I poked him in the ribs with my elbow. “Say something. Did you hear what I


But the weird, thoughtful look didn’t fade from Josh’s face.


The next couple of weeks seemed to crawl by. I walked around the house thinking

About how I’d never see my room again, how I’d never eat breakfast in this kitchen

again, how I’d never watch TV in the living room again. 



Morbid stuff like that. I had this sick feeling when the movers came one afternoon and delivered a tall stack of cartons. Time to pack up. It was really happening. Even though it was the middle of the afternoon, I went up to my room and flopped down on my bed. I didn’t nap or anything. I just stared at the ceiling for more than an hour, and all these wild, unconnected thoughts ran through my head, like a dream, only I was awake.




I wasn’t the only one who was nervous about the move. Mom and Dad were

Snapping at each other over nothing at all. One morning they had a big fight over

Whether the bacon was too crispy or not.

In a way, it was funny to see them being so childish. Josh was acting really sullen

All the time. He hardly spoke a word to anyone. And Petey sulked, too. That dumb

Dog wouldn’t even pick himself up and come over to me when I had some table

Scraps for him.




I guess the hardest part about moving was saying good-bye to my friends. Carol

And Amy were away at camp, so I had to write to them. But Kathy was home, and

She was my oldest and best friend, and the hardest to say good-bye to.

I think some people were surprised that Kathy and I had stayed such good

Friends. For one thing, we look so different. I’m tall and thin and dark, and she’s fair-skinned, with long blonde hair, and a little chubby. But we’ve been friends since

Preschool, and best friends since fourth grade.




When she came over the night before the move, we were both terribly awkward.

“Kathy, you shouldn’t be nervous,” I told her. “You’re not the one who’s moving

away forever.”

“It’s not like you’re moving to China or something,” she answered, chewing hard

On her bubble gum. “Dark Falls is only four hours away, Amanda. We’ll see each

other a lot.”

“Yeah, I guess,” I said. But I didn’t believe it. Four hours away was as bad as

Being in China, as far as I was concerned. “I guess we can still talk on the phone,” I

Said glumly.




She blew a small green bubble, then sucked it back into her mouth. “Yeah. Sure,”

She said, pretending to be enthusiastic. “You’re lucky, you know. Moving out of this

crummy neighborhood to a big house.”

“It’s not a crummy neighborhood,” I insisted. I don’t know why I was defending

The neighborhood. I never had before. One of our favorite pastimes was thinking of

Places we’d rather be growing up.




“School won’t be the same without you,” she sighed, curling her legs under her

on the chair. “Who’s going to slip me the answers in math?”

I laughed. “I always slipped you the wrong answers.”

“But it was the thought that counted,” Kathy said. And then she groaned. “Ugh.

Junior high. Is your new junior high part of the high school or part of the elementary school?”





I made a disgusted face. “Everything’s in one building. It’s a small town,

remember? There’s no separate high school. At least, I didn’t see one.”

“Bummer,” she said.

Bummer was right.





We chatted for hours. Until Kathy’s mom called and said it was time for her to

Come home.

Then we hugged. I had made up my mind that I wouldn’t cry, but I could feel the

Big, hot tears forming in the corners of my eyes. And then they were running down

My cheeks.

“I’m so miserable!” I wailed.

I had planned to be really controlled and mature. But Kathy was my best friend,

After all, and what could I do?




We made a promise that we’d always be together on our birthdays—no matter

What. We’d force our parents to make sure we didn’t miss each other’s birthdays.

And then we hugged—again. And Kathy said, “Don’t worry. We’ll see each

Other a lot. Really.” And she had tears in her eyes, too.



She turned and ran out the door. The screen door slammed hard behind her. I

Stood there staring out into the darkness until Petey came scampering in, his toenails

Clicking across the linoleum, and started to lick my hand.

The next morning, moving day, was a rainy Saturday. Not a downpour. No thunder

Or lightning. But just enough rain and wind to make the long drive slow and





Дата добавления: 2018-06-01; просмотров: 164; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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