The sky seemed to get darker as we neared the new neighborhood. The heavy

trees bent low over the street. “Slow down, Jack,” Mom warned shrilly. “The street is really slick.”

But Dad was in a hurry to get to the house before the moving van did. “They’ll

Just put the stuff anywhere if we’re not there to supervise,” he explained.




Josh, beside me in the backseat, was being a real pain, as usual. He kept

Complaining that he was thirsty. When that didn’t get results, he started whining that he was starving. But we had all had a big breakfast, so that didn’t get any reaction, either.

He just wanted attention, of course. I kept trying to cheer him up by telling him

How great the house was inside and how big his room was. He still hadn’t seen it.






But he didn’t want to be cheered up. He started wrestling with Petey, getting the

Poor dog all worked up, until Dad had to shout at him to stop.

“Let’s all try really hard not to get on each other’s nerves,” Mom suggested.

Dad laughed. “Good idea, dear.”

“Don’t make fun of me,” she snapped.






They started to argue about who was more exhausted from all the packing. Petey

Stood up on his hind legs and started to howl at the back window.

“Can’t you shut him up?” Mom screamed.

I pulled Petey down, but he struggled back up and started howling again. “He’s

Never done this before,” I said.

“Just get him quiet!” Mom insisted.




I pulled Petey down by his hind legs, and Josh started to howl. Mom turned

Around and gave him a dirty look. Josh didn’t stop howling, though. He thought he

Was a riot.

Finally, Dad pulled the car up the driveway of the new house. The tires crunched

Over the wet gravel. Rain pounded on the roof.





“Home sweet home,” Mom said. I couldn’t tell if she was being sarcastic or not. I

Think she was really glad the long car ride was over.

“At least we beat the movers,” Dad said, glancing at his watch. Then his

expression changed. “Hope they’re not lost.”

“It’s as dark as night out there,” Josh complained.





Petey was jumping up and down in my lap, desperate to get out of the car. He was usually a good traveler. But once the car stopped, he wanted out immediately.

I opened my car door and he leaped onto the driveway with a splash and started

To run in a wild zigzag across the front yard.





“At least someone’s glad to be here,” Josh said quietly. Dad ran up to the porch and, fumbling with the unfamiliar keys, managed to get the front door open. Then he motioned for us to come into the house.









Mom and Josh ran across the walk, eager to get in out of the rain. I closed the car

Door behind me and started to jog after them.

But something caught my eye. I stopped and looked up to the twin bay windows

Above the porch.

I held a hand over my eyebrows to shield my eyes and squinted through the rain.

Yes. I saw it.

A face. In the window on the left.

The boy.

The same boy was up there, staring down at me.



Дата добавления: 2018-06-01; просмотров: 132; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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