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Лексический практикум по теме «Trees.»

Прочитайте следующие слова и выражения:

spruce, n. - ель reach, v. - достигать

timber, n. - строевой лес. moist, a. - влажный

in this country - зд. Англия deep, a. - глубокий

stiff, a. - зд. прямой loam, n. - суглинок

incongruous, a. — несовместимый peat, n. - торф

scenery, n. - ландшафт mineral salts - минеральные соли

wild, a. - дикий dislike, v. - не любить

transplant, v. - высаживать root, n. – корень

require, v. - требовать

at certain stages - в определенный пeриод

maturity, п. - зрелость firm, а. - стойкий

age, п. - возраст endure, v. - выносить

increase, v. - увеличиваться shade, п. - тень

annually, adv. - ежегодно blast of the wind - сильный ветер

tall, a. - высокий highland, п. - горный район

Sitka spruce - ель ситхинская occur, v. - встречаться

wide, a. - широкий enjoy, v. - любить

Spruces are used chiefly for their timber in this country. Their stiff formal growth is incongruous in the open agricultural scenery of the south and east, but they may look at home in our wilder scenery.

Planting. Spruce is best-transplanted while still very small 1 foot to 18 inches, in early autumn or late spring.

Growth. Fast at certain Biades, although slow at first and again at maturity. Between the ages of 6 to 40 years, spruce may increase in height at the rate of 2 feet annually. The growth is stiff and tall, while the sitca spruce in rather wider than Norway spruce. Both reach about 720 feet in Britain, but greater height in, their native lands.

Soil. Moist deep alluvial loam or peat, if this is rich in mineral salts. Spruces dislike warm, dry or calcareous soils.

Climate. Moist conditions both of atmosphere and at the root are required. Spruces are not very wind firm and grow best in association with other trees. They endure shade well and are hardy unless exposed to the full blast of the wind. The Norway spruce dislikes coastal conditions.

Habitat. The Norway or common spruce is a tree of the mountains all over Europe; usually in association with silver firs and trees of highland zones,-' Sitka spruce is a coastal tree, occurring- only within 50 miles of the Pacific coast from Alaska to Northern California, it grows in association with alder, poplars, willows, and some of the conifers which enjoy moist coastal conditions.

Задание №1.




Especially suitable for Roadside, Town, Street, Village'Green, Woodland.

The silver birch and white birch, both native to Britain, are now recognized as belonging to two species, though there are many intermediate or hybrid forms.|From the landscape point of view they are distinctly different. The silver birch has long pendant twigs and a very white bark, while the.white birch has shorter and more erect jtwigs and a more rugged bark with many blackish markings, breaking the smooth white of the stem. Both have the same pale green foliage-arttHFfey are seen at their beat with the dark sturdy forms of their natural associates, the conifers.

Planting. The trees may be transplanted easily up to 10 or 12 feet high. They may be transplanted from November to March.


Growth. Fast growing at the early stages, forming a slender and graceful tree that casts a very light shadow.

Soil. Light sandy loam. Though tolerant of many types, the birch prefers acid or neutral rather than alkaline soils.

Climate. Very hardy, renduring wind and frost. Not, however, much use as a wind shelter unless very thickly planted, owing to the sparse foliage.



Habitat. White birch is usually the first tree to colonize northern areas at the edge of the ice cap, and it is also found arhigher altitudes than other trees. It is closely followed by, and freely associates with the spruce, pine and other conifers. It will grow in very moist positions. The silver birch prefers drier soils and flowers on the thinnest sands and gravels. Both trees grow together and hybridise freely on intermediate soil types, and are usually found with other trees.

recognize, v. - признавать

belong, v. - принадлежать

species, n. - порода

intermediate, a. - промежуточный

landscape, n. - ландшафт

from... point of view - с точки зрения

distinctly different - четко отличаться

pendant, a. - свисающий

twig, n. — веточка

bark, n. - кора

marking, n. — отметина

break, v. - зд. нарушать

smooth, a. - гладкий

stem, a. - ствол

pale, a. - бледный

foliage, n. - листва

associate, n. - сосед

stage, n. - этап, стадия

slender, a. - стройный graceful, a. - грациозный cast, v. - бросать

light, a. - легкий

sandy, a. - песчаный

loam, n. - суглинок

prefer, v. — предпочитать

acid, a. - кислый

rather than - а не

alkaline, a. - щелочной

hardy, a. - стойкий

endure, v. — выдержать

shelter, n. - кров

unless, cj. - если.../не/

thick, a. - густой

owing to - из-за

sparse, a. - редкий

edge, n. - край

ice cap - ледниковый покров

altitude, n. - высота

... is closely followed - за... непосредственно следует dry, a. - сухой flourish, v. - бурно расти thin, a. - тонкий




North-East U.S.A.

