Exercise 3. Read the text and write a suitable heading to each paragraph.

Exercise 4. Match the words with the definitions in written form.



1 a person who make information about something thinker

2 someone who studied and writes about the meaning of things such philosopher

as life knowledge enlightener

3 someone who thinks about important subjects and develops new

ideas translator

4 someone who writes music

5 someone who starts an organization or institution composer

6 someone whose job is to translate spoken or written words into a founder

dif­ferent languages

Exercise 5. Express your opinion. What’s the main idea of the nineteenth word’s of edification. Which of these 3 proverbs best describe it?

1 Live and learn.

2 Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.

3 If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

Word nineteen

A child is not born a reasonable be­ing. It is only by listening and watching, examining everything by touching and tasting, that it learns what is good and what is bad. The more a child sees and hears, the more it knows. One may learn a good deal by listening to wise men. It is not enough to be endowed with a brain—only by hearing and memorizing the teachings of the learnt and by avoiding vices one can grow up a complete person.

But if one listens to wise words either with excessive enthusiasm or, conversely, paying too little at­tention, without asking what may not be clear, trying to get to the heart of the matter or drawing one's own conclusions, even though one may feel the wisdom and justice of such good counsels— what is the use of listening?

What can you talk about with a man who does not know the value of words?

As one sage put it: better to feed a pig that recognizes you ….


Exercise 6. Listen to the news, part [5]. Choose the right variant.


1. Reading or writing text messages while you are … is dangerous.

a) walking

c) reading

d) speaking

c) writing

2. Researchers found that there are more … to texting pedestrians than there are to texting motorists.

a) injuries per kilometer

b) injuries per meter

c) injuries per an hour

d) injuries per a day

3. A University professor said walking is ….

a) a complex action

b) a complex thing

d) a complex driving

c) a complex texting

4. The professor said over... people visited his hospital last year because they were injured while texting.

a) 8,000

b) 1,000

c) 1,500

d) 6,000


Дата добавления: 2015-12-17; просмотров: 18; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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