Exercise 10. In pairs, agree or disagree with the statements using the information from the text and the following phrases:

Of course (not). — Конечно (нет).

Certainly (not). — Конечно (нет).

Naturally (Hardly). — Конечно (Вряд ли).

All right (I am afraid not). — Да (Боюсь, что нет).

I (don’t) agree with you. — Я (не) согласен с Вами.

You are (not) right — Вы (не) правы.

I (don’t) think so. — Я так (не) думаю.

Far from it. — Далеко от этого.

You are mistaken. — Вы ошибаетесь.

Nothing of the kind. — Ничего подобного.

It goes without saying. — Безусловно.

On the contrary. — Наоборот.

1. One of the valuable technological advancement in the field of science is robe.

2. A robot is a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically.

3. The idea of automata-based programming originates in the period of globalization.

4. Engineers and inventors from ancient civilizations attempted to build self-operating machines.

5. Taking up the earlier reference the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Elizabeth II speculated that automatons could someday bring about human equality by making possible the abolition of slavery.

6. The Greek engineer Ctesibius applied knowledge of pneumatics and hydraulics to produce the first water clocks with moving figures.

7. It was around 350 BC, the Greek mathematician Archytas postulated a mechanical bird named “The Pigeon”, a robot powered by electricity.

8. One of the first recorded designs of a humanoid robot was made by Leonardo da Vinci in around 1945.

9. Many automatons were built including ones capable of acting, drawing, flying, and playing music.

10. The major relevant fields are mechanics, control theory, and computer science.


Exercise 11. Match each item on the left with an item on the right to complete a sentence.

1. Engineers and inventors from ancient civilizations 2. Greek philosopher Aristotle speculated that automatons could someday bring about human equality 3. The Greek engineer Ctesibius applied knowledge of pneumatics and hydraulics 4. The Greek mathematician Archytas postulated a mechanical bird named “The Pigeon”, 5. The Japanese craftsman Hisashige Tanaka, known as “Japan’s Edison”, 6. The design of robots became more and more sophisticated, 7. Nikola Tesla came up with a remote operated boat, 8. The first industrial robot was invented in 1962 9. Currently, different aspects of robotics research 10. The history of robot is intertwined with the histories of a. and named as “Unimate”. b. technology, science and the basic principle of progress. c. created an array of extremely complex mechanical toys. d. to produce the first water clocks with moving figures. e. by making possible the abolition of slavery. f. are carried out by experts in various fields. g. with the increase in the capacity of the machines to do work. h. which was demonstrated at Madison Square Garden, New York. i. attempted to build self-operating machines. j. a robot powered by steam, which could fly.  

Exercise 12. Decide which one of the verbs on the left is the best alternative for the verb on the right.

1. to complete             a. to finish

2. to receive                b. to produce

3. to build                   c. to require

4. to return                  d. to include

5. to leave                    e. to come back

6. to make                    f. to think about deeply

7. to intertwine             g. to construct

8. to need                      h. to go out

9. to consist of              i. to get

10. to speculate               j. to cross

Exercise 13. Answer the questions concerning the history of robotics. It will help you understand the text in detail.

1. What is one of the valuable technological advancements in the field of science?

2. What does the term ‘robot’ mean?

3. When can the concepts akin to robot be found?

4. Where does the idea of automata-based programming originate from?

5. How did the Greek philosopher Aristotle speculate about human equality?

6. What kind of knowledge did the Greek engineer Ctesibius apply to produce the first water clocks?

7.  How was a mechanical bird named “The Pigeon” powered?

8. What was the first recorded model airplane and a milestone in the history of robotics?

9.  Who made the first designs of a humanoid robot?

10. When were the first designs of a humanoid robot created?

11. What kind of movements was the humanoid robot able to do?

12. What did the Japanese craftsman Hisashige Tanaka, known as “Japan’s Edison”, create?

13. What kind of actions were the mechanical toys able to do?

14. What period in the history of robotics proved to be crucial and why?

15.  Has the design of robots become more sophisticated with the passing time?

16.  How did the capacity of the machines change?

17. Who invented the remote operated boat?

18. When was the first industrial robot “Unimate” invented?

19. What are the major relevant fields in robotics?

20.  How is the history of robots intertwined with other histories?




Exercise 14. Define the tense-forms in the following sentences. If you have some difficulties use the grammar reference at the end of the book or the Internet sites:



1. A robot is a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically.

2. Concepts akin to a robot can be found as long ago as the 3th century BC.

3. The idea of automata-based programming originates in the mythologies of many cultures around the world.

4. Engineers and inventors from ancient civilizations, including Ancient Greece, Egypt and China, attempted to build self-operating machines.

5. This was the first recorded model airplane and a milestone in the history of robotics.

6. One of the first recorded designs of a humanoid robot was made by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) in around 1495.

7. Da Vinci’s notebooks, rediscovered in the 1950s, contain detailed drawings of a mechanical knight in armour which was able to sit up, wave its arms and move its head and jaw.

8. Many automatons will be built including ones capable of acting, drawing, flying, and playing music.

9. The design of robots has become more and more sophisticated, with the increase in the capacity of the machines to do work.

10.  Currently, different aspects of robotics research are being carried out by experts in various fields.

Exercise 15. Analyze the following grammatical forms you may find above:

A. In Exercises 1 and 13 – types of question forms. If you have some difficulties use the grammar reference at the end of the book or the Internet sites:




Start with this one:

1. Now you know a lot about the history of robotics, don’t you?

B. Define word-forms with the ending – ‘s’:

is                                                           designs

robotics                                                 notebooks

actions                                                   its

concepts                                                arms

originates                                               as

mythologies                                           toys

cultures                                                  arrows

engineers                                               characters

civilizations                                           machines

pneumatics                                            hydraulics

clocks                                                     figures

Archytas                                                 drawings

automatons                                             ones

developments                                         robots

was                                                         aspects

experts                                                    various

fields                                                       histories

progress                                                  inventors



Exercise 16. Make a précis of the text, using the following phrases:


1. The title of the text is ……

2. The text is about …..

3. The text covers such points as …….

4. It should be underlined that ….

5. In conclusion I would say that ….

6. To my opinion ….. . To my mind ….. .



Get Ready For Different Kinds Of Communication:


Exercise 17. Read the text and focus on its essential facts, and then:

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