Complete the sentences. Here words you need. (Fair, beggar, waterproof, toothbrush, dead)

1. After your shower, don't forget to clean your teeth with the electric _____________________________.
2. When I was young, there was a competition between the _____________________________-haired girls and black-haired ones in the playground.
3. At the corner of my street, I saw a _____________________________-woman. She looked so sad and so depressed that I gave her all the money in my wallet. It's a pity to see that people are still homeless in this day and age.
4. Unfortunately, my makeup was not _____________________________, so the rain made me look like a witch while I was leaving the church with my husband.
5. Don't take this street. Didn't you see the traffic sign? It's a _____________________________-end and now you have to turn around.

Exercise 1. Pre-listening task. Look at this extract from a TV guide and answer the questions.

8.0 That’ll Teach ‘Em

Final part of the six-part series following a group of modern 16-year-old school children in a 1950s boarding school, This week: Exams!

  1. What do you think the idea of the programme was?
  2. Which of these things do you think pupils hated the most?

the food wearing a uniform

not being able to watch TV going for cross-country runs

not being able to use mobiles having cold showers

having a lot of homework

  1. What do you think the discipline was like? How do you think the children were punished for behaving badly?
  2. Do you think the pupils did well or badly when they took 1950s exams?


Exercise 2. Listen to a TV critic talking about the programme That’ll Teach ‘Em. Listen again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

1. 16 children took part in the experiment.    
2. They didn’t have to sleep at the school.    
3. The uniforms were not very comfortable.    
4. They had to stay inside the school grounds all the time.    
5. The children weren’t allowed to talk during the classes.    


Exercise 3. Discuss on the given situation.

Your childhood

Ask a partner about his/her childhood

A When you were a child, did you use to watch a lot of TV?

B Yes, I did. But I don’t watch TV any more.

A What was your favourite programme?...

When you were a child, did you use to…?

share a bed watch a lot of TV

be ill a lot hate any particular food

do any sport fight with your brother/ sister

play in the street visit your grandparents

like school be afraid of anything

eat a lot of sweets have a favourite pop group/ singer


Дата добавления: 2015-12-17; просмотров: 21; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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