Write down the English equivalents for the following Russian words and word combinations.

        Предсказывать погоду, радуга, сосульки, гололед, прогноз погоды, ураган, вспышка молнии, удар грома, засуха, быть затянутым облаками, наводнение, землетрясение, слякоть, обморожение, град, лужа, изморось, ветерок, облачно, грохотать, извержение вулкана, тепловой удар, промокнуть до костей, засуха, смог, туман, ясно, изнуряющая жара, прохладная погода, кондиционер.


Exercise 2.

Study the following examples illustrating the use of modern expressions, connected with the topic. Render the sentences into Russian paying special attention to the translation of the italicized phrases.

1. His dishonest actions towards the workers created a climate of distrust.

2. The government reforms have created a climate of change.

3. She has a very sunny disposition – she’s hardly ever miserable.

4. Job prospects are sunny.

5. Unfortunately our plans met with a frosty reception.

6. “You lied to me, didn’t you?” she said icily.

7. I’m snowed under with work – I’ll never get through it all in time.

8. Don’t let your love for him cloud your judgment.

9. The soldiers were hit with a hail of bullets.

10.  The prime minister was greeted with a storm of applause.

11.  After the long flight I was in a haze for a day or two.

12.  I’ve only a hazy idea what you mean.

13.  The truth is hidden in the mists of history.

14.  She looked at him misty-eyed – clearly in love.

15.  Thunderous applause followed his speech.

16.  The winds of change are blowing across the country.


Exercise 3.

Match the definition with the proper word. Try not to look in the dictionary. Translate the words into Russian how you understand them.

AIR   The pressure exerted by the atmosphere at a given point. Its measurement can be expressed in several ways. One is in millibars. Another is in inches or millimeters of mercury (Hg). Related term: barometric pressure  
AIR POLLUTION   A horizontal movement of water, such as the Gulf Stream off the east coast of North America, or air, such as the jet stream.  
ATMOSPHERE   Small particles of earth or other matter suspended in the air. It is reported as "DU" in an observation and for wide spread dust on the METAR.  
ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE   The force per unit area exerted by the weight of the atmosphere above a point on or above the earth's surface.  
CLIMATE   The soiling of the atmosphere by contaminants to the point that may cause injury to health, property, plant, or animal life, or prevent the use and enjoyment of the outdoors.  
CLOUD   Slowly falling precipitation in the form of tiny water droplets with diameters less than 0.02 inches or 0.5 millimeters. It falls from stratus clouds and is often associated with low visibility and fog. It is reported as "DZ" in an observation and on the METAR.  
CURRENT   A measure of temperature difference representing a single division on a temperature scale. Related terms: Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin  
DAWN   The sum total of all the external conditions that effect an organism, community, material, or energy.  
DEGREE   The gaseous or air portion of the physical environment that encircles a planet. In the case of the earth, it is held more or less near the surface by the earth's gravitational attraction. The divisions of the atmosphere include the troposphere, the stratosphere, the mesosphere, the ionosphere, and the exosphere.  
DEW   The temperature at which a solid substance undergoes fusion, changing from a solid to a liquid state. Contrast with freezing point.  
DRIZZLE   A collection of microscopic water droplets suspended in the atmosphere. It does not reduce visibility as much as fog and is often confused with drizzle.  
DUST   The amount of water vapor in the air. It is often confused with relative humidity or dew point. Related terms: absolute humidity, relative humidity, and specific humidity  
ECOLOGY     The historical record and description of average daily and in seasonal weather events that help describe a region. Statistics are generally drawn over several decades. The word is derived from the Greek klima, meaning inclination, and reflects the importance early scholars attributed to the sun's influence.  
ENVIRONMENT   The overall warming of the earth's lower atmosphere primarily due to carbon dioxide and water vapor which permit the sun's rays to heat the earth, but then restrict some heat-energy from escaping back into space.  
FOG   This is considered the mixture of gases that make up the earth's atmosphere. The principal gases that compose dry air are Nitrogen (N2) at 78.09%, Oxygen (O2) at 20.946%, Argon (A) at 0.93%, and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) at 0.033%. One of the most important constituents of air and most important gases in meteorology is water vapor (H2O).
GREENHOUSE EFFECT   The first appearance of light in the eastern sky before sunrise. It marks the beginning of morning twilight. The visual display is created by the scattering of light reaching the upper atmosphere prior to the sun's rise to the observer's horizon.  
MELTING POINT   Condensation in the form of small water drops that forms on grass and other small objects near the ground when the temperature has fallen to the dew point, generally during the nighttime hours.  
MIST   The study of the relationships between living organisms and their environment.  
HUMIDITY   A visible aggregate of minute water droplets suspended in the atmosphere at or near the surface of the earth, reducing horizontal visibility to less than 5/8 statute miles. It is created when the temperature and the dew point of the air have become the same, or nearly the same, and sufficient condensation nuclei are present. It is reported as "FG" in an observation and on the  
PRESSURE   A visible collection of minute particle matter, such as water droplets and/or ice crystals, in the free air. A cloud forms in the atmosphere as a result of condensation of water vapor. Condensation nuclei, such as in smoke or dust particles, form a surface upon which water vapor can condense.  

Exercise 4.

Choose the right word out of the two given, change word forms if necessary.

1. (slush, sleet)

a) The __ under my feet was awful. I had an impression that I was walking through a muddy sea.

b) The rain changed into __. Wet snowflakes were falling on the ground and melted there.


2. (ice drift, snowdrift)

a) The path was hedged by two long___. They were like two mountain ranges.

b) The ___started at night. In the morning the children ran to the river to look at the huge blocks of ice drifting across the water.


3. (icing, icicle)

a) There was heavy _____on the road and all cars were moving very slowly.

b) After a thaw there appeared_____-on the edge of the roof; they looked like sparkling needles.


4. (frost, hoarfrost)

a) Tree branches were covered with ___-and the forest looked enchanting and somewhat mysterious.

b) The __was biting the nose and the cheeks. It was impossible to stay long in the street.


5. (draught, drought)

a) Severe ___killed the crops. Not a drop of rain fell on the ground for a month.

b) When the door opened, the ___ blew off the papers down on the floor.


6. (to freeze, to be freezing)

a) In winter all rivers and lakes in these parts always ___.

b) The temperature was quite low and I felt that I ___.


7. (blizzard, drizzle)

a) Boring ___ spoiled the day. It was too wet and dull.

b) The ___ was blinding us. Snowflakes were swirling in the air.


8. (light, lightning)

a) There is not enough _____in the room. The table should be moved closer to the window.

b) The ____split the sky into two parts. A deafening thunder crack followed.


Exercise 6.

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