At the Railway station


Look at the words and phrases you may need while going to travel by train.



1. railway station   1.

железнодорожный вокзал/станция

2. railway conductor   2.


3. porter (n)   3.


4. luggage / baggage (n)   4.


5. to travel light   5.

путешествовать налегке

6. booking office   6.

билетная касса



7. inquiry office   7.

справочное бюро

8. waiting room   8.

зал ожидания



9. single/return/double   9.

билет в одну сторону/обратный


билет /билет туда и обратно

10. to make reservation/to  


купить /заказать билет

book tickets






11. to miss the train  


опоздать на поезд






1. long-distance train  


поезд дальнего следования

2. through train  


прямой поезд




3. express / fast train  


скорый поезд

4. to board / get on the train  


сесть на поезд

5. to get off the train  


сойти с поезда








1. reserved-seats car  


плацкартный вагон

2. sleeping car  


спальный вагон

3. dining /lunch-car  



4. non-smoker (n)  


вагон для некурящих

5. compartment (n)  


6. lower / upper berth  


нижняя / верхняя полка

7. departure/leaving of a  


отправление поезда



8. arrival / coming of a train  


прибытие поезда










Can I book a (return) 1.

Могу я заказать (обратный)

ticket for the (fast) train?

билет на (скорый) поезд?





I wonder how much is a 2. Интересно, сколько стоит

(single) ticket?

билет в один конец?


Is there a through train to…?


Есть ли прямой поезд на … ?








The train runs twice a week.


Поезд ходит два раза в неделю.




What time does my train start?


Когда отходит мой поезд?




The train is coming in.


Поезд подходит.


The train is leaving.


Поезд отправляется.


Where do we change for…?


Где у нас пересадка на … ?




When is our train due(in)?

9. Когда наш

поезд должен



прибыть (в)?


According to the time-




table we are due there at 6 a.m.

должны быть там в 6 часов утра.




(A) Exercise 1. Read the dialogue and do the exercises which follow it.


Peter Mironov works at Minsk Tractor Works. Now he is going to take part in a conference in St. Petersburg. Peter decides to go by train. The conference begins at 12 o‘clock so he has to take the night train. Peter books the tickets by phone.


Clerk: Good afternoon! Railway station. Can I help you?

Peter: I‘d like to book a ticket for St. Petersburg night train for October 3.

C: Right. Let‘s have a look. There is a train that leaves at 19.30.

P:Well, and what time does it get in?

C: It gets into St. Petersburg at 8.03.

P:Do I have to change anywhere?

C: No, it‘s a through train.

P: OK. This train suits me all right. A return ticket to St. Petersburg, please.

C: When do you want to come back?

P:October 5.

C: Reserved-seats car?


P:Yes, please. Is there a lunch-car in the train?

C: Yes, there is. Tell me your surname, please.

P:Mironov, Peter Mironov.

C: Thank you. So you’ve got a return ticket reserved for 19.30 train to St. Petersburg for October 3.

P:When can I collect it?

C: You can do it an hour before the train leaves.

P:Thank you very much. Goodbye.

C: Have a nice trip!


On October, 3 Peter arrives at the railway station. He goes to the booking office and collects his ticket. As he has some time before his train leaves he goes to the waiting room. Peter spends some time there reading a book. Then he goes to the cafeteria and drinks a cup ofcoffee. He hears the announcement that his train is leaving from platform 5. Peter hurries to the platform just in time to catch the train. He gets on the train. The conductor shows him to his place. Peter‘s fellow-travellers are nice people so he spends some time talking to them, then goes to sleep.

The train arrives in St. Petersburg on schedule.


Developing Speech Habits


(A)Exercise 2. Choose the right option to answer the questions.


1) What does Peter want?

a) to reserve a ticket

b) to book a flight


c) to rent a car


2) When does he want to come back?

a) next morning

b) about five o’clock this afternoon.

c) in two days


3) What train suits him better?


a) 19.30


b) 8.03


c) 5.28



4) What kind of train does he choose?

a) express train

b) through train

c) long-distance train


5)Does he have to change anywhere?

a) No, it’s a through train.

b) Yes, in Orsha.

c) Yes, in Molodechno.


(A)Exercise 3. Answer if the sentences are true or false. Correct the false



1) Peter wants to book a return ticket.

2) There are no tickets left for 19.30 train.

3) There is no lunch-car in the train.

4) Peter books a ticket in a reserved-seats car.

5) Peter can collect his ticket only a day before his train leaves.

6) He arrives at the railway station and has a light snack.

7) Peter misses his train.

8) The train arrives in St. Petersburg on time.


(B)Exercise 4. Role play the following situations.


1) Peter collects his ticket at the booking office.

2) Peter orders a cup of coffee at the cafeteria.

3) Peter talks to his fellow-travellers about his job, family, etc.




(B)Exercise 5. Ask questions for a bit of more detailed information. Use the model to make up short dialogues. Role play these dialogues in pairs.


Model: – The train leaves in the morning. What … ? (at 7 a.m.)– What time does it leave?


1) I want to come back today. When … ? (about five o‘clock this afternoon)

2) The train gets into London. What time … ? (at 7.54)

3) This train suits me better. What train … ? (the 5.28)

4) I have to change. Where … ? (in Glasgow)

5) I must go to the platform. What platform … ? (platform three)


(C) Exercise 6. Read the dialogues and phraseology. Dramatize any dialogue you like.

At the Information Bureau


– Can you tell me when the nearest train to London is, please?

– At 4.27 p.m.

– Is it an express?

– Yes, it is an express.


Phraseology:       Is there a morning train to Vitebsk, please?


A through train; you won‘t have to change; at 5 p.m., at 3 a.m.; to leave in the morning.

At the Ticket Office

A:Good morning. I want to buy two tickets to
Mogilev, please.
Clerk:Just a minute. I‘ll check it up. You are lucky.

There are some first class tickets for the nearest train.

A:Fine. Two return tickets, please.


Phraseology:        Are there any tickets to Moscow, please?


A single ticket; a double ticket; a first-class ticket; a second-class tickets; let me see; just a moment; wait a minute.


(A) Exercise 7.Find the logical order of the following parts of the


A – Ann   B – Clerk


– Here‘s your change and your ticket.

– Hello. A return to Bristol, please.

– How do want to pay?

– OK, thanks very much. Good-by.

– That‘s eighteen pounds.

– Cash, please.

– You want platform 1 over there.

– A day return.

– Day return or period return?

– Here‘s a twenty-pound note.

– Thank you. Which platform is it?


(B) Exercise 8.Guess the questions to the following answers.



Cl:   Yes, sir, the first morning train starts at 3 a.m.

P:     By the way, ––––––––––– ?


Cl:   Yes, you won‘t have to change.


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