Ask your partner some more questions on the text. 14. Match the name of the garden and its definition:


14. Match the name of the garden and its definition:


    1) a botanical garden?   2) a flower garden   3) a residential garden   4) a Zen garden   5) a Xeriscape garden   6) an ornamental garden   7) a zoological garden   A. It is a private domestic garden which is the most common form of garden and is in proximity to a residence, such as the 'front or back garden'. B. It is a facility in which animals are confined within enclosures, displayed to the public, and in which they may also be bred. C. It is a well-tended area displaying a wide range of plants labeled with their botanical names. D. It is the Japanese rock garden or "dry landscape" garden. E. It is a garden where the need for supplemental water from irrigation is reduced or eliminated. F. It is a garden which combines plants of different heights, colors, textures, and fragrances to create interest and delight the senses. G. It is a garden which is designed for the purpose of aesthetic pleasure, rather than the production of crops.

Find in the text the sentences with Participles. Translate them into Russian.

16. Summarize the text using the following phrases:

The text reports on…

The text touches upon…

It is reported that…

Much attention is given to…

The text points out that…

The text deals with the problem of…

The text provides information on…

The text defines the phenomenon of…

The text covers such points as…

17. Read Text B and answer the questions:


 – What are ornamental gardens designed for?

 – What can ornamental gardens provide?

 – What does the layout of ornamental garden depend on?

 – What are ornamental gardens used for?


Words and expressions:


bedesigned (for) –предназначаться (для)                 devote – посвящать

civic(am) –городской                                                      ruler – правитель

ancient – древний                                                      specimen – образец, экземпляр

layout – планировка, разбивка, расположение        contemplation – созерцание

fondness – любовь, нежность                                                  devotional – религиозный

allegedly – будтобы; какутверждают                       creature–создание


Text B

Ornamental Gardens


Ornamental gardens are gardens which are designed for the purpose of aesthetic pleasure, rather than the production of crops. Many cities have civic ornamental gardens for the pleasure of residents. Some botanical gardens also include ornamental sections which show interesting ornamental plants, as opposed to preserving botanical specimens, which is the primary purpose of a botanical garden.

The practice of laying out ornamental gardens appears to be ancient. Humans have long had a fondness for art and beautiful things. In fact, ornamental gardens were even included in the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, in the form of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. These gardens were allegedly designed as pleasure gardens for a ruler's wife.

Ornamental gardens often surround public buildings to make these buildings more visually interesting. Churches, galleries, and other buildings devoted to contemplation are also commonly surrounded with ornamental gardens which are used by their members. Some religions even expressly include devotional activities which are meant to be performed in a garden. Other ornamental gardens are used to decorate private homes.

The layout of ornamental gardens can be varied, depending on the climate, the plants involved, and the nature of the surrounding architecture. The ornamental gardens at locations like Versailles, for example, are extremely formal and elegant, with a complex layout of beds and paths which is often best viewed from a distance. By contrast, the ornamental garden which surrounds a small cottage may be done in a more casual style.

In addition to being pleasant to look at, ornamental gardens are also pleasant to use. Many ornamental gardens include recreation areas for playing sports, walking, or simply sitting and enjoying the garden, and some have space for performances of music and theater. Events like weddings and cocktail parties may also be staged in an ornamental garden. An ornamental garden can also provide habitat for birds, butterflies, and other creatures.


18. Choose the correct answer:

1. What are ornamental gardens designed for?

Aproduction of cropsBdisplaying animalsCaesthetic pleasureDgrowing of herbs


2. Where were ornamental gardens included?

Ain the Red BookBin the Guinness Book of RecordsCin the Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Din the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World


3. Why do ornamental gardens often surround public buildings?

Ato make these buildings more visually interestingBto protect these buildings from the sun

Cto provide space for relaxationDto grow flowers for sale


4. What does the layout of ornamental gardens depend on?

Athe climateBthe plants involvedCthe surrounding architectureD all of them


5. Why are ornamental gardens pleasant to use?

A theyinclude recreation areasB they have space for performances of music and theater

C they have space for different events D all of them


19. Match the parts of the sentences:


  1.Ornamental gardens are gardens which are designed … 2.Some botanical gardens also include ornamental sections … 3.The practice of laying out ornamental gardens … 4. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were designed as … 5.Some religions even expressly include devotional activities … 6.The ornamental gardens at locations like Versailles are … 7.The ornamental garden which surrounds a small cottage may be done … 8.Many ornamental gardens include … 9.An ornamental garden can also provide habitat …   a) … pleasure gardens for a ruler's wife. b) … which are meant to be performed in a garden. c) … the purpose of aesthetic pleasure. d) … recreation areas. e) … extremely formal and elegant f) … appears to be ancient. g) … for birds, butterflies, and other creatures. h) … in a more casual style. i) … which show interesting ornamental plants.  


Retell the text in Russian.


21. Read and translate Text C in writing using a dictionary:



Text C

Types of Gardens


According to the type gardens may be:

Botanical garden. It is a well-tended area displaying a wide range of plants labeled with their botanical names.

Butterfly garden. It is aimed at creating an environment that attracts butterflies, as well as certain moths.

