Answer the following questions. 1. What was Tarl Pricehouse's springtime habit?

1. What was Tarl Pricehouse's springtime habit? 2. Why did his wife, Bessie, resent it so much? 3. How had Tarl managed to get away from home the previous years? 4. How was he planning to leave this time? 5. How did Bessie try to persuade him to stay home? 6. What was Tarl's position in the house? 7. What story did Tarl invent? 8. How did it happen that Bessie believed his story so well? 9. What mistake had Tarl made? 10. What was Tarl's punishment?

Paraphrase or explain.

1. ... for once not bothering to think of an excuse to leave home ... 2. ... and to fish and fish to his heart's content. 3. ... about nine miles due west from town ... 4. Bessie, who was well into her forties ... .5. ... he would make no more than a token visit ... 6. ... to travel around the county and electioneer for a first cousin who was running for reelection to a local political office. 7. ... so I can put food on the table

and clothes on our backs ... 8. He was sure he had detected in her voice the first faint note of interest. 9. ... I'd feel like a fool if I wasn't on hand to claim my share of it... . 10. ... he walked head-on into Bessie. 11. ... and, silently enduring the swinging pain of disappointment, walked despondently down the street behind Bessie ...

Say what is meant by

fishing gear; a pipe tobacco; a spring-watered stream; a bulging sack; for all time; an adjoining county; word of honor; a flimsy excuse; an ingratiating manner; odds and ends; a front (back) yard; pots and pans; twilight; a vision; a screen door; a floral wrapper; from one day to next; a hiding place; foolproof directions; persistent questioning

Express the following in neutral style.

1. Mighty nice, fine weather ... 2. You're not leaving the house one step tomorrow ... 3. It don't sound like your real self at all. 4. Every summer those disgraceful pig weeds mortify me. 5. Every last one of the neighbors knows ... 6.. It's always been my nature to treat you good. 7. ... I never had this very same thing happen to me before in my whole livelong life ... 8. I know the scheme you're fixing up in your mind ... 9. ... so I can locate the very exact spot ... 10. It's not like I was fixing to go off for good and ever. 11. I don't know a single, solitary reason ... 12. Let's don't waste another minute ...

Find in the text the English for

последний день мая; на следующее утро; набор рыболов­ных крючков; леска; рыболовная снасть; уложить в жестяную коробку; полотняный мешок; лишняя пара ботинок -:а плохую погоду; трубочный табак; извиваться (о реке); сидеть в обнимку с мешком; работать круглый год; задох­нуться (от быстрой ходьбы); отвлечь внимание; кивнуть в ответ; твердо решить; положить конец чему-либо раз и навсегда; объявить с серьезным видом; неохотно дать свое согласие; визит для проформы; дать честное слово; двоюродный брат; баллотироваться для переизбрания; поли­тическая должность; быть преисполненным решимости; изменить свое решение; неосновательный предлог; одура­чить; заискивающе; отправиться на рыбную ловлю; подстригать траву; кормить и одевать; отлынивать от работы; греметь кастрюльками; свинцовое грузило; компенсировать; мыть посуду; откашляться; возбудить интерес; сгущающиеся сумерки; пение ночных птиц; сбываться (о мечте); хлоп­нуть дверью; сказать с жаром; потребовать свою долю; не видеть ни одной живой души; определить точное местона­хождение; крупная купюра; разменная монета; передви­нуться на край стула; настойчивые вопросы; растянуться на кровати; ощущать телесный и душевный покой; клонить ко сну; идти на цыпочках; зашнуровать ботинки; первый бледный луч зари; шоссе; грузовая машина; догнать кого- либо; не сомкнуть глаз; просидеть всю ночь без сна; пере­кинуть мешок через плечо; разочарование


Study the italicized phrases. Recall how they were used in the text. Make sentences with each.


1. She said she wasn't coming to the party. She just didn't feel like it. 2. Neither of them felt like discussing the matter any further. 3. The thought that it couldn't have been his fault after all put his mind at ease. 4. She felt quite at ease in the new surroundings. 5. We really ought to find some way of putting an end to all that noise. 6. He finally cajoled his parents into letting him buy a motor-cycle. 7. It's

useless trying to talk her into anything if she's dead set against it. 8. He has no manners to speak of. 9. He worked hard in an effort to make up for what he had missed because of his illness. 10. It was a lifelong dream that had miraculously come true. 11. There's not a word of truth in the story. He's thought it all up. 12. It's just like my brother to go and get himself into a mess. 13. At any sports competition there's always a doctor on hand to give first and if necessary. 14. He said he wanted to see you. He made it a point in fact. 15. As far (near) as I can make out there's nothing to be afraid of. 16. He helped me of his own accord. 17. They were nearing the woods when I caught up with them. 18. He used every spare minute to catch up on his reading. 19. You don't expect me to keep up with the Joneses, do you?

Дата добавления: 2018-02-18; просмотров: 345; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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