Assignment of responsibilities

One of the scopes of the project is its context. All tasks that were done during the project were fixed at time sheets. These tasks are represented in the table 1.

Table 1 Distribution of responsibilities

Task Description Output Implementer
1 Ideagenerating Discussions, researching Ideaofourproject All members
2 Checkideas Is there any math models for this ideas in the Internet? Anypatents? Anyvideos? confirmation that our idea is unique All members
3 Organize the first meeting find information, staging and distribution of tasks The discussed issues Vlad
4 Timesheetcreation Creation time-sheets templates and insructions Time sheets, manual for timesheets Roma
5 Patent document creation and review Patentcreation Patentdocument Kate, Dima
6 Translation Translating of all necessary materials Translated document Kate
7 Searchusefullinks Search for ideas of mathematical models, videos, patents, diagrams, etc. The folder with helpful documents, videos Vlad, Dima
8 Searchoftechnicalresourses FabLabGuysdiscussion ContactswithFabLab Roma
9 Mathmodelcreation Сlarification of the matter: Is our model stable or unstable in different cases Math model Kate, Dima
10 Simulinkmodelcreation WorkinginSimulink Simulimk model Dima
11 Solidworksmodelcreating WorkinginSolidWorks Drawingofproject Roma
12 Purchaseproccess Search for necessary materials, prices for them choosing the best option Sheet of details and expenses Vlad
13 Projectplancreation Working in MS Project Project plan Nasty
14 Project design creation Creation of the document The document  
15 Preparingpresentation Presentationof BP ppx document Kate, Vlad
16 Organize the second meeting discussion of results distribution of tasks definition of time frames The discussed issues Vlad
17 Processes with Arduino Controller programming programmed controller Vlad, Dima
18 Searching for the extra details   replacement of a damaged part Roma
19 Control of the Assembly process Workwiththeteam   Kate
20 Generating ideas for the Assembly process Construction of installation drawings, search of components the solution found All members
21 Assemblyprocess Assembly process assembled device All members
22 Finalreport (+video) Gatheringinformation, reporting Final document Kate, Dima, Vlad

Project Implementation Plan

Work on the project begins with the formation of a patent; the next step is developing a business plan for the project with justification for its feasibility, other stage direct implementation of the project and presentation to the customer.

The baseline project plan and Gant’s diagram are represented at the Figures 16-17.

During the work on the project, we adhered to the plan developed at the stage of business planning.

Figure 16.Project plan(1)

Figure 17.Project plan(2)

Purchasing processes

During the creation of business plan we supposed we would have to buy all the details buy our own.According to this assumption required to purchase the components represented at the table 2.

Table 2. List of purchases

Line number Name Description Quantity Shop’s name Price per one (RUB)
1 Arduino UNO It may connect with PC, has suitable parameters for our project, has medium price 1 S.Redko store 0
2 USB cable For communication between Arduino and PC 1 S.Redko store 0
3 Breadboard Generalpartsforassembling 1 Амперка 290-390
4 Power supply Appropriate for particular stepper 1 Амперка 500-1500
5 Hook-up wires For communication between the elements of the system 1 S.Redko store 0
6 Bipolar stepper motor Stepper motors, due to their unique design, can be controlled to a high degree of accuracy without any feedback mechanisms 1 Амперка 1100-1500
7 Blades for stepper motor For turning the motor into a fan 3-5 FabLAbPolitech 500-1000
8 Ultrasound transducer A special sensor (the distance from the upper edge of the pipe to the soaring ball is measured in specified intervals of time) 1 S.Redko store 0
9 L293D chip The L293D chip is an assembly of four H-half-bridges. This can be used to independently control two DC motors 1 Амперка 290
10 A ball With a special weight and overall size 1 FabLAbPolitech 200-300
11 A pipe This part will be printed on the 3d printer 1 FabLAbPolitech 1000-2000


Summary** 6400


The cost of some parts may seem overpriced. The reason is that our team decided to use only high-quality parts. In addition, some details are planned to bedeveloped in cooperation with the FabLabPolitech.
*The links to components are represented at the table 2.
**We have a price range for most of positions:
1) Pessimistic forecast of cost is 6680 RUB;
2) Optimistic forecast is 6120 RUB;


3) Average(expected) cost is 6400 RUB.
100 Euro is 6736 rubles (exchange rate from 28.10.2017), so our costs keep limit.

Table 3. Links

Line number (in main table) Name Links*
3 Breadboard
4 Power supply
6 L293D chip
9 Bipolar stepper motor


In fact, we managed to establish cooperation with FabLab. As some of the details turned out to be quite difficult to be found in the city's online shops, we turned to representatives of the technical laboratory of the Polytechnic Institute.

Representatives of the FabLab were kindly allowed to use some of their details for the development of our device (with the condition of their subsequent return).