Introduced into Britain in 1725 Especiall suitable for Roadside, village Green, Windscreen.

The silver maple is one of the loveliest of tall trees and it should be more grown in this country. The colour of the foliage is pale soft green and the long leaf stalk and slender drooping twigs cause the leaves fto turn and away in the breese, showing the silver underside of the foliage, and in the autumn the whole tree becomes the blaze of scarlet and gold.

Planting. Large specimens up to 10 or 12 feet are obtainable and transplant well from November to March.

Growth. It grows very fast. Foliage is of medium density, giving fairly light


Soil. The silver maple requires a rich moist loam or alluvial silt.

Climate. Hardy against frost and quite firm at the root, enduring ordinary wind strength, but it should not be used in very windy situations. Requires full sunlight.

Habitat. Grows on river banks and along valleys with willow. It prefers open positions and is not a woodland tree.

roadside, n. - обочина дороги

windscreen, n. — защита от ветра

tall, a. - высокий

in this country — зд. в Англии

foliage, п. - листва

stalk, п. - стебелёк, ножка

slender, а. - тонкий

drooping, а. - свисающий

sway, v. - качаться

breeze, п. - бриз, легкий ветер

blaze, п. — море огней

scarlet, а. — алый, ярко-красный

specimen, п. - образец

obtainable, а. - достижимый

transplant, v. - пересаживать fast, а. - быстрый

density, п. - плотность

shade, п. - тень

require, v. - требовать

silt, п. - гравий

hardy, а. - стойкий

firm, а. - крепкий

endure, v. - выдерживать

ordinary, а. - обычный

wind strength - сила ветра

habitat, п. - естественная среда

bank, п. - берег

valley, п. - долина

willow, п. — ива

woodland, п. - лес



Introduced into Britain in 1730. Especially suitable for Waterside.



The willows at its loveliest in early spring, when the opening leaf buds appear like golden tassels on the long drooping, twigs. For this effect to five fun value, thei tree should be seen againstj dark (background. One of its. greatest charms by, a waters edge is the way in which it forms a complete circle together with its reflection in the water below.

Planting. The trep can be ransplantfed,up to 8 or 10 feet high, but probably grows best, like most willows, from "sets" (shoots or cuttings) placed in their permanent positions.

Growth. Fast in the young stages if the position is well sheltered. Dense foliage.

Soil. Moist valley loam, near running water. Dislikes heavy clays and wet peat or any stagnant mpisture.

Climate. Weeping willow is liable to suffer from late spring fronts. It needs an орen sunny position and resents to shade of other trees. In warmer climates than ours it grows taller and forms a finer tree. In Britain it shows a marked preferance for the eastern and southern counties.

Habitat. Banks of rivers and canals.


waterside, n. - по бокам рек leaf buds - листовая почка appear, v. - появляться tassel, n. - метелка, султан drooping, a. - свисающий twig, n. - веточка, побег value, n. - ценность background, n. - фон charm, n. — очарование edge, n. - край

complete circle - полный круг reflextion, n. - отражение "set" - разбитый участок

shoot, n. - росток, побег

cutting, n. - черенок

stage, n. - стадия

shelter, v. - укрывать

dense, a. — густой

moist, a. - влажный

running water - проточная вода

clay, n. - глинозем

stagnant, a. - застойный

suffer, v. - страдать

resent, v. - зд. не любить

shade, п. - тень

marked preference - заметное предпоч-тение




East U.S.A. Introduced into Britain in I7th century.

Especially suitable for Lawn, Roadside, Town, Street.

The false acacia endures smoky atmosphere and dry conditions at the root and its light gracefull foliage makes it a favourite for towns. In warm sunny positions, its white flowers appearing in June are very effective, especially if seen against a dark background. The copper beech is its most flattering, companion, as its leaves are at their blackest when the acacia is in flower.

