Поставьте глагол в скобках в соответствующую форму Present Perfect или Past Simple. Форму подчеркните. Предложения переведите.


1. 'Where's your key?' 'I don't know. I have lost it.' (lose) «Где твои ключи?» - «Я не знаю. Я их потерял».

2. I … very tired, so I lay down on the bed and went to sleep (be).

3. Mary … to Australia for a while but she's back again now (go).

4. 'Where's Ken?' 'He … out. He'll be back in about an hour.' (go)

5. I did German at school but I … most of it. (forget)

6. I meant to phone Diane last night but I … (forget).

7. I … a headache earlier but I feel fine now. (have)

8. Look! There's an ambulance over there. There … an accident (be).

9. They're still building the new road. They … it. (not/finish)

10. 'Is Helen still here?' 'No, she … out.' (just/go)

11. The police … three people but later they let them go. (arrest)

12. Ann … me her address but I'm afraid I … it. (give, lose)

13. Where's my bike? It … outside the house. It … (be, disappear)

14. What do you think of my English? Do you think I …? (improve)


Укажите, являются ли подчеркнутые формы верными или неверными. Исправьте неверный вариант.


1. Do you know about Sue? She's given up her job. RIGHT

2. The Chinese have invented printing. WRONG: The Chinese invented printing.

3. How many plays has Shakespeare written?

4. Have you read any of Shakespeare's plays?

5. Aristotle has been a Greek philosopher.

6. Oh! I've cut my finger. It's bleeding.

7. My grandparents have got married in London.

8. Where have you been born?

9. Mary isn't at home. She's gone shopping.

10. Albert Einstein has been the scientist who has developed the theory of relativity.


Из слов, данных в скобках, составьте предложения. Используйте Present Perfect или Past Simple. Форму глагола подчеркните и назовите. Предложения переведите.


1. (it/not/rain/this week). It hasn't rained this week. На этой неделе не было дождя (Present Perfect).

2. (the weather/be/cold/recently)

3. (it cold/last week)

4. (I not/read/a newspaper yesterday)

5. (I not/read/a newspaper today)

6. (Ann/earn/a lot of money/this year)

7. (she not/earn/so much/last year)

8. (you have/a holiday recently?)


1.4. Выберите между during и while. Предложения переведите.

1. We met a lot of people while we were on holiday. Мы встречались со многими людьми, когда были в отпуске.

2. We met a lot of people during our holiday. Мы встречались со многими людьми во время отпуска.

3. I met Mike … I was shopping.

4. … we were in Paris, we stayed at a very comfortable hotel.

5. … our stay in Paris, we visited a lot of museums and galleries.

6. The phone rang three times … we were having dinner.

7. The phone rang three times … the night.

8. I had been away for many years. … that time, many things had changed.

9. What did they say about me … I was out of the room?

10. Jack read a lot of books and magazines … he was ill.

11. I went out for dinner last night. Unfortunately, I began to feel ill … the meal and had to go home.

12. Please don't interrupt me … I'm speaking.

13. There were many interruptions … the President's speech.


1.5. Выберите между for и during. Предложения переведите.


1. It rained for three days without stopping. Дождь шел без остановки в течение трех дней.

2. I fell asleep during the film. Я заснул во время фильма.

3. I went to the theatre last night. I met Lucy … the interval.

4. Martin hasn’t lived in Britain all his life. He lived in Brazil … four years.

5. Production at the factory was seriously affected … the strike.

6. I felt really ill last week. I could hardly eat anything … three days.

7. I waited for you … half an hour and decided that you weren't coming.

8. Sue was very angry with me. She didn't speak to me … a week.

9. We usually go out at weekends, but we don't often go out … the week.

10. Jack started a new job a few weeks ago. Before that he was out of work … six months.

11. I need a change. I think I'll go away … a few days.

12. The President gave a long speech. She spoke … two hours.

13. We were hungry when we arrived. We hadn't had anything to eat … the journey.

14. We were hungry when we arrived. We hadn't had anything to eat … eight hours.


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What delightful and fearful words these can be: “My first job”. Some fear it, and some can’t wait until they have the opportunity to experience it. What does a first job provide? Money. In a real sense, that’s why most people look forward to it. That first job gives us a chance to have our first taste of our own real cash.

But even deeper is the sense of responsibility and self-sufficiency that comes with making your own money. Nobody wants to live with their parents forever. Eventually you have to get on with your life and support yourself. Getting your first job starts your road to independence. Along with this independence come a number of things, such as issues of accountability, financial responsibility, personal growth and maturity.

For many, it’s the first time real responsibility is required. For example, you have to show up to your job or you’ll be fired. Attendance is mandatory. If you are ill, you generally must find someone to fill in – it is your responsibility, not your supervisor’s. And if you don’t do a good job, or if you seem like you would really rather be somewhere else, it’s unlikely that you will find yourself continuing long in your position.

Of course, personal growth is a result of all these things. Being able to spend your own money the way you choose is a great show of your freedom as well as a great responsibility. You are now free to do more of what you want independently of your parents’ finances. The very fact that you are taking on the responsibility of a job speaks volumes for your maturity. You may not like your job, but you will certainly feel more “adult” because of it.

But remember that unless you are entering the job market fresh from university or college and are ready to begin your career, it’s unlikely that you’ll get a job that matches your skills particularly well. In fact, you may end up flipping burgers, mopping floors, or stuffing brochures – jobs which aren’t always fun. But when you do what you don’t want to do because you know you have to do it, you grow more at a personal level. And all of these factors combine to create the unique experience of having a first job.




1.1. Составьте предложения, используя конструкцию I’ll + соответствующий по смыслу глагол. Предложения переведите.


1. I'm too tired to walk home. I think I'll get a taxi. Я слишком устал, чтобы идти домой пешком. Я думаю, что я возьму такси.

2. 'It's a bit cold in this room.' 'Is it? … on the heating then.'

3. 'We haven't got any milk.' 'Oh, haven't we? … and get some.'

4. 'Do you want me to do the washing-up?' 'No, it's all right. … it.'

5. 'I don't know how to use this computer.' 'OK, … you.'

6. 'Would you like tea or coffee?' ‘… coffee, please’.

7. 'Goodbye! Have a nice holiday.' 'Thanks. … you a postcard.'

8. Thank you for lending me your camera. … it back to you on Monday, OK?

9. 'Are you coming with us?' 'No, I think … here.'


Дата добавления: 2018-08-06; просмотров: 390; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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