B) fill in the gaps with the words from the box in a) and translate these sentences into Russian.

1. The exhaust fumes ……………………. our cities

2. Experts are ………………… a recovery in the economy.

3. His wife …………………..ed him on the trip.

4. The company plans ………………. its operations into Europe.

5. None of them could …………………… £50 for a ticket.

6. The river has been ………………………. with toxic waste from local factories.

7. It is difficult to ………………the demand for the new train service.

8. The school is ………………… the range of subjects taught.

9. The report …………….. that prices will rise by 3% next month.

10. She felt she couldn't ……………………… any more time off work.

11. It is difficult ………………..  how the markets will react.     

12. He couldn't …………………….. the money to go on the trip.

13. I must ask you …………………….. me to the police station.

Task 3. Revise the synonyms from the previous units.

A customer, to found, an impact, figures, to produce, to complete, to buy, colleague, to arrange, to run a business, un/fortunately, to appreciate, a company, a challenge, to increase.

Task 4. Reproduce the text about Barone Ricasoli and Brolio Castle.

According to Family Business, the leading American magazine that deals with the world classification of family businesses, Barone Ricasoli is the fourth longest-lived company in the world and the second in the wine sector. Barone Ricasoli is therefore the oldest winery in Italy. The name Ricasoli has been linked to wine since 1141, when Brolio Castle passed into the hands of the Ricasoli family.


After centuries defending the lands and signorial feuds, the Ricasolis dedicated themselves to the development of agriculture and vineyard. Already in the 1600s documents report the first exports to Amsterdam and England, whereas at the start of the 1900s Brolio wines were known and were exported all over the world: China, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Guatemala, Costa Rica and the then British African colonies.

The first stones of Brolio Castle dates back to the middle ages. The castle passed into the hands of the Ricasoli family thanks to an exchange of lands in 1141. Brolio, on the border between the territories of Siena and Florence, soon became the stage for all the disputes of the period, representing the Florentine bulwark against the fearsome Siena. Through the centuries the castle has suffered attacks and destruction in numerous historical battles, from Aragonese and Spanish attacks during the fifteenth century, to disputes in the seventeenth century right through to bombings and artillery attacks during the Second World War.


The castle has been rebuilt and modified several times and today it bears marks of the different eras: from the fortified medieval bastions to the Romanesque and neo-Gothic additions and the unique nineteenth century Tuscan details.


The castle is surrounded by 240 hectares of vineyards, forming part of the farm’s lands, making it the largest in the Chianti Classico area: 1,200 hectares in the communes of Gaiole and Castelnuovo Berardenga – valleys, hills, woods of oak and chestnut trees, 26 hectares of olive groves, all enjoying the beauty and the wide variety of soils and climate in this central Chianti area. The nearby avant-garde cellars are where we undertake the same pursuit of excellence today that drove Bettino Ricasoli to invent the Chianti formula in 1872.

Task 12. Do research. Describe different products Russian and overseas companies have been producing for a certain period of time. Say when and where they started the production of these products; if they have ever exhibited their products at international events; if their sales have increased or dropped for their history.  



UNIT X Will Our Planet Survive?


       Topical Vocabulary

To preserve wildlife habitats Сохранять среду обитания дикой природы
To have hope for Иметь / питать надежду на
To worry about Беспокоиться, волноваться
To take action Начинать действовать
To live in poverty Жить в нищете
To cause global warming Вызывать глобальное потепление
To limit damage Уменьшать ущерб
To reduce aircraft emissions Сокращать самолётные выхлопы
To lose home Терять дом, жилище
To live in coastal areas Жить в прибрежных районах
To get a promotion Получать повышение
To make a profit Получать прибыль
To increase life expectancy Увеличивать продолжительность жизни
To have an average birth rate Иметь средний уровень рождаемости
To forecast a fall in smth Предсказывать падение чего-либо
To maintain the present population level Поддерживать существующий уровень численности населения
To have a good health care Иметь хорошую систему здравоохранения
The other day На днях (по отношению к прошлому)
To have storage space Иметь место для хранения
Public sanitation Оздоровление общества, санитарные условия, водопровод и канализация
An infectious disease Инфекционное заболевание
To increase with each generation Увеличиваться с каждым поколением



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