Ask your partner some more questions on the text. 15. Match the term and its definition:


15. Match the term and its definition:


    1) structure of a tree 2) top 3) foliage 4) branch 5) trunk 6) lateral roots 7) taproot 8) bole 9) crown 10) twig 11) radical 12) root hair zone a) the leaves of a tree b) part of the tree from the first branch to the top c) roots that grow outward from the tree, underground, holding the tree in place and nourishing it d) large ligneous plant whose stem is bare loose to the ground and carries branches at its top e) the highest part of the tree f) divisions of the branches g) strong offshoot of the trunk of a tree h) small thread like parts of the root i) part of the tree between the ground and the first branches j) body of the tree k) main root that grows vertically into the ground l) small roots  

Find in the text the sentences with Attributive Clauses. Translate them into Russian.

17. Summarize the text using the following phrases:

The text reports on…

The text touches upon…

It is reported that…

Much attention is given to…

The text points out that…

The text deals with the problem of…

The text provides information on…

The text defines the phenomenon of…

The text covers such points as…

18. Read Text B and choose the headline from the ones given below:


 – Important Facts about Trees

 – Ring-porous and Diffuse-porous Trees

 – Wild-type Trees


Words and expressions:


wild–дикий                                                         spread – распределять

dissimilar – непохожий                                       evenly – равномерно

distinction – различие                                         affect – влиять, поражать

treat – обрабатывать, лечить                             susceptibility – восприимчивость

ring – кольцо                                                       wilt – увядание

porous – пористый                                              vessel – сосуд

sapwood – заболонь (наружные молодые,       refer (to) – относиться (к)

физиологически активные





Some trees are wild, others are cloned.

It's easy to think that all trees of a species are alike. This is only true, however, of certain species. Most trees are wild-type trees, meaning that their genetic structures are as dissimilar as individual humans. An example of a wild-type is an elm.

Other trees have been cloned to produce many trees with identical genes. This is usually done to guarantee the presence of certain favourable characteristics of the tree. Examples include apple and pear trees.

This distinction is important when treating diseases. In a wild-type tree, each tree will react differently.

Trees can be divided into ring-porous or diffuse-porous types. This refers to the structure of the vascular system.

The vascular system of diffuse-porous trees (such as a birch) is characterized by vessels spread evenly throughout the sapwood. These vessels are produced regularly during the growing season.

The vessels of a ring-porous tree (such as an elm) are generally larger and concentrated in the outermost layer of sapwood. These vessels are produced early in the season.

This is significant because it affects a tree's susceptibility to vascular wilt diseases.


19. Choose the correct answer:

1. What type are most trees?



2. What do cloned trees have in common?

Aidentical leavesBidentical genesCidentical flowersDidentical crowns


3. How can trees be divided according to the structure of the vascular system?

Aring-porous or diffuse-porousBdeciduous or coniferousCannuals or perennialsDcreepers and climbers


4. .When are the vessels of a ring-porous tree produced?

A late in the seasonB in two seasonsC in the middle of the seasonDearly in the season



20. Match the parts of the sentences:


1. Some trees are wild, … 2.It's easy to think that all trees of a species … 3.Most trees are … 4.Other trees have been cloned … 5.This distinction is important when … 6.Trees can be divided into … 7.The vascular system of diffuse-porous trees is characterized by … 8.The vessels of a ring-porous tree are generally larger and concentrated … 9.This is significant because it affects …   a) … wild-type trees. b) … treating diseases. c) … vessels spread evenly throughout the sapwood. d) … others are cloned. e) … a tree's susceptibility to vascular wilt diseases. f) … in the outermost layer of sapwood. g) … to produce many trees with identical genes. h) … are alike. i) … ring-porous or diffuse-porous types.  


Retell the text in Russian.


22. Read and translate Text C in writing using a dictionary:


Text C



In botany, a tree is a perennial plant with an elongated stem, or trunk, supporting leaves or branches.In some usages, the definition of a tree may be narrower, including only woody plants, only plants that are usable as timber or only plants above a specified height. At its broadest, trees include the taller palms, the tree ferns, bananas and bamboo.

A tree typically has many secondary branches supported by the trunk. This trunk typically contains woody tissue for strength, and vascular tissue to carry materials from one part of the tree to another. For most trees it is surrounded by a layer of bark which serves as a protective barrier. Below the ground, the roots branch and spread out widely; they serve to anchor the tree and extract moisture and nutrients from the soil. Above ground, the branches divide into smaller branches and shoots. The shoots typically bear leaves, which capture light energy and convert it into chemical energy by photosynthesis, providing the food needed by the tree for its growth and development.

Flowers and fruit may also be present, but some trees such as conifers instead have pollen cones and seed cones, and others such as tree ferns produce spores.