Planting. Trees up to 10 or 12 feet transplant well from November to March.

Growth. Very fast in the early stages, producing brittle wood unless carefully shaped and trimmed;, Foliage very light and feathery.

Soil. Light poor soils of neutral or slightly acid reactions are best. It grows well, too, in alluvial soils.

Climate. False acacia is a very hardy vigorous tree, but requires shelter from wind on account of the brittle wood it produces. Warm sunny situations suit it best.

Habitat. In its native land it grows both on hill aides in mixed hardwood forest, and in river valleys, where it sometimes forms pure thickets owing to the numerous

suckers thrown up by the roots. In England it has been tried as a forest tree, but it objects to shade and appears to be short lived under these conditions. It is principal used here for street planting or other ornamental purposes.




lawn, n. - лужайка roadside, n. — обочина дороги endure, v. - переносить dry, a. - сухой graceful, a. - грациозный foliage, n. - листва appear, v. - появляться background, n. - фон feathery, a. - похожий на перья acid, a. - кислый

alluvial soils - аллювиальная почва

hardy, a. - стойкий

vigorous, a. - крепкий

require, v. - требовать

shelter, n. - кров

on account of, prep. - из-за

copper beech - бук лесной темнопун- цовый

flattering, а. - ласкающий transplant, v. — высаживать produce, v. - производить brittle, а. - хрупкий shape, v. - придавать форму

trim, v. - обрезать

suit, v. - подходить hill, п. - холм

hardwood forest - лиственный лес valley, п. - долина thicket, п. - чаща, заросль short-lived, а. - живущий короткое время

purpose, п. - цель



Probably hybrid of garden origin Introduced into Britain in 1758 Especially suitable for Lawn, Roadside, Town, Village Green.

The plane is particularly well suited to towns, both because it endueres a smoky atmosphere so well, and also because its foliage is not too dense. Without casting too much shade, its stately proportions are in scale with largest and finest civic buildings and it bestows its gracious quality on the city in a way which can be matched by few other trees. The smooth prey bark peels away in large flakes in the autumn, revealing a glossy yellow underskin and giving the tree a gay appearance.

Planting. This tree can be safely planted when quite large, specimens up to 12 feet or more being normally available. Transplanting takes place from November to March.

Growth. Fairly fast in the young stages, often reaching 100 feet high in maturity. Trees grown in towns develop a characteristic open, sparse habit and relatively light foliage.

Soil. Deep loam or gravelly silt or nearly neutral soils to those with strong acid or alluvial or alkaline tendencies are preferred. The plane grows well on light dry soils if these are sufficiently.

Climate. The plane likes warm sunny positions. It grows best in the southern counties of England except in exposed coastal positions.

Habitat. The London plane is essentially a domesticated tree and has no native habitat. It is thought by some authorities to be a chance hybrid between two introduced species Platanusorientalis from Asia Minor, and Platanus occidentalis from America.


gay appearance - веселый внешний вид

be available - иметься налицо

stage, п. - стадия

reach, v. - достигать

maturity, п. - зрелость

sparse, а. - редкий

loam, п. - суглинок

silt, п. - гравий

prefer, v. - предпочитать

acid, а. - кислый

alkalinea - щелочной

dry, а. - сухой

sufficiently, adv. - значительно deep, а. - глубокий county, п. — графство exposed, а. - открытый coastal, а. - береговой habitat, п. - естественная среда species, п. - порода Asia Minor — Малая Азия introduce, v. - ввозить 12

Plane, n. - платан origin, n. - происхождение particularly, adv. - особенно suit, v. - подходить endure, v. - выдерживать too - слишком dense, a. - густой cast, v. - бросать shade, п. - тень stately, a. - статный in scale - в масштабе civic buildings - жилые дома bestow, v. - дарить quality, n. - качество in a way - таким образом smooth, a. - гладкий bark, n. - кора peel, v. - очищать reveal, v. - обнаруживать glossy, a. - гладкий underskin, n. - подкожица 




Especially suitable for Coast, Roadside, Windscreen, Village green, Woodland.

The Scots Pine is, the most familiar of pines grown in Britain. It is characterised by its richly-coloured reddish_stem, the grey tone of its folLage^nd the charac-teristic growth of the mature tree.

Planting. Best planted when about 18 inches to 2 feet high. Transplanting takes place from November to March.

