Exercise 4 Listen again and answer the following questions.

a) How long have they known each other?

b) In what way are they different?

c) What do they have in common?

d) What sort of things do they do together?


Exercise 5 Use the photo and the context to describe Mary.



      “Don’t you know, Mary? She’s got shoulder-length wavy/straight blond hair. She’s quite short/tall and slim/overweight. She gas got brown eyes. She’s middle-aged/in her early twenties. Her brother, Tony, is a good friend of mine. Both of them like outdoor sports like skiing/stamp collecting and hiking/listening to music. She is a very outgoing, sociable/shy sort of person who seems to know hundreds of people. She’s very cheerful/stubborn -you know, the sort of person who is always laughing. But she can be a bit disorganized/reliable. She once lost everybody’s cinema tickets and we all had to pay again!”

Exercise 6 . Discuss on the given situation.

You don’t like your girl friend’s / boyfriend’s style / manner/ character. For example he/she is very talkative. How do you say about it?


Exercise 7 Read and translate the first two paragraphs.

Дата добавления: 2015-12-17; просмотров: 14; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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