Lecture 3: Early class societies (III B.C.-III A.D.).

The objective of the lecture: To show the economic and political history of Uisuns, Kangles and Hunnu.

Outline of the lecture:

1. Uisuns.

2. Kangls.

3. Hunnu.

Uisuns. The tribes of Uisuns, which inherited lands of Saks-Tigrahauda in the Zhetisu, came from the depth of Central Asia.

The population of Uisuns was about 630 thousand people and 188 thousand from them were warriors. The head of which was leader, whose title was “Gunmo”.

The main territory of Uisuns situated in the valley of Ili, frontier on the west was on rivers Shu and Talas, where they bordered with Kangyo.

The capital of Uisuns was Chegu-Chen (the town of red valley) was situated on the coast of Issyk-kol.

Ethnic group of Uisuns still isn’t clear. One investigator thinks that Uisuns had Turkic ancestors and spoke in Turkic; another, that Uisuns were from West-Iranian tribes.

Uisuns were nomads.


Creation date IV-III cc. B.C.
Geography From Zabaikalye to Tibet, from Eastern Turkestan to the middle flow of Huanhe river.
Main cities Near the Kyrgyz Nur lake (Chjichji residence)
Main activity Nomadic cattle-breeding. Main animals: horses, oxen, camels, sheep and goats.
Other names Syunnu, Gunnu
Type of state Nomadic type of life. Hunnu can be called as a military state too.
Religion Hunnu was paganists.
People, nations Turkic-typed tribes with mongoloid faces. The population is 1,5 mln. of people.
Language One of the Altai languages family branches.
Society structure There were four supreme origins; the most noble is “Luandi” only from which the Shanyuis could be elected. Hunnu had slavery.
Military successes Hunnu fought together with Kangui against Uisuns but couldn’t succeed completely. Hunnu successfully fought against China, which them tribute, conquered Dunhu, part of Uisuns and Sayan-Altai tribes.
State army Whole army was 300-400 th. men, “Tma” – 10 th. horsemen. There were 24 heads of Tmas called “temniks”. The army consisted of center and two wings.
Historical Literature “Historical writings” by Chinese historian Sym Tsyan about Hunnu’s invasions and conquered lands.
Famous events, political history In 206 B.C. Mode made reforms for state enforcement. In 47 the state was divided into South and Northern parts. Chjichji tried to return the state unity, but China pressed on Hunnu and forced them to move through Tian-Shan to Kazakhstan. There they first contacted with Kangui tribe close. This was the first wave of great people’s migration. The second one started in I c. AD., when Hunnu again moved west from China’s pressure. Under Hunnu’s pressure there was started the tribes’ movement in Central Kazakhstan, on the north of Syrdarya and also in Aral and Caspian sea regions. The “Great People’s Migration” took its period since II till V centuries AD. And under Attila’s supervision, the migrating people made the great collapsing hit to the Roman Empire. Hunnu increased the quantity of Turkic roots among the people in the Kazakhstan region.


Lecture 4-5: Feudal states in Kazakhstan in VI-XII cc.

The objective of the lecture: To show the political history of feudal states. Development of economics. Relationships of these states between each other and neighbor states. Reasons of the collapse of these states.

Дата добавления: 2015-12-20; просмотров: 33; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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