Growth. It grows fairly fast when once established, reaching about 100 feet. The flattered top and horisontal branches, typical of mature trees in southeren and eastern districts are not characteristic of young trees, which are more pyramidal in shape.

Soil. Light, weil drained, acid soils suit best. The Scots Pine grows happily in pure peat or pure sanu, and although tolerant also of a wide range of ordinary soils, it dislikes very wet, heavy or badly drained positions.

Climate: The tree is very hardy. Trees growing in positions exposed to sea-- gales may assume a stunted growth, but closely grouped woodland belts of pine can hold their own on sand dunes close to high tide level.

Habitat: The Scots pine found in Europe from Lapland to the mountains of the Mediterranean and from the Atlantic coast to Siberia. It once covered most of the British isles, but is now found only as a planted tree, except in parts of Northerr Ireland and Scotland, where the primitive forest growth still remains. It usually associates with birch, gorse and broom. On suitable soils it increases freely from the seed.


Scots pine - сосна обыкновенная suitable, a. — пригодный coast, n. - берег roadside, n. - обочина дороги windscreen, n. - защита от ветра village, п. - деревня familiar, а. - знакомый Cstem, п. - ствол foliage, п. - листва mature, а. — взрослый planting, п. - посадка, fairly, adv. - довольно. fast,?.. - быстрый establish, v. - зд. сажать

reach, v. - достигать

shape, п. - форма

acid soils — кислые почвы

peat. п. - торф

a wide range of - разнообразный

ordinary, а. - обычный

dislike, v. - не любить

wet, а. - влажный

hardy, а. - стойкий

expose, v. — подвергать

sea gale - морской ветер

jissume, v. - принимать

stuued, а. - низкорослый

tide, п. - прилив

hold their own - сохранять свои позиции

cover, v. - покрывать

Mediteiranean (sea) - Средиземное море associate, v. - зд. расти вместе

flattered, a. - красивый, ласкающий top, п. - верхушка branch, п. — ветвь



West U.S.A. Introduced into Britain In 1827 Especially suitable for Coast, Lawn, Woodland.

Douglas Fir is very suitable in many positions, though it is very variable in type and makes a fine specimen. Its timber is valuable and it has been used chiefly as a forest tree in this country, but it is beautiful when grown in the open аЙЗ might be used more often in that way for its ornamental value arid on account of its quick growth. Under conditions of forest its outstanding feature is the great height of straight bole, free of branches and tapering very gradually.

Planting. Small plants under 3 feet transplant best Early spring or late spring are best seasons for transplanting. 

Growth. Fast growing, often exceeding 2 feet a year for the first twenty or thirty years. Very tall and graceful, Douglas fir is a long lived tree and may reach a height of over 30000 feet and a diameter of 17 feet when many hundreds of years old. The main stem persists to the tip of the tree and the lateral branches are comparatively slender and slightly drooping.

Soil. Moist soils of many types are suitable. Only in very moist atmosphere can Douglas fir endure dry sandy soils. It will grow on, moist acid soils and even on the edge of brackish water.

Climate. In Britain Douglas fir is extremely hardy against frost, but dislikes very windy positions. It enjoys the moist atmosphere of our western and northern zones.

Habitat: This tree is found on the Pacific coast from British Golumbia to Mexico and inland as far as the east side of the Rockies, in some parts up to an altitude of 6 000 feet. Forests of pure douglas fir are found and it also occurs in mixed forests.




suitable, a. - подходящий

variable, a. - различный

specimen, n. - образец

chiefly, adv. — главным образом

in the open - на открытом месте

value, п. — ценность

on account of - из-за

under... conditions - в условиях

outstanding feature - основная черта

straight, a. - прямой

bole, n. - ствол

foot (feet) - фут

transplant, v. - высаживать в грунт exceed, v. - превышать persist, v. - стремиться tip, n. - верхушка /дерева' lateral, a. - боковой branch, n. - ветвь

slender, a. - стройный

drooping, a. — свисающий

moist, a. - влажный

sandy soils - песчаная почва

endure, v. - выдерживать

acid soils - кислые почвы

edge, n. - край

hardy, a. - стойкий

enjoy, v. - пользоваться

Pacific coast - берег Тихого океана

inland, п. - внутрь страны

Rockies - Скалистые горы

altitude, п. - высота

occur, v. — встречаться

mixed forests - смешанный лес


The main vantages of the Serbian spruce are its quick growth in the early stages and its power of adapting itself to English southern and eastern counties, which do not suit the other spruces, It thrives better than any other spruce near London.

