Price, reserved, keys, fill in (2), double, hotels, porter, check in, floor


Mr and Mrs Brown and their children decided to spend the weekend in Edinburgh. As the … are usually full at weekends Mr Brown phoned the Grove Hotel and … rooms in advance. Friday evening they arrived at the hotel.

B: - Good evening! My name is Brown. I‘d like to… .I‘ve reserved two rooms at your hotel for the weekend.

R: - Let me check. That‘s right. We‘ve reserved a single and a … room for you for two nights on the third… . Is that all right?

B: - Yes, thank you. What is the … of the rooms?

R: - 80 pounds for the single room and 130 for the double room. B: - That‘s fine.

R: - Will you … the forms, please? (The Browns … the forms). Thank you. The … will take you up to your rooms in the lift. Here are the … to your rooms.

B: - Thank you.


(C)Exercise 6.Role play the following situations.


1) You are travelling around the USA. You are staying at your friend‘s place in New York at the moment. You would like to visit Florida. Phone one of the hotels in Miami and book a single room for three days.



2) You are an engineer. You arrive in Moscow for an international conference. You have reserved a room in a hotel in advance. Check in at the hotel.


3) You are travelling with your family. You arrive in a city but all the hotels seem to be fully booked. Try to find accommodation.



2.3 Asking the Way (if You are Lost or Want to Get toAnywhere)


Look at the words and phrases you may need


  1. to be lost (v) 1.


  2. stranger (n) 2.




  3. foreigner (n) 3.


  4. bakery (n) 4.


  5. bank (n) 5. банк    
  6. barber– shop (n) 6.

мужская парикмахерская



  7. beauty parlor (n) 7.

салон красоты

  8. bus station (n) 8.

aвтобусная станция

  9. railway station (n) 9.

железнодорожный вокзал

  10. airport (n) 10.


  11. bus stop (n) 11.

автобусная остановка

  12. church (n) 12. церковь    


  13. cafeteria (n) 13.


  14. restaurant (n) 14.


  15. department store (n) 15.


  16. clinic (n) 16.


  17. hospital (n) 17.


  18. drugstore - syn. Pharmacy (n) 18. аптека    
  19. fire station (n) 19.

пожарная часть

  20. laundromat (n) 20.


  21. movie(theater) (n) 21.


  22. post office (n) 22. почта    



Useful phrases

  1. Excuse me (pardon me), can 1.

Извините, вы не можете


(could) you help me?

  2. I beg your pardon, can you help 2.




  3. Sorry to have troubled you. 3.



побеспокоил вас.

  4. I‘m afraid I don‘t know. 4.

Боюсь, я не знаю.

  5. You‘d better ask the policeman. 5.




  6. I‘m a stranger (foreigner) myself 6. Я сам приезжий


  7. It‘s just around the corner 7.

Это как раз за углом.




across from the school


напротив школы


between the library and the park

9. между




10. next to the bank   10.

следующий за банком

11. The hospital is two blocks from 11. Больница   в двух

кварталах отсюда.


Opposite, the other side

12. Напротив,   на другой



Go straight ahead


Идите вперед.


Thank you very much (thank a lot,


Большое спасибо


many thanks)


I‘m very grateful to you


Я очень вам благодарен


Don‘t mention it (Not at all)


Не стоит благодарности


You are welcome



не стоит


18. It‘s a pleasure   18.

Было приятно

19. No trouble at all   19.

Никакого беспокойства


I was glad to help you


Был рад помочь


You would have done the same in


Вы бы (любой бы) сделал

my place


бы то же самое.






(A)Exercise 1. Read the dialogue.

Asking the Way


Peter Mironov arranged to meet with his old friend in a restaurant. He has some spare time before the meeting so he decides to have a little stroll. Peter wonderes along the old streets of St. Petersburg fascinated by their beauty before he realizes that he is lost. Peter has absolutely no idea about where his hotel or restaurant is. So he decides to approach a stranger and ask the way.

S – Stranger; P - Peter

P: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to Astoria Hotel?

S:What street is it in?

P:It‘s in Lermontov street, 174.

S: Well, Lermontov street is quite far from here. If you want to take a bus, cross this street, walk 2 blocks down Autumn street. The bus stop is next to the bank. You need number 17.

P:And if I decide to walk?

S: Go down Autumn street, then turn into Pushkin street. Walk for about 15 minutes, then turn left into Lermontov street. You will see your hotel on theright.

P:Thank you very much. Sorry to have troubled you.

S: You are welcome. No trouble at all.