Community garden. It is a single piece of land gardened collectively by a group of people.

Cottage garden. It is a distinct style of garden that uses an informal design, traditional materials, dense plantings, and a mixture of ornamental and edible plants.

Cutting garden. A functional garden used to grow flowers for indoor use rather than outdoor display is known as a cutting garden. It contains flowers for cutting.

Forest garden. Forest gardening is a food production and land management system based on woodland ecosystems, but substituting trees (such as fruit or nut trees), bushes, shrubs, herbs and vegetables which have yields directly useful to humans.

Green wall (vertical garden). A green wall is a wall, either free-standing or part of a building, which is partially or completely covered with vegetation and, in some cases, soil or an inorganic growing medium.

Greenhouse. A greenhouse (also called a glasshouse) is a building in which plants are grown.

Rain garden. A rain garden is a shallow, constructed depression that is planted with deep-rooted native plants and grasses. It is located in your landscape to receive runoff from hard surfaces such as a roof, a sidewalk and a driveway.

Raised bed garden. It is a form of gardening in which the soil is formed in 3–4 foot (1.0–1.2 m) wide beds, which can be of any length or shape. The soil is raised above the surrounding soil sometimes enclosed by a frame generally made of wood, rock, or concrete blocks, and enriched with compost.

Residential (private) garden. It is the most common form of garden and is in proximity to a residence, such as the 'front or back garden.

Back garden. It is a residential garden located at the rear of a property, on the other side of the house from the public street-side entrance and front garden.

Roof garden. It is any garden on the roof of a building.

Zoological garden (zoological park, or zoo). It is a facility in which animals are confined within enclosures, displayed to the public, and in which they may also be bred.

Gardens may feature a particular plant or plant type(s):

Cactus garden. It is a miniature garden of two or more small cacti in a container.

Flower garden. It is any garden where flowers are grown for decorative purposes.

Herb garden. It is often a separate space in the garden, devoted to growing a specific group of plants known as herbs.

Orchard. Orchards comprise fruit or nut-producing trees which are grown for commercial production.

Rose garden. It is a garden where roses are grown for decorative purposes.

Vegetable garden.


White garden. It is a feature garden composed of plants that produce white flowers and as well as plants with a white or silvery cast to their foliage.

Winter garden. It is winter-hardy plants grown for winter interest and decoration, or to be harvested for food between winter and early spring.

Gardens may feature a particular style or aesthetic:

Alpine or rock garden

Bonsai or miniature garden

Children's Garden

Chinese garden

Dutch garden

English landscape garden

French formal garden

French landscape garden

Italian garden

Japanese garden

Knot garden. It is a garden of very formal design in a square frame, consisting of a variety of aromatic plants and culinary herbs.

Korean garden

Persian garden

Roman gardens

Spanish garden

Terrarium. It is a miniature landscape with living plants and even sometimes small animals like lizards or turtles.

Trial garden. A garden grown specifically for the purpose of testing and evaluating plants is called a trial garden.

Tropical garden

Water garden (aquatic garden). It is defined as any interior or exterior landscape or architectural element whose primarily purpose is to house, display, or propagate a particular species or variety of aquatic plant.

Wild garden

Xeriscaping. Xeriscaping refers to landscaping and gardening in ways that reduce or eliminate the need for supplemental water from irrigation. Xeriscape landscaping is designed specifically for areas that are susceptible to drought

Zen garden. The Japanese Zen garden or is the type of dry landscape garden often seen outside of Zen temples in Japan and in other parts of the world. The gardens are made entirely of stone and sand, without the use of water or vegetation of any kind.






I. Listen, read and memorize:

WhatisyourКтовыпо nationality?национальности? Russian                          русский American                       американец English                           англичанин Chineseкитаец French                            француз German                          немец Italian                             итальянец Spanish                           испанец Canadian                        канадец Swedish                          швед Korean кореец Japanese              японец   Arab                    араб Polish                  поляк Ukrainian            украинец In what city were you born?    В каком городе                                                   вы родились? (Where were you born?)          (Гдевыродились?) I was born in…                        Яродилсяв… Where do you live now?    Где вы живете сейчас? Ilivein…                                 Яживув… Where did you live before that? Где вы жили                                                   раньше? Iusedtolivein…                     Раньшеяжилв… Have you (ever) been to London? Вы (когда-нибудь)                                                   были в Лондоне?

Обратите внимание!

В отличие от русского языка, в английском языке названия национальностей и названия языков пишутся с большой буквы.

Сочетание usedto +infinitive употребляется для выражения продолжительного или часто повторявшегося действия в прошлом. Обычно эта конструкция употребляется в тех случаях, когда указанное действие полностью лежит в области прошлого и не продолжается в настоящем. Поэтому на русский язык сочетание usedto + infinitive часто переводится с помощью слова раньше.


TheyusedtoliveinSeattle. – Раньше они жили в Сиэтле (но теперь не живут).

Предложения типа Вы были в Лондоне? переводятся на английский язык с использованием формы перфекта настоящего времени (thePresentPerfectTense) и предлога to.


Ты (когда-нибудь) была в Стокгольме? – Haveyou (ever) beentoStockholm?


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