Planting. It should be planted when quite small in early autumn and late spring.

Growth. It grows faster than common spruce in the young stages, but slows down to little over 1 foot a year after the first fifteen year reaching usually about 130 feet. It has very regular symmetrical shape.

Soil. The Serbian spruce prefers light moist soils overlying limestone formations.


Climate. It is very hardy against frost. It endures a dry atmosphere better than roost other spruces and is subject to extremes of climate in its native home, where, however, it enjoys a heavier rainfall than it gets in Britain.

Habitat. This spruce is only found wild in a few very small areas. Elwes states that it grows in damp ravines of rocky mountain districts and that it is found in association with pines, spruce, beech and sycamore, between 2700 and 5300 feet contour lines. Some pure woods occur at the higher limits of its range with sub-alpine plants at their fringes and, a mixed underwood under the trees.


advantage, n. — преимущество stage, n. - стадия county, n. - графство suit, v. - годиться fast, v. - быстрый

common spruce - ель обыкновенная

slow down, v. - замедлять

reach, v. — достигать

shape, n. - форма

prefer, v. — предпочитать

moist, a. - влажный

subject, v. - подвергаться extremes, n. PL - крайность

enjoy, v. - получать

wild, a. - дикий

Elwes - Элвис

damp, a. - влажный

ravine, n. — овраг, лощина

rocky, a. - скалистый

mountain district — горный район

sycamore, n. - явор, клен

lines, n. PL - очертание

fringe, n. - край

underwood, n. - подлесок


Britain. Especially suitable for Clipped Hedge, Windscreen, Woodland.

The dark dense foliage of yew is invaluable as a windscreen. There is a toxin in the leaves which, under certain conditions may prove fatal to cattle and horses. Yew hedges are, therefore, unsuitable for boundaries on the edge of pastures and fields.

Planting. Yew is best transplanted at about 2 feet high, but may be moved with care up to more than double this height, usually in early autumn or late spring)

Growth. It grows comparatively slow, though responds well to good treatment. Heights 70-80 feet are reached in exceptional cases, 30-40 feet being more usual in the open, it has a dense pyramidal shape, very wide at the base.

Soil. Yew is tolerant of all except highly acid moist soils; it prefers chalk and limestone formations or alkaline loams.

Climate. The yew is very hardy and wind firm in all parts of the country. Habitat. In England yew is a characteristic tree of the chalk hills, where it seeds itself freely, even colonising open ground in some places. It is capable of forming pure woods and holding its own against competion of taller trees in some cases, but it is more often seen with ash and beech and other lower plants.


yew, n. - тис

clipped hedge - сплошная изгородь

windscreen, n. — защита от ветра

dense, a. - густой

foliage, n. - листва

invaluable, a. - бесценный

toxin, п. - токсин

cattle, г. - крупный рогатый скот

horse, п. - лошадь

unsuitable, а. - неподходящий

boundary, п. - граница

pasture, п. - пастбище

move, v. - высаживать

with care - осторожно

double, а. - двойной

slow, а. - медленно respond, v. - реагировать treatment, п. - обращение exception, п. — исключение shape, п. - форма wide, а. - широкий chalk, п. - известняк, мел limestone, п. - известняк alkaline, А. — щелочной loam; п. - суглинок hardy, а. - стойкий seed, v. - обсеменяться pure, а. - чистый

to hold its own - сохранять свои пози-ции

competition, N. — соревнование 9

comparatively, adv. — сравнительно



West U.S.A. Introduced into Britain in 1853 Especially suitable for Hedge, Windsce.en, Woodland.

Thuya makes an excellent quick evergreen screen. As a specimen tree it is also valuable, especially when used in groups for shelter or other screening purposes. It bears shade very well and can therefore be used to thicken existing belts of hardwoods or mixed trees whose stems do not afford the required shelter.

Planting. It transplants easily at any height up to 5 or 6 feet and in most climates, with care, at more than double that height in early spring or late autumn.

