Read the supporting article and provide detailed answers to the case questions below.

Hyatt Hotels Corporation has been recognized by the Wall Street Journal as one of the sixty-six firms around the world poised to make a difference in the industries and markets of the 1990s and beyond. As a matter of fact, the effective management that characterized the company in its early years with the Pritzker family has continued through time. Hyatt Hotels Corporation is characterized by a decentralized manage­ment approach, which gives the individual general manager a great deal of decision-making power, as well as the opportunity to stimulate per­sonal creativity and, therefore, differentiation and innovation.

The development of novel concepts and products is perhaps the key to Hyatt's outstanding success. For example, the 1967 opening of the Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Georgia, gave the company instant recognition throughout the world. Customers were likely to stare in awe at the twenty-one-story atrium lobby, the glass elevators, and the revolving roof-top restaurant.

The property's innovative architecture, designed by John Portman, revolutionized the common standards of design and spacing, thus chang­ing the course of the lodging industry. The atrium concept introduced there represented a universal challenge to hotel architects to face the new trend of grand, wide-open public spaces [1, 132].

(to be continued)

Vocabulary notes


to be poised быть готовым сделать что-либо после тща­ тельной подготовки

decentralized manage­ment децентрализованный подход к управлению


decision-making power полномочие (право) принимать самостоя­ тельные решения

creativity зд. творческий подход

instant recognition моментальное признание

novel новый, необычный; оригинальный, нестандартный

to stare смотреть во все глаза

in awe с благоговением

atrium lobby зд. атриум; большой холл из стекла, прохо­дящий через все этажи здания до самой за­стекленной крыши, которая вместе с зер­кальными дверями создает эффект естест­венного освещения

elevator (Am. E.) амер. лифт

revolving roof-top restaurant вращающийся ресторан, расположенный на крыше здания, с которой открывается пре­красный вид

to revolutionize вносить революционные изменения

trend тенденция, направление

innovative инновационный, учитывающий новейшие направления и тенденции

challenge зд. проблема или задача, требующая от че­ловека, который берется за ее решение, полного приложения своих сил и тем са­мым представляющая для него интерес; букв, вызов

Case questions:

1. What is Hyatt Hotels Corporation characterized by?

2. What does a decentralized management approach give the individual general manager?

3. What is the key to Hyatt's outstanding success?

4. Who designed the Hyatt Hotels' innovative architecture?

5. What did this architecture result in?

6. What represented a universal challenge to hotel architects of the!
world? '

Дата добавления: 2015-12-17; просмотров: 26; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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