So the detail table looks like this(table 4):Table 4 actual worksheet

Line number Name Description Quantity Shop’s name Price per one (RUB)
1 Arduino UNO It may connect with PC, has suitable parameters for our project, has medium price 1 S.Redko store 0
2 USB cable For communication between Arduino and PC 1 S.Redko store 0
3 Foil-coated fiberglass Generalpartsforassembling - Own resourses 0
4 Power supply Appropriate for particular stepper 1 FabLAbPolitech 0
5 Hook-up wires For communication between the elements of the system 1 S.Redko store 0
6 Impeller* Stepper motors, due to their unique design, can be controlled to a high degree of accuracy without any feedback mechanisms 1 Avito 1300
7 Power regulator For turning the motor into a fan 1 FablabFabLAbPolitech 0
8 Light sensor A special sensor (the distance from the upper edge of the pipe to the soaring ball is measured in specified intervals of time) 2 Roboshop 50
9 Laser pointer Light source 2 Максидом 156
10 A ball With a special weight and overall size 1 Спортмастер 69
11 A pipe This part will be printed on the 3d printer 1 OBI 279


Summary** 2060


*Unfortunately, during the experiment the impeller(bought by us) became useless.Choosing this detail, we carefully checked its compatibility with the regulator and power source, but during the experiment we connected the impeller to the power unit without a speed regulator, so the impeller burned down.

So as not to spend your money on the purchase of another impeller, later we took a serviceable impeller in a FabLAbPolitech(for free with return).


Financial report

The financial report is represented in the table 5.All invoices are represented in this Appendix.

Table 5. Cost of parts

Expense item Price, RUR Price, EUR5 Amount Comments
1 Impeller 1300 18,5 1  
2 Light sensor 50 1,4 2  
3 Laser pointer 156 4,45 2  
4 A ball 69 1 1  
5 A pipe 279 3,98 1  
6 Foil-coated fiberglass 0 0 - We used our own materials


The exchange rate is 68.9 RUB per EURO (26.11.2017). Receipt from the bank is attached in the annex.

Projects risks

The key project risks are represented in the table 6

Table 6 Risks.

Risk Probability Influence Is it appear? Activities for minimization
1 Currency exchange rate will increase and the budget of project will decrease 30% 80% no exchange rate monitoring
2 Unreliable suppliers (long deliveries) 70% 35% no order in advance or buying more expensive details in the city shops
3 Low quality details 50% 40% no monitoring of comments on items
4 Deterioration of parts during the experiment 45% 70% yes carefully study the characteristics of the part
5 There is no enough knowledge and skills to realise project 30% 90% no study additional literature and the involvement of consultants
6 Too high workload of teammembers in other activities (study, work, etc.) will break time scopes 90% 85% no time planning and prioritization





1. Аржаников Н.С., Садекова Г.С. Аэродинамика больших скоростей. М.: Высш. шк., 1965

2. Аржаников Н.С., Мальцев В.Н. Аэродинамика (2-е изд.) М.: Оборонгиз, 1956

3. Валландер С.В. Лекции по гидроаэромеханике. Л.: Изд. ЛГУ, 1978

4. Как программировать контроллер Ардуино

5. Ардуино для начинающих


Appendix 1.Receipts

Appendix 2. Program code

#include <Servo.h>
* Скетч аэротрубы с обратной связью
* Вдефайнах эмпирически подобранные значения длины импульса посылаемого в регулятор

#define STAB_FLOW 962 //"на месте"
#define TOP_FLOW 965 //вверх
#define BOT_FLOW 960 //вниз


boolstart = true;

//Память под данные с датчиков

//значения с прошлого опроса
intprev_sens_top = 0;
intprev_sens_bot = 0;
//с текущего
intsens_top = 0;
intsens_bot = 0;

//для расчётов
inttemp_top = 0;
inttemp_bot = 0;

intpos = 1; //1 выше, 0 нормально, -1 ниже

voidsetup() {

//входы датчиков
pinMode(8, INPUT);
pinMode(9, INPUT);

//Запуск регулятора, менять не стоит.

voidloop() {
//Запуск с выталкиванием мяча
motor.writeMicroseconds(995);//обороты выталкивания на старте

//Длительность выталкивания на старте
start = false;
Serial.print("Topsensor: ");




Serial.print(" Bottomsensor: ");
prev_sens_top = sens_top;
prev_sens_bot = sens_bot;

sens_top = digitalRead(8);
sens_bot = digitalRead(9);

if (sens_top != prev_sens_toporsens_bot != prev_sens_bot) // еслиестьизменения
//узнаемчто-товродехарактераизменения: 1 = мячулетедслиниилазера, 0 = ничегонепроизошло, -1 = мячналетелналазер
temp_top = prev_sens_top - sens_top;
temp_bot = prev_sens_bot - sens_bot;

if(temp_top == 1)
if(sens_bot == 1)
pos = -1;
pos = 1;
if(temp_top == -1)
if(sens_bot == 1) pos = 0;
if(pos == -1) pos = 1;

if(temp_bot == 1)
if(sens_top == 1)
pos = 1;
pos = -1;
if(temp_bot == -1)
if(sens_top == 1) pos = 0;
if(pos == 1) pos = -1;

if(pos == 1)
if(pos == 0)





if(pos == -1)




Appendix 3. Used software



1. MatLab + Simulink

2. Microsoft Project

3. Solid Works

4. Arduino Software

Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 375; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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