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Лексический практикум по теме «Forestry»


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1. FORESTRY IN THE RUSSIA Some 769 million heetars of Russian land (more than a third) is forest. Timber reserves run into 80.000 million cubic meters.-Conifers (pine, spruce, larch, cedar and fir) dominate, which makes our forest still more valuable. Some 80 per cent of our forest is coniferous.

Forestry in our country is a large independent industry which needs to be studied and protected... We have to keep account of forests and afforestation and control state forest reserves' Russia also leads the world in afforestation and in the planting of protection forests. More than 1,300,000 ha are planted every year. Protective forest planting is of great importance on agricultural land.


raw material - сырье productivity, n. - производительность supply, n. - поставка aforestation, n. - облесение independent, a. - независимый protect, v. - защищать keep account - считать plant, v. - сажать

be of importance - иметь значение


Forests have been classified according to their economic importance. The first group includes special purpose and protective forests - green belts around cities and enterprises, forest in reserve areas, the protective avenues for roads and railways, forests beside rivers, lakes and other water, trees that protect the soil and forests in natural preserves.

In the second group we find the trees of which there are limited reserves. These are important from the point of view of timber supply and also as protective forests, i The third group covers all other forests suitable for exploitation. These are mainly concentrated in Russia and in Kazakhstan


forest, n. - лес

forestry, n. - лесное хозяйство

conifer, n. - хвойная порода

pine, n. - сосна

spruce, n. - ель

larch, n. - лиственница

cedar, n. - кедр

fir, n. - пихта

valuable, a. - ценный

preservation, n. - сохранение

include, v. - включать

area, n. - площадь

enterprise, n. - завод

from the point of view - с точки зрения

timber, п. - лесоматериал

supply, п. - снабжать

suitable, а. - подходящий

mainly, adv. - главным образом

according to, prep. - согласно importance, n. - значение purpose, n. - цель, назначение belt, n. - пояс

enterprise, n. - предприятие resort, n. - отдых avenue, n. - дорога soil, n. - почва 

preserve, п. – заповедник


Stora Skog has since long time been performing a long-term sustainable forestry from production point of view. But that is not enough. We must also have a long-term suststain- able forestry regarding the species richness of plants, fungi and animals - the biological diversity. During recent years the knowledge about the forest as an ecosystem and the eff ect of forestry on that system has increased. We have learned about effects of different kinds of operations, but also how it is possible to change our forestry in order to manage biodiversity. We are convinced that it is possible to practice a sustainable forestry which is both economical and ecological.

This brochure describes how we want to deal with forest environment issues during the 1990's and beyond.

Stora Skog's nature conservation strategy utilizes today's best know-how about the forest as an ecosystem and transforms this into practical operation. New knowledge will always be added and our way of working in the forest must be open to such changes.

Stora Skog's main goal for nature conservation is to maintain the biological diversity, that is the species of animal and plants present in those forest landscapes where we are practising forestry.

By a forest landscape we mean an ecologically functional unit where animals and plants have a possibility to survive long-term.

We will work with units of between 5,000 and 25,000 hectares, depending on the location of our properties.

In our forestry operations we must also take into consideration other interests which make use of our forests.

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Форма отчетности: письменная работа в тетради.

Практическая работа № 12

Тема: International ecological organisations.

Цель: учиться употреблять активную лексику в устной речи, составлять монологическое сообщение по данной теме.

Литература: практикум, англо-русские словари


Время выполнения: 2 часа

Дата добавления: 2016-01-04; просмотров: 63; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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