


Text. About Myself 3

Introductions. Meeting people. 6


At the Railway station. 11

At the Hotel 17

Asking the Way. 21

Shopping. 27

In the Restaurant 34


The Article. 40

The Adjective. 43

The Adverb. 45

The Numerals. 46

Present Tenses. 49

Past Tenses. 51

Modal Verbs. 53



Модуль 1 «Cоциально-бытовое общение. Я и моя повседневная студенческая жизнь»




1. husband / wife (n) 1. муж/жена
2. mother-in-law/father-in-law (n) 2. свекровь (теща)/свекор (тесть)
3. daughter-in-law (n) 3. невестка
4. son-in-law (n) 4. зять
5. to be related to smb (v) 5. быть в родственных отношениях
6. distant relative (n) 6. дальний родственник
7. parents (n) 7. родители
8. ancestors (n) 8. предки
9. grandparents (n) 9. бабушка и дедушка
10. grandchildren (n) 10. внуки
11. aunt / uncle (n) 11. тетя / дядя
12. cousin (n) 12. двоюродный брат
13. nephew / niece (n) 13. племянник / племянница
14. an only child (n) 14. единственный ребенок
15. a baby (n) 15. новорожденный
16. a kid (n) 16. ребенок
17. a grown-up (n) 17. взрослый
18. senior / junior (adj) 18. старший / младший
19. take after (v) 19. пойти в кого-либо
20. resemble (adj) 20. быть похожим
21. inherit smth (v) 21. унаследовать
22. be married (v) 22. быть замужем (женатым)
23. get married (v) 23. выйти замуж (жениться)
24. divorce (v) 24. развестись




1. to be armed with knowledge 1. быть вооруженным знаниями
2. to have a good command of 2. хорошо владеть
3. to be always at hand to advice and 3. быть всегда готовым дать совет и


оказать поддержку

4. to try to do one‘s best 4. стараться изо всех сил

Read the text and do the exercises which follow it.

About Myself

Let me introduce myself. My name is Oleg Petrov. I was born in the town of Svisloch, Grodno region on July 18, 1995. Our town is quite modern and beautiful. I finished our town secondary school. I did quite well at school. My favourite subjects were Math and Physics. Since childhood I enjoyed helping my grandparents, who live in a village. I am also interested in machinery. That‘s why I decided to become an agricultural engineer and entered Belarusian State Agrarian TechnicalUniversity.

Now I am a first year student of the farm machinery service department. I am going to be a farm machinery maintenance engineer. Nowadays in our highly competitive world one should be armed with good knowledge. Education does not end with graduation. An engineer should develop professionally throughout his/her life. He/she should always follow the trend in the newest technologies, read specialized literature, and communicate with fellow engineers. To be able to do this one should have a good command of

foreign languages. That‘s why I try to do my best to learn English. Knowing it is also of great help to me as I use computer and Internet a lot. I also enjoy listening to songs in English and it feels good to understand the lyrics.

I live in our university student hostel. I am quite sociable and have got a lot offriends. We like to play football and volleyball together. Sometimes we go fishing. I am also interested in programming and playing computer games.

My family are very proud of me. My father, an engineer, is 47. He was the one who influenced my choice of profession. My father is a man of strong will, he is the real head of the family. I take after him. My mother, who is two years younger than my father, is a teacher. She is very kind and generous. I have got a brother and a sister. My elder sister, Nina, is 23. She is married. Her daughter, my niece, is 1 year old. My younger brother, Boris, is 14, he is still a schoolboy. Boris has always looked up to me for advice and support. Our family isvery united. We enjoy spending holidays together and are always at hand to support each other.

Developing Speech Habits


(A) Exercise 1. Find in the text the words that denote


names of relatives

names of subjects

personal qualities

sport games and hobbies


(A) Exercise 2. Matchthe correct parts of the sentences.


1. I try to do my best a) and it feels good to understand the
2. Boris has always looked up to me lyrics.
3. I am quite sociable b) to learn English.
4. I also enjoy listening to songs in c) for advice and support.


d) one should be armed with good
5. Nowadays in our highly competitive knowledge.


e) and have got a lot of friends.


(B) Exercise 3. Continue the sentences. First time imagine you are Oleg Petrov and use the information from the text, then speak for yourself.


 I decided to become …

 To be a good specialist in some field one should…

 Education does not end…

 I am quite sociable…

 My favourite subjects were…

 I am interested in…

 My family are…

 I have got a…

 We enjoy…

 Since childhood I enjoyed…


(B) Exercise 4. Answer the following questions.


When and where was Oleg Petrov born?

How did he do at school?

Why did he decide to enter the BSATU?

What is he going to be?

In what way can an engineer develop professionally?

Why is knowing foreign languages important?

What is Oleg interested in?

What is his family like?


(C) Exercise 5. Translate into English.


1. Он всегда готов дать совет и оказать поддержку.

2. Важно быть вооруженным хорошими знаниями.

3. Мой отец на 3 года старше моей матери.

4. Я студент 1 курса факультета технического сервиса.

5.Отец повлиял на мой выбор профессии.

6. Образование не заканчивается с получением диплома.

7. Для того, чтобы иметь возможность читать специализированную литературу в оригинале, необходимо знать иностранные языки.

8. Наша семья очень дружная.

9. У меня есть племянница, дочь моей старшей сестры.

10. Она похожа на свою мать.





(B)Exercise 1. You are at an international agricultural conference in Lisbon. Choose one of the identities given below. Ask your fellow students questions about their names, age, occupation, etc.



What‘s your name?

My name is John Brown.

How old are you?

I‘m 39.

What‘s your job?

I‘m an engineer.

Where are you from?

I‘m from the United States.

Are you married?

Yes, I am.

Have you got any children?

Yes, two sons, Dominic and Lucas.


John Brown Linda Johnson Peter Roberts
39 years old 26 years old 31 years old
agricultural economist farm manager farmer
the USA Australia Great Britain
married not married married
two sons no children no children
Evgeniy Konyshev Sally Hall Federiko Gonzales
28 years old 30 years old 37 years old
engineer interpreter farm machinery service
Belarus New Zealand company owner
not married married Spain
no children a daughter divorced
    a son and a daughter


(B)Exercise 2. Look at this list of participants of an educational congress. Use the information below to help you fill in the gaps.


The student‘s name is Ivan Panin.

Odo and Antonina are colleagues.

The translator is Italian.

Odo and Roberto are the same age.

Antonina and Ivan are of the same nationality.

Name …………. Odo Roberto Antonina
    Nishikory Vinchy Kovaleva
Job student teacher translator …………
Nationality …………. Japanese ………… Russian
Residence Smolensk Tokyo Verona Irkutsk
Age 19 ……… 45 30


Answer the following questions:


What nationality is Ivan?

Where is Odo from?

What is Roberto‘s job?

How old is Antonina?

Where does Ivan live?



At the congress, Antonina, Roberto and Odo meet. Complete the dialogue below using the following words and phrases:


Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 689; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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