulkhair as a state of nomadic Uzbeks or Uzbek Khanate.

40-years ruling of Abulkhair were a period of civil strives (feuds) and uninterrupted wars. In 1430 he conquered Khorezm and plundered Urgench. In 1446 he took away from Timurids such towns as Sygnak, Suzak, Ak-Kurgan, Uzgend, Arkuk and presented this towns to leaders of tribes, which supported him.

Sygnak became the capital of khanate (Tara and Ordu-Bazar were the capital of Ak-Horde before). In 50-s of XV he plundered Samarkand and Bukhara; he interfered in internal feuds of Timurides. But in the 1457 he was defeated by Oirats near the Sygnak. Oirats invaded to the South-eastern and South Kazakhstan.

The Shingizids dissensions weakened Abulkhairs Khanate and sultans left him. In 50-60-s of XV c. Sultans Zhanibek and Kerey quarreled with him and struggled against the Shaibanids for restoration of power of Ak-horde khans’ dynasty. Zhanibek was a son of the last ruler of Ak-Horde Barak-khan. Zhanibek and Kerey, having united tribal groups of nomad and semi-nomad population of Dashti-Kypshak, which were depending on them, moved to the territory of Western Zhetysu in Mogulistan in the form of protest in 1459-1460. Esen-Buga, the ruler of Mogulistan united with the Kazakh leaders, hoping to protect of Mogulistan’s borders from Abulkhair, Timurids, Kalmyks.

In 1468 Abulkhair began campaign to Mogulistan, but he died on the way to Mogulistan. His successor Shaikh Khaidar was killed in feuds between numerous Jushides. Khanate of Abulkhair was disintegrated.

Nogai Horde

Nogai Horde was founded on the territory of Kazakhstan after disintegration of the Mongol empire: between Ural and Volga (Jaik and Edil) and occupied part of Western Kazakhstan.

Ak-Horde, Mogulistan and Nogai Horde had many commonalities in state system: ulus organization of the nomad population, structure of the ruling (khan) power and army, taxation system. In general, these forms and structure were taken from Mongolian empire and were remained in the Kazakh Khanate.

Nogai Horde separated from Golden Horde at the end of XIII c. and the process of separation was ended in the ruling of Edyge (1396-1411) and his son Nur-Ad-Din (1426-1440). So, Edyge was the first khan of Nogai Horde. He held all power in Golden Horde during 15 years. He had 20 sons and through them he ruled by Golden Horde.

What tribes inhabited Nogai Horde? Mangyts – played the main role in political life, but konrats, argyns, alchin, alash, tama and so on, inhabited Nogai Horde.


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