Trees tend to be long-lived, some reaching several thousand years old. The tallest known specimen on Earth is 115.6 m and they have a theoretical maximum height of 130 m. Trees have been in existence on the Earth for 370 million years. Trees are not a taxonomic group but are a number of plant species that have independently evolved a woody trunk and branches as a way to tower above other plants and make full use of the sunlight.

Trees play a significant role in reducing erosion and moderating the climate. They remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store large quantities of carbon in their tissues. Trees and forests provide a habitat for many species of animals and plants. Tropical rainforests are one of the most bio-diverse habitats in the world. Trees provide shade and shelter, timber for construction, fuel for cooking and heating, and fruit for food as well as having many other uses.






I. Listen, read and memorize:


Where do you work?Гдевыработаете? I work at the institute.Я работаю                                         в институте Wheredoyoustudy?     Гдевыучитесь? I study at the university.Яучусь вуниверситете. Whatdoyoudo (for a living)? Ктовы? (What is your position?) What does he/she do?Ктоон/она? (What is his/her position?) What is your/his/her profession? Кто вы                                         (по профессии)? managerменеджер programmerпрограммист salespersonпродавец nurseмедсестра doctor врач engineer инженер driver шофер interpreter, translator       переводчик guide гид lawyer юрист teacher учитель secretary секретарь reporter, journalistжурналист economistэкономист accountant бухгалтер businessman, businesswomanбизнесмен policemanполицейский workerрабочий postmanпочтальон What is that?Чтоэто? college колледж hospitalбольница company, firmфирма schoolшкола bankбанк factoryзавод post-officeпочта policeполиция store, shopмагазин Are you a student?Выстудент? Yes, I am a student.Да, я студент. No, I am not a student. Нет,яне                                                  студент. Iamadoctor.                          Яврач.  


Обратите внимание!

В предложениях, в которых говорится о профессии или о роде занятий человека, употребляется неопределенный артикль.


He is a businessman.

I am a student.


II. Listen, memorize and act out:


1    – Hello!  – Good afternoon!  – Let’s get acquainted, my name is Bill.  – Nice to meet you. I’m Olga.  – Nice to meet you too. Olga, what do you do for a living?  – I’m a journalist. And you?  – I’m a manager.   2    – Hi! My name is Ivan. I am a student.  – Ivan, where do you study?  – I study at the academy. And you?  – I am also a student. I study at the university.     3    – Jim, do you work or study?  – I work.  – And where do you work?  – I am a driver. I work in a store.  – And your friend Lena? Does she work or study?  – She also works.     4    – Steve, are you a programmer?  – No, I am not a programmer, I am a layer.  – Where do you work?  – I work in a bank.  




1. Finish the sentences:


1. My friend Jack studies ____.

2. My friend Liz works ____.

3. Does Sasha work or ____?

4. John works ____.

5. I am ____.

6. I study ____.

7. They don’t ____.

8. My parents are ____.


2. Fill in the blanks:


Henry ____, he works ____. Olya ____, she works ____. I ____, I study ____. My friends are also ____, they ____ at the university. Joe ____ in a bank, he ____. These are his ____, they also ____ in a bank. She is not ____, she is ____. He is not ____, he is ____.


3. Give positive and negative answers:



Are you a teacher? – Yes, I am.

No, I am not. I am an economist.


A. Is Jim an interpreter?

Is Helen a secretary?

Is Robert a driver?

Are you a businessman?

Do they work?

Do you work or study?


B. Is this a university? – Yes, it is.

No, it is not. It’s a school.


Is this a firm?

Is this a bank?

Is this a store?

Is this a factory?

Is this a post-office?



4. Answer the questions:


1. Where does she work?

2. Where do they study?

3. What is your profession?

4. Are these your colleagues?

5. What does she do?

6. What does he do for a living?

7. Is he an accountant?

8. Do you work?

9. Where do you study?

10. Where do your friends work?

11. Does he work at a factory?


5. Fill in the questions:


1. ____?         – Yes, they are students.

2. ____?         – We work.

3. ____?         – Yes, he studies at the university.

4. ____?         – They work in a hospital.

5. ____?         – No, he is not a student. He is a programmer.

6. ____?         – Yes, he is an engineer.

7. ____?         – She works in a firm.

8. ____?         – My friends are designers.

9. ____?         – She is a nurse.

10. ____?         – I study at the university.


Make up dialogues.





Grammar for Revision:  The Participle

Text A       :                                 Garden

Text B:                                 Ornamental Gardens

Text C       :                                 Types of Gardens

Socializing:                           Nationality


“The best place to seek God is in a garden”.

George Bernard Shaw


“There is always music amongst the trees in the Garden,

but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it”.

Minnie Aumonier


Warm up

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