Resort hotels (part 2)

Guests go to resorts for leisure and recreation. They want a good climate — summer or winter — in which they can relax or engage in recreational activities. Due to the remoteness of many resorts, guests are a of «captured clientele*, who may be on the property for days at a

. This presents resort managers with some unique operating challenges. Another operating challenge concerns seasonality — some resorts lither do not operate year-round or have periods of very low occupancy. Both present challenges in attracting, training, and retaining competent staff.

Many guests travel considerable distances to resorts. Consequently, they tend to stay longer than at transient hotels. This presents a challenge to the food and beverage manager to provide quality menus that are varied and are presented and served in an attractive, attentive manner. To achieve this, resorts often use a cyclical menu that repeats itself every fourteen to twenty-one days. Also, they provide a wide variety and number Of dishes to stimulate interest. Menus are now more health-conscious — lighter and low in saturated fats, cholesterol, salt, and calories.

The food needs to be presented in a variety of different ways. Buffets are popular because they give guests the opportunity to make choices from a display of foods. Barbecues, display cooking, poolside, specialty restaurants, and reciprocal dining arrangements with near-by hotels give {tints more options.

With increased global competition, not only from other resorts but

From cruise lines, resort managers are challenged to both attract guests and to turn those guests into repeat business, which traditionally HM been the foundation of the resorts viability. In order to increase occupancies, resorts have diversified their mar-kiting mix to include conventions, business meetings, sales meetings, incentive groups, sporting events, additional sporting and recreational Utilities, spas, adventure tourism, ecotourism, etc. Because guests are cocooned in the resort — they expect to be pam­pered. This requires an attentive, well-trained staff and that is a challenge in some remote areas and in developing countries. There are a number of benefits in operating resorts. The guests are much more relaxed in comparison to those at transient hotels, and the resorts are located in scenically beautiful areas. This frequently enables staff to enjoy a better quality of life than do their transient hotel counter­parts. Returning guests tend to treat associates like friends. This adds to the overall party-like atmosphere, which is prevalent at many of the ll pamper established resorts [1, 97—98].

Vocabulary notes

recreation отдых; восстановление здоровья, ду­шевных и физических сил; выздоровление; развлечение; хобби, приятное времяпрепровождение

to present (with smth.) зд. ставить (перед чем-л.; напр., необходимостью)


attentive зд. обходительный

challenge зд. проблема, которая требует от лица, берущегося за ее решение, полного приложения сил и тем самым пред­ставляющая для него интерес; букв. вызов

to be challenged находиться перед лицом такой пробле­мы (см. выше)


buffet зд. «шведский» стол

barbecue «барбекю» — мясо, которое жарят на решетке во время пикника или во дворе дома

opportunity возможность, шанс зд. (бизнес),

repeat business предпринимательская деятельность (бизнес), повторяющаяся многократно, систематически, по заданному, циклическому кругу

convention собрание, съезд (в США — Демократа­ми Республиканской партии)

saturated fats насыщенные жиры

cholesterol холестерин

viability жизнеспособность

incentive group инициативная группа

cocooned зд. опекаемый во всем

marketing mix зд. перечень предлагаемых (на рынке) самых разнообразных услуг

to pamper зд. чрезмерно заботиться; нежить и хо­лить (ср. неологизм в русском языке «памперсы»)

benefits льготы, привелегии

transient hotel транзитный отель (дешевая для проезжих пассажиров); отель кратковременного проживания

seasonality сезонность

ecotourism «экотуризм» — современная ность туризма, ориентированная на знакомство с природой и бережное от­ношение как к ней, так и к экологии в целом

year-round круглогодичный

counterpart человек, занимающий аналогичную должность в другой корпорации, фир­ме, гостинице и т.п.

to enable (smb.) to do (smth.) давать (кому-л.) возможность делать (что-либо)


to add (to smth.) зд. дополнительно способствовать (че­му-л.); привносить (что-либо)

prevalent распространенный, общепринятый

established зд. уже получивший широкую извест­ность; букв, установившийся


Vocabulary focus

4. Match the words and phrases on the left with the correct equivalent On the right:

1) staff a) близлежащий

2) beverage b) персонал

3) occupancy c) клиентура

4) achieve d) дополнительный

5) variety e) занятость (номеров в отеле)

6) additional f) добиваться

7) dish g) разнообразие

8) clientele h) блюдо (как еда)

9) near-by i) напиток

5. Match each word on the left with the correct definition on the right:

1) hotel a) a meal at which all the food is put on a table
and people go and choose what they want

2) resort b) a building where people pay to stay in a room
and have meals

3) ecotourism c) a list of the foods available in a restaurant, cafee, etc the business of creating and selling holidays that give people the chance to learn about a natural envi­ronment and cause as little damage to the environ­ment as possible

4) buffet d) a type of organized holiday in which people do
new and exciting things, for example, a trek, or a

5) cruise e) a place to which a lot of people go on holiday

6) menu f) a journey on a ship for pleasure, especially one
that involves visiting a series of places

7) adventure g) the business of creating and selling holidays that
tourism give people the chance to learn about a natural envi­ronment and cause as little damage to the environment as possible [7], [8]

6. Match the synonyms:

a) drink b) beautiful c) experienced d) choice e) guest f) resort g) problem h) smorgasbord i) foundation j) hotel

1) staff

2) spa

3) attractive

4) option

5) inn

6) well-trained

7) cocooned

8) team

9) basis

10) challenge


11) beverage k) far-away

12) visitor l) group

13) buffet m) pampered

14) remote n) personnel


7. Match the antonyms:


1) business

2) neglected

3) decrease

4) wide

5) near-by

6) the same

7) work

8) take

9) global

10) more

11) long

12) host


a) narrow

b) leisure

c) guest

d) various

e) relax

f) increase

g) remote

h) local

i) give

j) short

k) less

1) cocooned



8. Answer the questions on the text:

1. What distances do many guests have to travel in order to get to resorts?

2. How often should a typical cyclical menu repeat itself?

3. What does the term seasonally mean in the hotel business?

4. What is the difference between resort hotels and transient hotels?

5. What unique challenges are resort managers often confronted



6. Why do many guests tend to stay longer at resort hotels than at transientt ones?

7. What does a health-conscious menu mean?

8. What has traditionally been the foundation of the resorts viability?

9. What does resorts' diversified marketing mix include?

10. What enables resort hotel staff to enjoy a better quality of life? 11. Why is it difficult to provide resort hotels in some remote areas and In developing countries with well-trained staff?


9. Complete the sentences using proper words and phrases in the box.




1. Buffets give hotel guests the opportunity­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ ____ _____ from a display of various foods.

2. Practically, each resort has periods of ____.

3. Tourists go to resorts for _____.

4. Most ____ are located in scenically beautiful areas.

5. An attentive and well-trained ______ is the foundation of a re­sort hotel's viability.

6. It is the duty of to provide quality menus that are served in an attractive, attentive manner.

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