Read the article and provide detailed answers to the case questions below.

A further positive aspect of the decentralized management structure at Hyatt Hotels Corporation is the fact that the individual manager is able to be extremely customer-responsive by developing a thorough knowledge of the guests' needs and thereby providing personalized service — fundamental to achieving customer satisfaction. This is, in fact, the ulti­mate innkeeping purpose, which Hyatt attains at high levels.

Perhaps the most striking result of this forecasting is, again, the in­troduction of innovative and diversified products and services. For busi­ness travelers, for example, Hyatt recently introduced the Hyatt Business Plan, which includes fax machines in every room, twenty-four-hour ac­cess to copiers and printers, and other features designed to address the needs of the targeted clientele.

Hyatt has also been on the forefront in developing faster, more effi­cient check-in options, including a phone number, 1—800-CHECK-IN, that allows guests to check in to their hotel rooms by telephone. In addi­tion, the needs of families have been considered as well. The company offers Camp Hyatt, the hotel industry's most extensive children's program [1, 132-133].

(to be continued)

Vocabulary notes

positive aspect положительный аспект

customer-responsive зд. реагирующий на нужды клиентов

individual manager зд. каждый менеджер в отдельности

satisfaction удовлетворение

innkeeping зд. содержание гостиницы, управление ею

forecasting зд. прогнозирование

access доступ

copier копировальный аппарат, ксерокс

targeted clientele определенная, целевая клиентура, намеченная заранее

check-in options различные варианты регистрирования клиентов при заселении


Case questions:

1. What helps the individual manager become extremely customer-responsive?

2. What is fundamental to achieving customer satisfaction?

3. What ultimate innkeeping purpose does Hyatt attain at high levels?

4. What did Hyatt introduce recently for business travelers?

5. What does the Hyatt Business Plan include?

6. What does a special phone number, 1—800-CHECK-IN, allow guests?

7. What does the company offer Camp Hyatt to meet the needs of families?


Pretend you are General Manager of the famous Nizhny Novgorod Volna Hotel. You have just found out that three business travelers from the U.S. got dissatisfied with the poor working facilities in their rooms. You decide to take drastic measures to exclude such things in the future.

While making a final decision consider the following issues:

• as General Manager you must provide the hotel owners with a reasonable return on investment;

• introduction of innovative and diversified products and services has become absolutely necessary;

• only personalized service will help achieve customer satisfaction;

• personal computers and fax machines must be hi every room;

• all sorts of on-line communication, including the Internet, will be available in every room.

Дата добавления: 2015-12-17; просмотров: 29; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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