Порядок выполнения работы

Лексический практикум по теме «Forest products»


Задание №1


There are at least 4500 specific uses for wood and woodproducts: fro/n the toothpick to the thousands of telephone and telegraph poles, from the woods used in trikets to the woods used in home and industial constructions, from the by-products that make paper to those that are used for making


shed - навес efficient - эффективный control, v. - регулировать artificially, a. – искусственно, kiln - сушильная камера brick - кирпич hollow - полый tile- пустотелый кирпич, spray- обдавать струей, steam - пар

moisture content- влагосодержание, lumber – пиломатериал, furniture making - производство мебели,

construction- строительные работы

Each year well over 30 billion board feet of lumber are needed for construction and industrial use, not to mention the uncounted amounts of unsawed wood and fuel wood used.The main use of construction lumber is, of course, in the building of homes, public buildings, commercial buildings, and other large structures. Each year 3,5 million poles are purchased by telephone and other companies. Our railroads make use of about 50 million railroad ties a year and our farmers of 400 - 600 million fense posts.

Most hardwoods go into industrial lumber and are used primarily for furniture making and vihicle construction such as boats and trucks, for machinery and equipment, and for such products as amusement devices, sporting equipment,

and children's toys. specific—- специфический, use - использование

woodproduct- древесный продукт

toothpick, n. - зубочистка pole, n. - столб trinket, n. — безделушка by-product- побочный продукт rayon— искусственный шелк, billion- миллиард, board feet - досковых футов, not to mention - уже не говоря о... uncounted amounts - бесчисленное количество saw – пилить, fuel wood – топливо, construction lumber — строительный пиломатериал

public buildings - общественные здания,

commertial buildings – промышленные предприятия

purchas— покупать

make use (of) – использовать ties- шпалы

fense- забор

primarily, adv. - в первую очередь, furniture making - производство мебели

vehicle— транспортное средство

equipment- оборудование

amusement equipment – музыкальный инструмент

toys- игрушки

PRODUCTS OF THE FOREST: Veneer and Plywood

Veneer is cut in thin sheets. The most common method of cutting veneer today is with a rotary veneer cutter which outs the thin veneer sheet off a log much as paper is unrolled. This provides for wide widths.

When several sheets of veneer are glued together, it is called plywood. The development of plywood has been one of the most importantadvancesinlumberinginrecent years.

Plywood is made up of odd numbers of sheets of veneer glued together and is referred to by the number of sheets, for example, plywood. The sheets of veneer are glued together with the grain running at right angles to the adjoining sheets. This provides lumber of great strength and, at the same time, of surprising lightness. It also has the advantage of making use of inexpensive lumbers for the inner plys and a fine, fancy veneer for only the exterior.

Fine plywood is used in furniture construction, and is available in almost any kind of wood surface desired.

In addition to the interior plywoods which have a fine veneer surface of cabinet wood and the exterior construction plywood, there are also several species of plywood which have developed in recent years. With the development of resin glues which make plywood waterproof, there have come about many new uses for this material. Plywood can be shaped for boat construction, and is also used in the air craft industry. Other new developments in plywood are compressed plywoods. These are glued and compressed underterrific pressure to make the wood harder, stronger and more durable than many metals.

With many new chemical developments, wood provides the raw material that is being developed into thousands of commertial products. That is first of all paper and paperboard. Much of the paper made is a product of pulp. Each year about 15,5 million cords of pulpwood, are made into paper and paperboard. A more recent development in the use of pulpwood flour and sawdust is that which has grown into the making of cellulose products such as rayon, plasticts, paints, turpentine, and resins. Wood is also a source of sugar alcohol, and feed for cattle. With many new chemical developments wood provides the raw material that is being developed into thoufiands of commercial products.



veneer, n. - шпон plywood, n. - фанера thin, a. - тонкий sheet, n. - лист

rotary veneer cutter - роторный режущий станок log, п. - бревно paper, п. - бумага provide, v. - обеспечить width, п. - ширина glue, v. - клеить advance, п. - достижение lumbering, п. - переработка пиломатериалов

odd numbers — нечетное количество be referred (to), v. - называться grain, п. - структура at right angle - под прямым углом ajoining, а. - соседний strength, п. - прочность lightness, п. - легкость advantage, п. — достижение make use (of), п. - использовать inexpensive, а. - дешевый lumber, п. — пиломатериал inner ply - внутренний слой exterior, п. - наружный слой furniture, п. — мебель be available - иметься налицо desire, v. - требовать surface- поверхность

interior- интерьер

cabinet wood - корпусная древесина

species- порода

resin glue - связующее на смоле

waterproof- водостойкий

shape- придавать форму

boat- судно

aircraft- самолет

compressed plywood - слоистая фанера

compress- прижимать

terrific- сильный

pressure- давление

development - достижение

commercial- промышленный

paperboard - картон

pulp- целлюлоза

cord- корд / = 2,7 м3 /

pulpwood - балансы

flour - мука

sawdust- опилки

paint- краска

turpentine- скипидар

resin- связующее

feed- питание

cattle- кр. рогатый скот

durable - стойкий

Инструкция по выполнению:

- прочитайте внимательно словарь, перепишите;

- перведите текст, используя материал лексического практикума.

- обратите внимание на значение спец лексики.

Форма отчетности: письменно в тетради.

Практическая работа № 14

Тема: Отдых, каникулы, отпуск. Туризм. Лексическая тема "My holidays"


Цель: учиться употреблять лексический материал в устной речи;

- участвовать в диалоге по теме.

Литература: практикум, англо-русские словари


Время выполнения: 2 часа


Дата добавления: 2016-01-04; просмотров: 101; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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