Growth. Thuya grows fast in the early stages, a normal rate of increase being 19 to 18 inches annually, and in exceptional cases an annual 2 foot increase has been maintained for the first 24 years. In its native state it reaches a height of about 200 or _even 250 feet, but in Britain few trees, so far, have exceeded 100 feet in height.

Soil. Moist, well-drained sandy loams of nearly neutral reaction are preferred, and the tree seems happiest on the lower greensand areas, or on deep soils containing ajilgh proportion of mineral grit with adequate humus.

Climate. Thuya endures wind and cold fairly well in western and southern regions of Britain, but it prefers moist atmospheric conditions.

Habitat. In Alaska the giant thuya grows from sea level up to 3000 feet, but at f its southern limit, in Idaho it extends above the 70000 feet counter line. It is found

only in regions of abundant, rainfall, growing in mixed woodland in company with hardwoods, various conifers, and shrubs.


evergreen, a. - вечнозеленая specimen, n. - элитное дерево valuable, a. - ценный shelter, n. - кров

screening purpose - защитные цели, bear shade – сохранять, тень thicken existing belts - уплотнять суще ствующие пояса

hardwoods, п. PI. - лиственная порода afford, v. - давать require, v. - требовать with care – осторожно, double, а. Двойной, rate, n. – скорость,

increase — зд. Рост, annual, a. – ежегодный, exceptional, a. - исключительный

maintain, v. - поддерживать state, n. - состояние so far - до сих пор sandy, a. - песчаный prefer, v. - предпочитать contain, v. - содержать - proportion, n. - количество

mineral grit - минеральный гравий endure, v. - выдерживать fairly well - довольно хорошо condition, n. - условие sea level - уровень моря extend, v. - тянуться conifer, n. - хвойное дерево shrub, n. - кустарник





Introduced into Britain in 1853 Especially suitable for Lawn. Windscreen.

Wellingtonia and redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) are the only survivors of the Sequoia family - once dominant over much of the world, including Britain. Wel- lingtonias are believed to reach an age of more than 5000 years and are the tallest living tree. The tallest tree is 350 feet high with a diameter of 30 feet at the base of the trunk. Owing to their recent introduction it is uncertain what dementions they may reach in our climate, and the mature habit of their growth has not yet been seen here, though already they tower above many of our native trees, I

Planting. Best planted when very small, though plants up to 4 or 5 feet which have received proper nursery care may be safely moved in early autumn or late spring.

Growth. Very vigorous for the first 30 or 40 years, gradually becoming slower.

Soil. Wellingtonia is indifferent to the texture of the soil, doing well both in heavy loam and in sand, provided the depth and moisture content are adequate. Neutral or nearly neutral chemical reactions are, how ever important.

Climate. Although Wellintonia thrives all over Midlands and south, sheltered positions are preferred and it dislikes sea gales.

Habitat. This tree has survived to modern times only in Sierra Nevada of California, where it grows on the western slopes between the 5000 and 8000 foot contour lines. Some of the finest specimens are to be seen in the famous Mariposa Grove, where it 9rows in association with Douglas fir, pines, silver fir, and cedar.


wellingtonia - секвойя

red wood - мамонтовое дерево

survivor - оставшийся в живых

include, v. - включать

... are believed - полагают, что

reach, v. - достигать

age, п. - возраст

tall, а. - высокий

trunk, п. - ствол

owing to, prep, -из-за

uncertain, а. - не ясно

dimensions, п. Р1. - габариты

mature, а. - взрослый, зрелый

habit, п. - зд. характер

tower, v. - возвышаться

receive, v. - получать

proper nursery care - надлежащий

в питомнике

safely, adv. - благополучно move, v. - высаживать vigorous, а. — сильный, крепкий gradually, adv. - постепенно indifferent, а. - безразличный doing well... - хорошо растет provided, cj. - если depth, п. - глубина moisture content - влагосодержание neutal, а. - нейтральный thrive, v. - буйно расти sheltered, а. - укрытый prefer, v. - предпочитать dislike, v. - не любить sea gale - морской ветер survive, v. – выжить

modern times - настоящее время

slope, п. - склон


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Практическая работа № 11

Тема: Forestry.

Цель: научиться понимать лексический материал в в тексте;

Литература: практикум, англо-русские словари


Время выполнения: 2 часа


Дата добавления: 2016-01-04; просмотров: 14; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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