Exercise 1. Warm-up. In pairs or small groups discuss the questions.

1. What does the term ‘robot’ mean?

2. When was the first world’s robot created?

3. Who invented a robot?

4. What was the first robot used for?

5. Do you know any other ancient robots?

6. Can you name the best robots of all time?

7. What are the benefits and disadvantages of using robots?

8. Would you want a humanlike robot to live in your home?

9. What would you get a robot to do for you?

10. Are you a ‘robot nerd’ or a ‘technophobe’?


Exercise 2. Read and guess the meaning of these words which you will see in the text. If you have some difficulties use the dictionary or visit the Internet site:


Technology • robot • robotics • machine • complex • series • automatic • concept • idea • automata-based • programming • original • mythology • culture • engineer • civilization • Greece • Egypt • operate • reference • Homer • Iliad • Greek • philosopher • Aristotle • automaton • human • engineer • pneumatics • hydraulics • produce • figure • mathematician • Archytas • postulate • mechanical • record • model • airplane • history • design • humanoid • Leonardo da Vinci • notebook • detail • Edison • create • extreme • serve • character • period • act • music • sophisticate • increase • Nikola Tesla • demonstrate • New York • industrial • different • aspect • expert • various • major • relevant • control • theory • computer • basic • principle • progress.

Exercise 3. Visit the website address given below. Watch the clipWhat Does a Robotic Engineer Do?” and write down the international words you have heard. Then read out the words from Exercise 2, which you have heard in the clip:





Exercise 4. Try to memorize the following words and word combinations. It will help you comprehend the text in detail, take part in the discussion, arrange role-plays and present your projects.

1. valuable – ценный

2. advancement – продвижение, улучшение

3. robotics – робототехника, автоматика, роботика

4. as to be increasingly known – быть более известным как

5. to be akin to – быть близким к понятию

6. as long ago as – началась еще с

7. BC (before Christ) – до рождества Христова

8. AD (anno Domini) – после рождества Христова

9. automata-based programming – автоматное программирование

10.  to originate – брать свое начало с

11.  ancient civilizations – древние цивилизации

12.  to attempt – пытаться

13.  self-operating machine – самостоятельно работающая машина

14.  to speculate – размышлять

15.  to make possible – сделать возможным

16.  abolition – отмена

17.  slavery – рабство

18.  milestone – веха

19.  to rediscover – заново открыть

20.  drawing – чертеж

21.  knight in armour – рыцарь в доспехах

22.  craftsman – ремесленник, кустарь

23.  array – набор, разнообразие

24.  arrow – стрела

25.  quiver – колчан

26.  Japanese character – японский иероглиф

27.  to prove to be crucial – оказаться решающим

28.  to carry out – заниматься (исследовательской деятельностью)

29.  remote operated – дистанционно управляемый

30.  to be intertwined – переплетаться, быть неразрывно связанным


Exercise 5. Read the text carefully and try to focus on the essential facts from the history of robots.

One of the valuable technological advancement in the field of science is robotics or, as it is increasingly known, robot. A robot is a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically. Concepts akin to a robot can be found as long ago as the 3d century BC. The idea of automata-based programming originates in the mythologies of many cultures around the world. Engineers and inventors from ancient civilizations, including Ancient Greece, Egypt and China, attempted to build self-operating machines.

Taking up the earlier reference in Homer’s Iliad, Greek philosopher Aristotle speculated that automatons could someday bring about human equality by making possible the abolition of slavery.

The Greek engineer Ctesibius (c. 270 BC) applied knowledge of pneumatics and hydraulics to produce the first water clocks with moving figures. It was around 350 BC, that the Greek mathematician Archytas postulated a mechanical bird named “The Pigeon”, a robot powered by steam, which could fly. This was the first recorded model airplane and a milestone in the history of robotics.

One of the first recorded designs of a humanoid robot was made by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) in around 1495. Da Vinci’s notebooks, rediscovered in the 1950s, contain detailed drawings of a mechanical knight in armour which was able to sit up, wave its arms and move its head and jaw.

The Japanese craftsman Hisashige Tanaka, known as “Japan’s Edison”, created an array of extremely complex mechanical toys, some of which were capable of serving tea, firing arrows drawn from a quiver and, or even painting the Japanese characters. The period between 1700 AD and 1800 AD proved to be crucial in the history of robotics. Many automatons were built including ones capable of acting, drawing, flying, and playing music.

With the passing time, robotics saw further developments. The design of robots became more and more sophisticated, with the increase in the capacity of the machines to do work.

In the late 19th century, in 1898, Nikola Tesla came up with a remote operated boat, which was demonstrated at Madison Square Garden, New York. The first industrial robot was invented in 1962 and named as “Unimate”. Currently, different aspects of robotics research are carried out by experts in various fields.

The major relevant fields are mechanics, control theory, and computer science. Therefore, the history of robots is intertwined with the histories of technology, science and the basic principle of progress.





Дата добавления: 2019-02-13; просмотров: 293; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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