II.Put the sentences into Past Simple Passive


1. Etienne Lenoir made the first motor car in Belgium.

2. How many paintings did the police found?

3. Lennon and McCartney wrote the song Yesterday.

4. The government ordered them to build a new bridge.

5. When did Cook discover Australia?

6. Scientists found a skeleton of an ancient man in this area.

7. They took care of these flowers properly.

8. The students spoke much about the film.


III. Put the sentences into Passive (Present or Past)


1. The airline sent our luggage to Australia by mistake.

2. Farmers grow soy in Argentina.

3. You don’t find penguins at the North Pole.

4. Columbus didn’t discover America in 1491.

5. They draw some paintings.

6. My uncle sold the bicycle.

7. The child broke all the plates in the cupboard.

8 She didn’t find the book.


IV. Put these questions into Passive.

1. When did Pasteur discover Penicillin?

2. How do people make sushi?

3. Where do people speak Mandarindialects?

4. Did Spain win the last basketball Olympics?

5. Do people speak English in Hawaii?

6. Who directed the film Avatar?

7. When did they plant these cherry trees?

8. When did paleobotanists find flower fossils?


V. Write questions for these answers in the passive form.


1. Yes, rice is grown in Spain.

2. Yes, the song was sung by them.

3. No, the trees weren’t cut down.

4. No, the story isn’t known.

5. Yes, he was told to be quiet.

6. No, they aren’t made fun of.

7. Yes, these girls were paid much attention to.

8. Yes, the film is much spoken about.

9. No, the plant wasn’t grown in the greenhouse.


Word Study


1. Listen, read and memorize:


1)emerge 2)eventually   3)purely 4)World Heritage Site 5)wonder 6)elaborate   7)means 8)shade 9)commonly 10)surround 11)row 12)date palm 13)sycamore 14)willow 15)beverage 16)wealthy 17)poppy 18)daisy 19)miss 20) tend появляться, возникать современем, вконцеконцов чисто, исключительно объект всемирного наследия чудо продуманный, тщательно разработанный средство, способ тень обычно окружать ряд финиковая пальма платан ива напиток богатые, состоятельные мак маргаритка пропустить, избежать иметь тенденцию 21) hunting 22) leisure 23) cypress 24) lay out   25) hedge 26) acanthus 27) cornflower 28) ivy 29) myrtle 30) bed 31) courtyard 32) decline 33) seclusion 34) lawn 35) axis 36) adorn (with) 37) marigold 38)sunflower 39) available 40) increase 41)monk 42) dozen охота досуг, свободноевремя кипарис располагать, планировать (живая) изгородь, ограда акант, медвежья лапа василек (синий) плющ (обыкновенный) мирт клумба внутренний двор спад, снижение, упадок уединение лужайка, газон ось украшать (чем-л.) бархатцы, ноготки подсолнух доступный возрастать, повышаться монах дюжина


2. Give the Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations:


prehistory, create, decorative, relax, associate, popular, fig tree, nut tree, rose, iris, statue, sculpture, contain, crocus, cyclamen, lavender, narcissus, rosemary, violet, period, medicinal, decorating, altar, start, monastery, symmetric, proportioned, balanced, classical, central, gravel, fountain, tulip, privilege, reserved, popularity


3. Translate the following word combinations into Russian:


gardening for food, people's need, for purely decorative purposes, ancient Rome, to relax in the shade of the trees, trees planted in rows, the most popular species, the beverage for the wealthy, the most planted types of trees, a wide variety of flowers, the beds of flowers, a period of decline, the fall of Rome, to provide seclusion, during the next two centuries, by the late 13th century, classical appearance, around a central axis, gravel paths, rock gardens



4. Match English and Russian plants names:


1) date palm 2) sycamore 3) fig tree 4) nut tree 5) willow 6) vine 7) rose 8) poppy 9) daisy 10) iris 11) cypress 12) acanthus 13) cornflower 14) crocus 15) cyclamen 16) ivy 17) lavender 18) lily 19) myrtle 20) narcissus 21) rosemary 22) violet 23) tulip 24) marigold 25) sunflower a) розмарин b) финиковая пальма c) ирис d) мак e) крокус f) тюльпан g) акант h) фиалка i) ива j) подсолнух k) лилия l) роза m) орех n) фиговое дерево o) цикламен p) лаванда q) ноготки r) платан s) виноградная лоза t) плющ u) маргаритка v) нарцисс w) кипарис x) василек y) мирт


5. Match the verb and its synonym:


1)emerge 2)surround 3)miss 4)tend 5)lay out 6)adorn (with) 7)increase a)neglect b)beautify c)arrange d)gain e)appear f)be inclined g)circle


6. Match the word and its definition:


  1)wonder 2)shade 3)row 4)beverage 5)leisure 6)hedge 7)bed 8)courtyard 9)decline 10)lawn a)a small plot of cultivated or planted land b)any one of various liquids for drinking, usually excluding water c)a flat and usually level area of mown and cultivated grass d)one that arouses awe, astonishment, surprise, or admiration; a marvel e)a series of objects placed next to each other, usually in a straight line f)an area or a space of partial darkness g)a downward movement h)freedom from time-consuming duties, responsibilities, or activities i)a row of closely planted shrubs or low-growing trees forming a fence or boundary j)an open space surrounded by walls or buildings, adjoining or within a building such as a large house or housing complex  


7. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words:


1) The Seven ____ of the Ancient World is the first known list of the most remarkable creations of classical antiquity.

2) A____ is a place (such as a forest, mountain, lake, island, desert, monument, building, complex, or city) that is listed by the UNESCO as of special cultural or physical


3) They wore ____ costumes.

4) If you walk into a ____ person's house the first thing you're going to see is a big library.

5) ____ is not allowed in national parks.

6) But as the Earth turns on its ____ and through its orbit, the sky that you see keeps changing.

7) Dominican ____ opened the first perfume factory in Florence, Italy, in 1608.

8) Eggs are sold by the ____.

9) You can have a competition to see who can grow the tallest ____.

(dozen, axis, wealthy, sunflower, World Heritage Site, hunting,wonders,elaborate, monks)


8. Read Text A and answer the question:

 – When did gardens become available to the middle class?


Text A

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