Developing Speech Habits


(A) Exercise 2. Choose the right option to answer the questions.

1) What did Peter Mironov arrange to do?

a) to have dinner with his friend

b) to get some information;

c) to take a taxi


2) What does he decide to do before the meeting ?

a) to visit a museum

b) listen to a band in the park

c) to walk around the city


3) What happens to Peter?

a) he is attacked by a stranger

b) he gets lost

c) he loses his wallet


4) What does he decide to do?

a) to consult a policeman

b) to approach a stranger

c) to try to find the way himself


5) Where is the hotel?

a) quite far away

b) at the end of the street

c) the stranger has no idea


(А) Exercise 3. Answer if the sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones.


1) Peter decided to meet with his friend in a theatre.

2) He has some spare time before the meeting so he sits down on a bench and reads a book.

3) Peter likes St. Petersburg very much.

4) Peter gets lost.

5) A passerby gives him directions.

6) Peter takes a bus to get to the restaurant.

7) Peter forgets to thank the stranger.


(B) Exercise 4. With another student ask and answer questions about your neighborhood. Use models with the prompts.


Model A:      – Where is the restaurant? (next to the bank)

– It’s next to the bank.


the park/behind the hospital

the bank/across from the restaurant

the movie theatre/around the corner from the museum

the church/between the library and the park

the police station/across from the fire station


Model B: – Excuse me. Is there a laundromat in the neighborhood?


– Yes, there is.

– Where is it?

– It’s on Main street, next to the supermarket.


a post office? / around the corner from the library.

a bank? / next to the shop.


a drug store? / between the library and supermarket/

a cafeteria? / across from the bank.

a bus station? / just round the corner, on the left.


(B) Exercise 5. Match (a) the questions in English with the answers in Russian. Translate the Russian sentences into English.


1. Can I help you, madam? a) Думаю, да. Прямо за углом станция
    метро «Октябрьская».

2. Excuse me, can you tell me the way

b) Вам понадобится 10 минут, чтобы

to the nearest underground station?

дойти туда пешком.
3. Where is a barber shop? c) Идите прямо. Это в конце улицы.
4. How can I get to the Central Post- d) Да, боюсь, я заблудилась.

Office from here?


5. How much time does it take me to

e) Вы можете проехать на автобусе

get to the National Library?

номер 100 или на метро.




(b) the questions in Russian with the answers in English.


1. Извините, где находится цирк?

a) No, it‘s just round the corner.



Извините, как мне добраться до

b) About 15 minutes from here by bus.



Скажите, пожалуйста, далеко ли

c) Take No. 28 or 49. The bus stop on the

отсюда остановка?

    other side of the street.
4. Сколько времени мне d) The best way, I think, by metro.

понадобиться, чтобы доехать до


Оперного театра?


Извините, каким автобусом мне

e) I‘m afraid, I can‘t. I‘m a stranger

можно добраться

до гостиницы





(B) Exercise 6. Find the logical order of the following dialogue parts.

V – Visitor; P – Passer-by

P. You‘re quite welcome. I hope you‘ll enjoy yourself.

V. Thank you very much. That‘s very kind of you.

P.Where you are from?

V. Excuse me. Could you tell me where the Picture Gallery is, please?

P.That‘s a nice town. I‘ve been there. Oh, there‘s the Picture Gallerythere.


P. It‘s just around the corner, on the opposite side of the road. Let me show you.

V.Yes, I‘ve just arrived this morning.

V.Thank you for your help.

P.Are you a stranger in town?


(B)Exercise 7. (a) Guess the questions to the followinganswers.

–Excuse me, sir. I‘m afraid I‘m lost. –––––––– ?

–Gladly. What do you want to know?

–––––––––––––? –––––––––––––––– ?

–Oh, your hotel isn‘t far from here. You may get there by bus No. 100.


(b) Present the dialogue with a partner giving your certain reaction.


– Sorry to bother you, but could tell me the way to the Opera House, please?


–I‘m afraid ––––––––––––––––– ?

–Oh, well, thank you anyway.


–––––––––––––––––––––––––– .


(C) Exercise 8. Make your own dialogues according to the following situations.


1. You are a stranger to a city or a town and you do not know how to reach some place. You meet a passer-by. Ask him the direction.



2. You are lost. You need to get back to the hotel. The best way is to ask for the policeman to direct you right.



3. A visiting engineer is at your office on business. It is lunch time and he wants to have a substantial meal. You think the «Minsk» restaurant is the best for him. Tell him hоw to get there from your office.



Look at the words and phrases you may need


supermarket (n)



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