Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each numbered space.


Detailing your interests and (1) ______ activities is always a bit embarrassing, like writing an ad for the lonely hearts page of the local paper.

But your CV will probably be read by people who will have no other (2) ______ into your personality, skills or potential than what is laid out before them.

Conventional careers advice has been to list only those activities which are directly (3) ______ to the job. But many employers are now scanning CVs for more (4) ______ interests as evidence of creativity, personality and enthusiasm.

An intriguing list of free-time (5) ______ can also (6) ______ lack of work-related experience, gaps in your knowledge, or even missing qualifications.

The interests part is crucial to achieving what your CV really sets out to achieve – getting an interview. Don’t bet on it swinging you the job but it will get you on the (7) ______.

Some employers value extra-curricular activities higher than others, but many companies, particularly those in client-facing industries, are seeking as (8) ______ a group of graduates as possible. After all, the V in CV stands for ‘vitae’ - Latin for life - and the interests part of your (9) ______ is the ideal opportunity for you to prove you have a life.

A wide range of interests always looks good because the employer will want to see that you can fit into different (10) ______ with ease.

The interests section can make it easy for the recruiter to understand you, your values and what (11) _______ you. Why make an unsubstantiated claim like “I work well in teams” if you can demonstrate it by telling the employer you play hockey for a local club?

Many (12) ______ for jobs now specify a range of desired traits, so match these to your (13) ______ interests. Offer variety and avoid lists. Specific detail is what makes it interesting to the reader, so give examples and emphasise any significant (14) ______ related to your interests.

If you are, for example, applying for a management trainee position, your interests should (15) _____ your interpersonal and leadership skills. Writing down “Captain of football team” is not as good as “While captain of my university football team I organised practices and led the team to a national final”.

There are a few no-nos. Steer clear of extreme sports as these suggest you are a compulsive liar. Mentioning your pets will make you sound nice but wet. List polo as your favourite (16) ______ and employers may think you’ll buy the company if the fancy takes you. And of course, (17) ______ hobbies to do with railways - trainspotting, steam rallies, ticket collecting - is (18) ______ suicide.

Should you lie? Of course not, but there are ways of (19) ______ the most of even a pathetic ragbag of interests. For example, (20) ______ for 19th century French literature sounds much more positive than an interest in “reading”.

(The Guardian, April 2009)


1.  a) extra-curricular  b) curricular        c) inside          d) background

2.  a) vision                          b) outlook        c) insight         d) penetration

3.  a) related             b) determined      c) required        d) demanded

4.  a) conventional             b) offbeat        c) catching        d) worldly

5.  a) doings             b) specialties              c) schedule        d) pursuits

6.  a) make for         b) make up for    c) fill in           d) cover up

7.  a) roll of honour     b) pursuit        c) shortlist        d) preference

8.  a) diverse                 b) different          c) multifunctional d) various

9.  a) form                    b) essay           c) interview        d) application

10. a) atmospheres        b) surroundings  c) environments  d) workspaces

11. a) moves                    b) motivates        c) pushes         d) winds up

12. a) advertisements    b) vacancies        c) lists                          d) notices     

13. a) leisure                          b) hobby          c) in-between                  d) relaxation

14. a) assets                    b) achievements c) successes        d) result

15. a) point out          b) focus           c) figure out        d) underline

16. a) hobby                    b) doing           c) pastime        d) action

17. a) maintaining        b) doing           c) following        d) arranging

18. a) interest             b) impression                  c) enroll           d) career

19. a) doing                    b) taking          c) making        d) giving

20. a) tendency          b) enthusiasm      c) captivation                  d) inclination


Language Transfer 3: ‘Time’ Collocations


Study the usage notes on “time” verbal collocations and fill in the spaces in the sentences with the suitable word.


- If you use time sensibly or on things that are neither good nor bad, you spend time.

- If you use time badly you waste time.

- If you are trying to keep to a certain timetable you may also lose time.

- If you have too much time which you try to fill you may pass the time. Or even (if you are waiting for something) kill time.

- If something eats up time, it consumes it in great quantities.

- If you while away time, you spend it in a relaxed way when you have nothing else to do.

- If you gain time, you obtain extra time by a delay or postponement.

- If you are pressed for time, you have hardly enough time to do something, and you need to be quick.

- If you take your time, you act slowly or at your leisure. 

- If you make time, you find the time to do something that should take priority or you have to clear some time in your schedule to do something.

- If you have time to spare, you use it because you have enough available.

- If you invest time in something, you put your time into it to get an advantage.  


1. Nowadays a lot of people _______ time surfing social networking sites.

2. He would _______ the long daylight hours fishing and playing in the wilderness.

3. I’m just standing here, _______ time until the shop opens.

4. _______ your time – this is a big decision, and you don’t want to rush into it.

5. I _______ a lot of my time wondering about Tom.

6. Students’ top priority is to _______ quality time in their education and improvement of their skills.

7. I _______ a whole hour trying to find a garage.

8. They say he who _______ time gains everything.

9. We _______ quite a lot of time on the journey because of a breakdown.

10. I drove quickly, trying to make up for _______ time.

11. It is possible to plan much of your working day, and focus on carrying out the work as planned, but it is inevitable that interruptions will at some stage come into play and _______ a lot of your precious time.

12. What better way to _______ the time with a friend than to play a game of chess that makes you a better man?

13. When I’m _______ time at the office, I might put off eating in the morning.

14.  You should ______ more time for your children. They’re growing up so fast, and you’re missing all of it.

15.  I wonder if you could _______ the time to answer a few questions.


12 Translate the sentences into English focusing on the expressions with ‘time’.


1. Мисс Беннетт коротала часы ожидания за более продуктивным делом – вязанием.

2. Вам посчастливилось, что у этого занятого человека нашлось время для визита к вам.

3. Она сказала, что может выделить только полчаса, чтобы сходить на наше собрание.

4. Успешные люди не тратят много времени и сил на размышления о том, что о них думают другие.

5. Дети проводили время, играя на улице без присмотра взрослых.

6. Он не спешил с ответом, зная, что при общении со своим знакомым он должен с большой осторожностью подбирать слова.

7. Будучи на пять лет старше своих сослуживцев, он решил наверстать упущенное время и заняться вопросом своего повышения по службе.

8. Психолог помог мне понять, какие привычки и пристрастия съедают много рабочего времени, что тормозит мою активность и желание работать.

9. Если я выиграю время, победа будет в моих руках.

10.  Несомненно, время – самый ценный ресурс. Хотим мы этого или нет, мы должны задумываться над тем, как проводить время с пользой для себя.


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