Language Transfer: Word Building – Verb Formation


23 Look at the following examples from the texts in this unit. They contain the verbs that are formed from another part of speech by adding the prefix like en- or the suffix like –ify or –en.


● The high days and holidays on which menfolk are permitted to straighten their backs … are the days on which the women have to work the hardest, smartening up the house … [Reading 1]

● If we had a way of quantifying the output of the leisure industry of older women … [Reading 1]

● Just holding a saxophone gives you a late night charisma, enables you to drink whisky and smoke with authority.[Reading 3]


Here is a list of the main suffixes and prefixes used to form verbs:



+ en           e.g. less, short: lessen, shorten

+ ise / ize  e.g. terror, urban: terrorise, urbanize

+ ify          e.g. simple, beauty: simplify, beautify


en +           e.g. able, courage: enable, encourage


[A] Find and correct the inappropriate word in each group using the suitable verb affix –en, -ify, -ize.


1 thicken, deepen, largen, widen, threaten

2 entitle, endanger, enrage, enpower, ensure

3 glorify, exemplify, captify, justify, intensify

4 magnifize, categorize, maximize, standardize, minimize

5 tighten, strongen, heighten, lengthen, flatten


[B] Translate the sentences into English focusing on the verb formation. Remember to use the prefix en- or the suffixes -en / - ise / - ify.


1. Нам нужно увеличить несколько свадебных фотографий.

2. Если вас беспокоит качество питьевой воды, вы можете купить специальные средства, чтобы очистить ее.

3. Сейчас все согласны с тем, что курение наносит вред здоровью людей.

4. Регулярные занятия спортом могут значительно снизить риск развития сердечных заболеваний.

5. Начальство пыталось заставить рабочих согласиться с решением о продлении рабочей недели.

6. Попытки свести правила орфографии английского языка к единому стандарту пока не увенчались успехом.

7. Недавно вышла в свет книга о выдающихся ученых, прославивших наш век.


Fill in the gaps in the text below with a suitable word in the correct form. Mind there are two extra words. Suggest a heading for the article.


to follow               to pass down                   pursuit                  to come    

to suggest            similar                              pastime                 recreational

dual                      to shift                                          common                way

to take up             to trace                            pick up                 outdated  

core                       to share                                                                 


Hobbies, pastimes and professions are inherited with one in four people (1) ______ the same interests as their ancestors, according to research.

The study of 2,234 British adults (2) ______ we inherit our love for certain jobs and hobbies in much the same (3) ______ we inherit our surnames and eye-colour.

Researchers have suggested people have a ‘hobby gene’ which means they (4) ______ their parents’ hobbies such as Morris dancing, fishing or sailing, and professions such as acting.

This would suggest why actors such as Kate Hudson and Kiefer Sutherland have (5) ______ in the footsteps of Goldie Hawn and Donald Sutherland, while London Mayor Boris Johnson’s ancestors shared his (6) ______ interests of journalism and politics. The actress Drew Barrymore can (7) ______ acting 200 years back through the generations of her family.

The ‘hobby gene’ is strongest with people from Scotland and Northern Ireland with more than three in ten people having discovered ancestors with (8) ______ occupations and hobbies.

Londoners also (9) ______ the phenomenon with more than one in four sharing similar occupations and leisure (10) ______ with their ancestors.

Elaine Collins, commercial director at, the family history website which commissioned the research, said: “We tend to think of the trades and (11) ______ our ancestors participated in as (12) ______, but it appears that while many specific occupations may have changed or disappeared over time as social trends and the economy (13) ______ , many of these (14) ______ skills and interests are still being (15) ______ from generation to generation. You would be surprised with how many people have found that they actually (16) ______ from a long line of doctors, actors, sailors or stamp collectors.”

(The Telegraph, September 2008)


Flashback to Grammar 2. Verbals


Open the brackets using the correct form of the verbal


The Art of Power


“You have a medium at your disposal which offers real power,” wrote Winston Churchill in his essay “Painting as a Pastime”, “if you can find out how _________ (1 to use) it.” Britain’s wartime leader came late to the hobby he used _________ (2 to relax), first _________ (3 to pick) up a brush in 1915 ________
(4 to distract) himself after the disasters of Gallipoli. Over the next half-century he painted more than 500 daubs, as he called them, _________ (5 to give) a few to lucky friends such as Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower.

Now the largest exhibition of them in America since 1965, according to Churchill’s great-grandson, Duncan Sandys, has opened at the Millennium Gate Museum in Atlanta. Thirty-three pictures appear on the walls of the building, itself lavishly ________ (6 to design) _________ (7 to resemble) Rome’s Arch of Titus, _________ (8 to commemorate) the 50th anniversary of the statesman’s death in January 2015. Their appearance in Georgia is linked both to Mr Sandys’s current residence in the state and the family’s past there. James Oglethorpe, Georgia’s founder, learned military tactics from John Churchill, eventually the 1st Duke of Marlborough, in the 18th century. Churchill himself visited the state several times, ________ (9 to delight) in what he saw. “What lovely country surrounds the city of Atlanta! Its rich red soils, the cotton-_________ (10 to quilt) hills and uplands, the ________ (11 to rush), turgid rivers, all are alive with tragic memories of the Civil War,” he enthused in “Land of Corn and Lobsters”.

One painting on display, “Lake Geneva, Switzerland,” has been loaned by Chequers, the country retreat of British prime ministers; another arrived from the home of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Their work, “The Tower of the Katoubia Mosque”, is the only one Churchill completed during the Second World War. It was painted on a trip to Marrakech with Roosevelt, the British leader _________ (12 to persuade) his American counterpart _________ (13 to visit) after a summit meeting in 1943. The _________ (14 to burn) orange of the mosque’s exterior warms the wall on which it hangs; _________ (15 to blur) streakings of colour suggest the haze and the heat of North Africa – Mr Sandys recollects his grandfather _________ (16 to explain) that Churchill often “splashed on the paint.”

The year Churchill was born, the first Impressionist exhibition took place in Paris. The leader’s landscapes in particular flirt with the colourful legacy of that movement, _________ (17 to allow) a sense of place but little concept of time. The most _________ (18 to strike) work on display, however, proves an exception. “The Beach at Walmer”, _________ (19 paint) in 1938 as Europe rolled towards war, shows a coastal scene in which a hard, shelf-like beach runs into water ________ (20 to compose) of teal and navy. Three bathers in a row, all _________ (21 to wear) caps, and two in the distance, frolic in the sea. None seem _________ (22 to mind) the huge, black, Napoleonic-era cannon _________ (23 to dominate) the work’s foreground. General Hastings Ismay, Churchill’s chief of staff during the war, asked for the painting when his prime minister offered him a reward for his services. He felt it best represented Churchill as a leader – a constant, _________ (24 to loom) guard over Britain’s shores.

(The Economist, October 2014)




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