The administrative system of Kenesary’s Khanate.

1) Kenesary was the effective ruler of the most of the Middle Horde with the aid of consul of tribal elders and leading batyrs. His chief aide was his brother Sultan Nairibai.

2) Kenesary supported his rebellion thought direct taxation and by exacting payment from all caravans passing through his territory.

3) Kenesary’s rule was based on law. He attempted to devise a code, which was based on Tauke’s Zhety-Zhargy with modifications from Sharia Law.

The Russians viewed the existence of a rival authority as intolerable. Finally, in 1844, the dispatched troops to the Middle Horde territory to defeat Kenesary. Kenesary left the Russian-controlled territory of the Middle Horde. He joined Jan-Khozha Nur Mukhammed uly in letter’s struggle to liberate the Kirgiz from the rule of Kokand. Kenesary died in battle in Kyrgyzstan in 1847. Following the defeat of Kenesary, the Russians strengthened their military presence in the territory of the Middle Horde and increased the number of Russian settlements throughout the steppe.

The historical significance. It was the greatest uprising against colonial policy of Russia and was spread all over three juzes.

Лекцияның мақсаты: Ресей империясының Қазақстандағы саясаты, хандық өкіметті жою және қазақтардың кедергі көрсетуі. Сырым Датов, Исатай Тайманов және Махамбет Өтемісов, Кеңесары Қасымов бастаған көтерілістер.


Лекцияның жоспары:

1. Сырым Датов бастаған көтеріліс (1783-1797).

2. Исатай Тайманов және Махамбет Өтемісов бастаған көтеріліс (1836-1838).

3. Кеңесары Қасымов бастаған көтеріліс (1837-1847).



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