Abai (Ibrahim) Kunanbayev

Abai (Ibrahim) Kunanbayev (1845-1904) is the

greatest Kazakh poet- enlightener, thinker, philosopher, composer, the founder of classic Kazakh written literature. Abai was a son of sultan Kunanbay (a governor) of Eastern Kazakhstan (now it is Semey district) and Ulzhan. They named him Ibrahim, but because of his brightness, he soon was given the nickname "Abai. His father's economic status enabled the boy to attend a Russian school in his youth. Abai finished medresse (muslim religious school). He started writing poetry at school.

Abai’s main contribution to Kazakh culture and folklore lies in his poetry, which expresses great love to his nationand grew out of Kazakh folk culture. Abai’s creative poetry affected the philosophical thinking of educated Kazakhs.

A lot of his poems are dedicated to new attitude to the family, the parents' duty, education young generation. He described nature, life and traditions of common people poetically. Abai’s poetry and music is full of deep lyricism, soft humor, exposure of disgrace, great love to his nation.

Contemporary Kazakhs images of Abai generally depict him in full traditional dress holding the dombra. The Kazakh National Pedagogical University was named after Abai, so is one of the main avenues in the city of Almaty. There are also public schools with his name. Statues of him have been erected in many cities of Kazakhstan. A film on the life of Abai was made by Kazakhfilm in 1995, titled Abai.

Дата добавления: 2015-12-17; просмотров: 18; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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